God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1474: Devil in human skin

Just when Yuguangzi was full of joy after the disaster, Jiang Fan finally spoke.

"Master Yuguangzi, I heard that Jin Dan can quickly improve the strength of a cultivator?"

"Ah? Oh! Yes! Golden Core is arguably the purest energy body, and it absorbs extremely fast..."

"So, there are no side effects?"

"If you don't count the possible thunder robbery, there is indeed no side effect, but Mr. Jiang, this, this, this, this, this is a real big taboo! In case someone knows..."

Yuguangzi was sweating profusely!

Everyone knows the benefits of Jindan!

But even if it's a wicked way, few people have dared to practice killing people and taking pills through the ages!

This is because once someone learns about it, the entire cultivation world will gang up and attack!

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking yet, Jiang Fan has thrown Lei Yan's golden core directly at him!

"Send you off!"


Yuguangzi was shocked!

Looking at the golden core in his hand incredibly!

Jiang Fan had already thrown away the golden core belonging to Lei Zhen in his hand, and then thrown it to Yu Guangzi!

"This one is for Yu Xuzi!"

Yuguangzi trembled again!

"Mr. Jiang! This, it's impossible! In case anyone knows, our Jinglingzong..."

"You Jinglingzong won't forget that you were almost wiped out by the Casting Sect not long ago, right?"

Before Yu Guangzi finished speaking, Jiang Fan interrupted him directly!

Yuguangzi's complexion changed, and Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"The strength of the Jing Lingzong is too weak, if you don't have the capital to protect yourself, and you have such a profitable business, I am afraid that there will be disasters in the future!"

"I can catch it once, but I may not catch it the second time, but when that happens, is it more serious to commit the taboo, or to destroy the door?"

Yuguangzi trembled!

And Jiang Fan has slowly walked out of the attic.

"Yuguangzi, as the saying goes, people without far-sightedness must have near-worries, but if they don't even have the ability to solve near-worries, is that far-sighted still meaningful? Don't let today's Dangshan Sect become tomorrow's Jingling Sect! "

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, a scream of screams suddenly sounded in the square outside!

It was Curtis with a hideous look, taking revenge on the group of Dangshan sect who tortured him!

Yuguangzi's hands trembled, his eyes suddenly fierce, and he directly swallowed Lei Yan's golden core!

Jiang Fan had a meal, and finally smiled with satisfaction!

"Don't worry, the cultivation world has no chance to attack us!"


Yuguangzi was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan has already walked towards the square with a smile!

At this moment, the square has been divided into two halves, half of which is Curtis grinning and tossing the Dangshan Sect disciples who have tortured him!

Under the burning of the fire, the disciples of the Dangshan Sect called one worse than the other!

The people on the other side who were blackmailed by Wang Yi saw this picture, and they trembled all over, and hurriedly took out all of their things!

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, Wang Yi immediately greeted him with a wicked smile!

"Master! The oil and water of the Dangshan Sect is beyond imagination! You see, in just such a short time, so many things have been produced!"

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan frowned!

"Pharaoh! You are really hand-made! Are you satisfied?"


Wang Yi was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Curtis!

"Curtis! What do you call revenge?"


The Necromancer was also taken aback!

"Master, I, I'm already ruthless!"

"No! I'm not talking about the physical! For the enemy, you have to learn to destroy the enemy spiritually!"

As Jiang Fan said, he looked gloomily at the Dangshan Sect disciples who had been tortured by the fire!

"Each person has a whip. They are not allowed to use their cultivation bases, and they will draw each other! I can spare him if he survives in the end!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, the goose bumps on everyone's body began to appear!

Too ruthless!

Jiang Fan's method, even an extraterritorial demon can't do it!

Those disciples of the Dangshan Sect were even more pale, and even one of them peeed in shock!

"Big, sir, please, let go, let us go!"

"I, we don't want to die!"

"As long as you let us go, we are willing to do anything!"

"Please be kind, please kindly!"

Several people desperately begged for mercy!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, his fingers hooked, and a whip on the ground had already reached his hand, the next moment, he seemed to slap one of them fiercely!


A loud noise!

That person was pumped in half by Jiang Fan!

In the blood flying, everyone's scared faces are blue!

Among the crowd on the opposite side, a young disciple couldn't control it anymore, and stood up with a cruel expression!

"Jiang Fan! You, you are not human! You are killing innocent people! You must not—"


Jiang Fan didn't wait for the disciple to finish, but his backhand was a whirlwind thrown out!

next moment!


The disciple let out a miserable cry, and the whole body was directly shattered by the whirlwind!

Everyone is scared to see it!

And Jiang Fan had already looked at the crowd coldly!

Among the hundreds of Dangshan Sect disciples, no one dared to look at him!

"Huh! A bunch of bitches!"

"Listen to Lao Tzu, all of you gangsters! Since you Dangshan Sect provokes me recklessly, you must be prepared for my revenge!"

"You dare to skin my people and tear them apart, and I will thwart you!"

Jiang Fan's tone is calm, but the killing intent in it is like a bitter cold wind!

A group of Dangshan sects gurgled in cold sweat, and a few female disciples were even frightened and fainted!

"Yes, the one who can really do it is Lei Yan! We, we are innocent!"

A disciple of the Dangshan Sect who almost had a nervous breakdown, opened his mouth crying!


"This is the reason why you are still alive!"

Jiang Fan smiled sorrowfully!

"As for how long you can live, it depends on what you can give!"

Everyone trembled!

And Jiang Fan had already coldly looked at the Dangshan Sect disciples who had tortured Curtis!

"Don't do it yet!"


One of them suddenly looked fierce, and picked up a whip directly, and suddenly drew it at the companion next to him!


A crisp sound!

The man's skin was ripped apart, and all the muscles on his arm were torn off!


The person next to him screamed and rolled around in pain!

As soon as someone did it, the others picked up their whips and whipped each other!

For a time, the entire square was filled with the sound of whip dancing, and the screams of those people after they were hit by the whip!

But in a moment, almost all of these people have disappeared, and only the last breath is left!

And the most miserable was the person who started his hands. He caused everyone's jealousy and was drawn directly into a **** skeleton!

Everyone was sweating profusely, and they were terrified!

Too ruthless!

Jiang Fan is not a human at all!

He is a demon in human skin!

The point is, when I think of what Jiang Fan said just now--

As for how long you can live, it depends on what you can give! ——

Everyone's heart is pumping!

One of the men who had already handed over all his belongings suddenly reacted, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a white jade bottle the size of a thumb!

"Big, sir, I forgot just now, I still have such a magic weapon..."

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