"Ding! Gonitz bloodline is extremely pure, and the blood energy content is extremely high, which is different from Weisi and Maizhuo! Does the host sell it?"

"What are you...sell!"

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and finally roared!


With a white light shed, the blood of Wei Si and Mai Zhuo has completely disappeared!

On Jiang Fan's account, a full 400,000 more causal points have been added!

Counting what was left before, at this moment Jiang Fan's total number of causal points has reached an unprecedented 680,000!

With such an astonishing number, even Jiang Fan, who was still fighting the system, couldn't help but smile!


That's so cool!

The transfer task is indeed a combination of risks and opportunities!

But this is not the best!

"Gonitz, the Kusana family's moves that I imitated with the great move of the universe are genuine, and you must see this scene, you absolutely can't help but find the Kusana family's revenge? Hey, hey, without the three artifacts, I will use your life for you! "

With a gloomy smile, Jiang Fan turned around and left!

The Kusanagi family has a long history, Jiang Fan never believes that there are only two masters in their family!

As long as Gonitz goes, it will never come out so easily!

What's more, Kusuna Chaishu went to Kagura Shrine and was not at home, and since Gonitz had promised not to kill Kusunakyo, he would definitely not do it!

These two main characters do not die!

Regarding whether this trick will touch the bottom line of the system, Jiang Fan has left it alone!

Anyway, the three artifacts are all scrapped, could there be something worse than this?

Not long after Jiang Fan left, a howling gust of wind suddenly came to this small building!

As the wind dissipated, Gonitz holding the Bible suddenly appeared!

He walked into the small building quickly, and the scene in front of him directly stunned Gonitz!

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si have turned into two cold corpses, and from the pale complexion of the two, it can be seen that their blood has completely disappeared!

"Wei Si... Mai Zhuo..."

Gonitz trembled all over!

The heavenly gods count as the serpent, there are only nine people in total!

And he doesn't know where the others are now!

Only Mai Zhuo and Wei Si are his only companions!

But now, these two clansmen died like this!

Although the Bajie Collection will never disappear, it takes time to reincarnate!

Even in this era, they may not appear again!

"Who is it! Who is it!!!"

Gonitz suddenly roared!

In an instant, the entire small building was blown away into fly ash by his violent aura!

And the two breeze has enveloped Wei Si and Mai Zhuo's body!

Surprisingly, Gonitz was examining the bodies of the two of them, trying to find out the cause of their deaths!

next moment!

"Nine wounds and poisonous bites? It's Kusanaru's moves!"

"There is no trace of Chi Yan?"

"No! Although there is no Chi Yan, this masculine energy is simply stronger than Chi Yan!"

"Can't go wrong! It must be the Kusanaru family!"

"Damn! You thought I wouldn't know you did it without Chi Yan?"

"Okay! Okay! The Kusanaru family, I wanted to wait until the resurrection of the master of the snake and destroy you, it seems I am too kind!"

"You guys, go to death for me!"

With this roar of Gonitz, a storm suddenly rose into the sky!

Take him directly to the Kusanaru's house!

This storm continued to grow along with Gonitz's advance, and in the end, it turned into a tornado like a natural disaster!

"Then, what is that?"

"What a big tornado!"

"Oh my God! How could such a tornado suddenly appear on the land!"

"so horrible!"

When the nearby crowd saw the group of tornadoes, they all showed terrified expressions!

But Jiang Fan, who was hiding in the crowd, smiled coldly!

Go straight to a hotel!

This night, the whole city is destined to not be peaceful, but let them toss, and what I have to do now is to recharge!

As for life and death, it depends on tomorrow!


When I wake up, the sky is already bright!

Jiang Fan stretched hard and finished washing, then Qianhe turned on his mobile phone!

Just after turning on the phone, Qianhe's number was called!

"Jiang Fan! It's not good! Something big happened!"

"what happened?"

Jiang Fan asked knowingly.

"Gonitz broke into Kusanaru's house last night and started killing!"


Jiang Fan's expression was plain, but his tone was full of shock!

"and after?"

"Several seniors of the Kusana family took action, and Gonitz was injured, but in the end not only those seniors died, but the entire Kusana family disappeared!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Sure enough, I guessed it right!

The Kusanaru family really has a hole card!

"Hello? Jiang Fan! Are you listening?"


"That's good. Also, the whereabouts of Kusanagikyo is unknown, and Iori An has also disappeared!"


Jiang Fan was really stunned this time!

But he reacted immediately!

"They didn't go to the fighting contest?"

"No, I'm right there, there is no shadow of them at all!"

"Oh shit!!"

Jiang Fan roared directly!

The system is amazing too!

Previously, Qianhe wanted to use the three artifacts, but at this time, it happened unexpectedly. The three artifacts were all used to strengthen the seal of the snake!

But he deceived Gonitz and asked for the blood of his serpent, which caused his strength to decline. As a result, the indiscretion that Kusanagi should have understood was simply abolished!

Now he calculated Gonitz by himself, let him break into the Kusakura's house and kill him and was injured. As a result, Kusunakyo and Iorikan were all missing!

The plan that I had arranged before is now completely abolished!

The requirements of the three-turn mission are actually more stringent than before, and no tricks are allowed at all!

In other words, everything that I did was useless!

Jiang Fan squeezed his fist tightly, wishing to smash the system!

This is really forcing him to be **** Goenitz!

"Jiang Fan, you, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's scolding on the other side, Qianhe suddenly panicked!

"It's okay! I'll find you in a while!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan suddenly couldn't help laughing!

It's just that the laughter is full of self-deprecating!

"Hey! The system, since I didn't let me take tricks, why didn't you say it earlier? You have never done this before for other orders!"

However, the system did not respond.

Until Jiang Fan thought that the system would not answer at all, the system's voice suddenly sounded!

"Ding! This question belongs to the scope of job transfer tasks, and the system refuses to answer!"

Jiang Fan was startled!

The system actually refuses to answer!

I don't know why, from the short sentence of the system, he actually seemed to faintly feel a different meaning!

for a long time!

"Alright! Since you want me to play fist, then just play fist!"

Jiang Fan murmured, but suddenly a ruthless look appeared in his eyes!

From this moment on, the real battle will finally begin!

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