God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1486: What happened at that meal delivery

As soon as he saw the caller ID, Andy frowned!

Because the words shown above are exactly the two words "lick the dog"!

As soon as the phone was answered, Song Yue's pleasing voice rang!

"Mr. Andy!"

"Haha, Miss Song, what's the matter?"

"Did my father call you?"

"Yes, just played."

"He, what did he tell you?"

Song Yue asked hurriedly!

Andy looked at Hayes, and Hayeston nodded.

Andy spoke immediately.

"Your father said that we would add 50% of the benefits to the George family, and then send the grandmaster to fight with the Song family."

"Asshole! Why is this old guy so shameless!"

Song Yue was directly angry!

Then he spoke to Andy with a flat face!

"Don't listen to him! My grandfather just said that it will add 30% to the benefits! Also, you must not send a master! I heard that there is a precept of Kyushu, once the fifteenth level of the field comes, it will be ten great I will do it!"

Listening to Song Yue's words, Andy and Hayes were stunned!

Is Song Yue a fool?

Actually backhanded they sold the family for these foreigners!

This is no longer a dog licking, this is simply looking at a dog!

Even licking is not qualified, you can only watch others lick!

Huaxia Land will actually appear in this species, which is simply subverting the three views!

And Hayes even moved his lips slightly, looking at the shape of his mouth, he was obviously saying "bitch"!

"Miss Song, is there anything else?"

Andy spoke impatiently.

Although Song Yue is their looking dog, even Andy can't help but feel contempt and disgust!

This kind of woman is simply indescribable!

"Ah? No, nothing else, don't worry, our Song family will definitely rescue Gal..."


Andy agreed and hung up the phone quickly!

Every second of talking to this woman makes him feel sick!


Hanging up, Andy and Hayes took a breath at the same time, only to feel that the surrounding air was much fresher!

"Elder, although this woman is lowly, the news she just received is very useful. How do we reply to Song Minghe?"

Hayes frowned slightly, his expression changed for a while, and finally spoke!

"You can increase the price by 30%, and... let Bishop and Eugene prepare!"


Andy was taken aback for a moment, but then his complexion changed drastically!

"Elder! Bishop and Eugene are sixteenth-level masters! Bishop is even one of the elders! If you really let them go to China, then if something happens, then our George family will treat the William and Morgan families again. There is no advantage!"

But before Andy finished speaking, Hayes suddenly spoke!

"Don't you understand? This is clearly the Song family's radical method!"


Andy was taken aback!

And Hayes spoke proudly with an expression of seeing through the conspiracy!

"As soon as Song Ming He talked to you about the conditions, this **** called. It's a coincidence!"

"You mean there is a problem here?"

"Yes! I just analyzed it in depth. The Song family's meaning is obviously that if we don't send a grandmaster, then we have to add 50%! And if we send a grandmaster, we can only add three achievements!"

"So that's what I meant!"

Andy suddenly realized!

"But Grand Elder, the Song family looks down on our George family's grandmaster, right? My George family's grandmaster is worth that 20% of the money?"

"That's why I said it was a radical approach!"

Hayes sneered directly!

"His Song family is clearly mocking our George family grandmaster as rubbish!"

"And Song Yue's words are even more saying that George is timid! Don't have the guts to send a grandmaster to China!"

"Huh! I dare to underestimate us! Then I will let him know about the strength of our George family!"

As soon as Hayes spoke, Andy nodded again and again!

"What the great elder said! Humph! Actually dare to underestimate us. If our George family doesn't show off their strength this time, they will really be despised by them!"

Poor licking dog Song Yue didn't know that her phone call didn't work, but the George family made up the determination to send a grandmaster!

But at this moment, Andy seemed to think of something, and suddenly hesitated to look at Hayes.

"But Great Elder, what contradiction did we have with Jiang Fan before? Why did we pay such a high price to kill him?"

This problem has troubled Andy for a long time!

He really couldn't figure out what Jiang Fan did to make people like the George family as if they were beaten with blood, so they must kill him!

Hayes was silent for a moment, but suddenly raised his head to look at an oil painting framed by a gold frame on the wall!

The painting shows a man holding a saber, wearing a white wool curly wig, his face is full of pride, and there is an enemy covered in blood under his feet!

This person is the ancestor of the George family and the first master of the George family!

If Jiang Fan were here and seeing this painting, he would definitely recognize his identity at a glance!

This is astonishingly the one he encountered when he traveled to 1743-

Pour the juice!



"Andy, do you know who he is?"

"Know! This is our ancestor-peanuts! Stew!"

Andy said, and immediately bowed respectfully to the portrait!

Hayes nodded in satisfaction.

"What I want to tell you next is a secret that only the patriarch and elders can know! This matter is related to the entire George family! It is absolutely not allowed to spread!"

Andy's heart froze, and then he was suddenly filled with great joy!

Hayes' words undoubtedly explained his future identity!


Andy hurriedly spoke!

Hayes took a deep breath before speaking slowly.

"Our feud with Jiang Fan originated from this ancestor, the father of the ancestor, who was killed by Jiang Fan!"


Andy exclaimed suddenly!

He simply suspected that there was a problem with his ears!

"Great Elder, the ancestors were people more than two hundred years ago! And the first time we learned about Jiang Fan, he didn't even have the strength of tenth level! It is absolutely impossible to live so long! And, more than two hundred years, nearly three hundred How could he be so young in 2016! Or the only descendant of the Jiang family that has been destroyed?"

Andy's face is unbelievable!

"This is exactly what we want to know!"

Hayes' face was extremely gloomy!

"It's Jiang Fan, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

"Because this name is exactly the same as the enemy of the ancestor! He is also a takeaway, and even looks the same!"

As Hayes spoke, he had already removed the oil painting, and then pulled out another portrait from the back!

When he saw the portrait, Andy suddenly exclaimed!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

That's right!

That oil painting is painted on Jiang Fan!

And it's Jiang Fan in a takeaway suit!

The key is!

Looking at the corners of the oil painting and the degree of wear and tear on the painting, the history of this painting is probably not less than two hundred years!

And two hundred years ago, there was no such word as takeaway!

There will be no such takeaway service!

Even if Jiang Fan is here, I am afraid he will be confused!

The history he traveled through has never changed!

What happened after Jiang Fan delivered the meal!

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