God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1329: More legendary than Teacher Tony

That brawny man's fist was almost bigger than a nine-inch pizza, and when he punched it was a sonic boom that tore through the air!

This punch blasted out, even if it was the normal thirteenth level limit, it would definitely not be able to hold it!


"Holden! You **** light up!"

"Fool! Where can I get information if I beat him to death!"

"Don't forget his men!"

The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

Horton was shocked, but now it was too late to stop!

In the anxious eyes of everyone, Holden's fist has suddenly hit Jiang Fan's chest!


A loud noise!

The vegetation is splashing and the dust is flying!



Suddenly a crisp sound of fracture sounded!


In the end, there was a terrible scream!

Everyone clenched their fists in pain!

That's it!

That kid must have been killed!

damn it!

Horton, the idiot!

Shouldn't bring him out!

At this moment, on the huge coconut tree a few hundred meters away from here, Archibald opened his mouth even more, and the whole person was stunned!

Damn Nima!

These **** bastards!

Today, since he learned from Yang Qiu that Jiang Fan is the star of the takeaway, his mind suddenly moved!

He has seen Jiang Fan's two subordinates all shots, the strength of a half-step master or above is very powerful!

The point is that the ocean shuttler Schmidt who stayed on the roof before was killed by them!

You're so embarrassed to die!

So he immediately became vigilant!

For Jiang Fan's strength here, there was also fear!

The old guy thought for a while, and finally made a plan. He first found a woman from the bar, let her pass the hotel waiter, and sent the letter to Jiang Fan!

The goal is to separate Jiang Fan from his subordinates, then capture Jiang Fan alive, and ask for a way to continue his life!

But I didn't expect that Jiang Fan would be followed by the group of Udola just after he left the hotel!

The old guy is stunned, so he has been following along secretly!

But unexpectedly, these guys are so stupid!

He killed Jiang Fan as soon as he shot it!

That's a means of renewing one's life!

These idiots! moron! Big idiot!

Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu must make you cramps alive!

Archibald's eyes are red!

It's about to be shot!

But at this moment!

With a sea breeze blowing, the smoke and dust scattered!

In an instant, everyone opened their mouths wide, and could hardly believe their eyes!

I saw Jiang Fan still standing there, even with a trace of pity on his face!

And Horton, who had just smashed the earth-shattering punch, knelt helplessly on the ground, his face was muddy with tears, nose, and saliva!

And his huge fist was already like a bone thrown into a meat grinder, the broken one was terrible!

This guy punched Jiang Fan just now, Jiang Fan had nothing to do, but the terrifying counter-shock force directly shattered Horton's fist!

At this moment, Holden couldn't say a word that hurts at all!

"No, it's impossible!"

"Why, how could this happen!"

"Obviously Holden is about to kill him, why is Holden injured now?"

The crowd is full of unbelievable faces!

"You guys, don't you understand?"

Jiang Fan looked at these guys helplessly.

"Understand what?"

The crowd looked blank!

That's stupid!

Jiang Fan sighed. If he didn't need these guys to cause trouble to the Night Demon, he really wanted to kill all these idiots now!

"Okay! Then I'll show up and say it!"

Jiang Fan moved his fingers, and his right hand suddenly flicked!


A brilliant sword light suddenly illuminates the entire night sky!

All the people present only felt a chill on the top of their heads!

Eudora touched the top of his head subconsciously, his whole body trembled, and then suddenly he let out a scream of incomparable fear!

On the top of her head, all the hair was cut off against her scalp!

She was cut out of a Mediterranean shape by Jiang Fan!

The same is true for the others!


Headed by Eudora, everyone kneeled before saying anything!

Looking at Jiang Fan in fear!

At that moment, Jiang Fan actually chopped all the ten people present into the Mediterranean!

This must be a multi-piece sword!

And as long as his sword is pressed down slightly, it is not their hair that is chopped off, but the entire head!

No wonder his subordinates treat him so respectfully!

It turns out that this guy is the strongest ruthless character!

But looking at Archibald here from afar, the whole person was stupid!

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

How could there be such an exaggerated speed!

Is this guy really human?

Even if he was himself, he just barely saw a fuzzy sword shadow!

Even if the opponent wants to kill himself, even if he bursts out with all his strength, I am afraid that even Three Swords will not survive!


The other party must be the master!

I was so stupid that I wanted to kidnap such a character!

This is so much so much Yakult!

It's just looking for death!


Must run!

As soon as he thought of this, Archibald couldn't care about anything else, and wanted to run away!

But just with a trembling of his fingers, he resisted this impulse!

If the opponent is a grandmaster, then any disturbance will not escape the opponent's eyes and ears!

If you move by yourself, you will only be exposed more quickly!

"Stay steady! Hold on!"

Archibald desperately suppressed his fear!

And Jiang Fan had already looked at Eudora with a smile!

"Why did you send me that letter, how did you know my identity?"

"Believe? Bai, Lord Baizhou, I, I don't know what to believe!"

Eudora couldn't wait to kill herself!

After they got the information, they were overjoyed!

But at this time, someone said that Bai Zhou gave them so much information so easily, would he have more in his own hands?

The more these people think about it, the more they get right, but when they think of the fierce characters under Jiang Fan, they quickly dismissed their thoughts!

Just now they were drinking in an open-air bar near the hotel. Seeing Jiang Fan came out by himself, the minds of these people suddenly became active!

In addition, with Jiu Jin, I immediately wanted to stop Jiang Fan and ask for all the information!

Who knew that the interception was intercepted, but who would have thought that Jiang Fan was such a monster!

One sword!

With just one sword, everyone was cut into the Mediterranean!

It is more legendary than Teacher Tony!

Such a terrifying character can they also be intercepted?

For a while, Yudola wanted not only to smoke herself, but also to kill the **** who first proposed!

But when he heard Eudora's words, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his brows!

"You do not know?"

"Yeah, my lord! I, we really don't know! We just happened to meet you!"

Eudora hurriedly explained the cause and effect!

After listening to Eudora's account, Jiang Fan's face suddenly sank!

Since it's not this group of guys, who would it be?

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