However, Xia Fanxing frowned when he looked at his blond hair!

His head is almost as if he is flying! I really don't know what those women who are arguing about the handsome blonde guys think!

The corner of his eyes glanced on the phone, Jiang Fan's handsome profiled face, and the corner of Xia Fanxing's mouth suddenly a faint smile!

This is really handsome!

"Very busy, no time!"

Xia Fanxing refused directly and coldly!

Charlemagne smiled slightly. He had already noticed a smile at the corner of Xia Fanxing's mouth just now!

Humph! Obviously, seeing that his handsome face is already rippling in love, he is actually a fake!

A Chinese woman is still reserved! However, I like her indifferent look! The second invitation, she will definitely agree!

"Well, if that's the case, how about tomorrow? You know, French cuisine is world-renowned!"


"I have to attend a meeting tomorrow!"

Charlemagne is a bit dumb!

"Well, what about the day after tomorrow?"

"Sign the contract with the Hope family the day after tomorrow!"

"The day after tomorrow?"

"That's even more timeless, I have to go to the SPA!"


"Mr. Charlemagne!"

Xia Fanxing suddenly looked at him coldly!

"Since you took over the branch, the performance of the branch has dropped by two percentage points! You have time to eat, it is better to study the operation of the company! We, Fanxing Group, do not raise idlers!"

Charlemagne was stunned!

How can this be?

"Why are you stunned? Are you not going back to work?"

"Ah! Yes, yes! I will go now!"

Charlemagne left Xia Fanxing's office with a panic on his face!

"Damn stinky woman! Actually, dare to teach me!"

"Huh! Sooner or later, you will give me a hug!"

Jiang Fan didn't know this scene. At this moment, he was having a heart-to-heart talk with the students in his class!

"Student He Duoduo, you are good, why do you want to drop out?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

He Duoduo's eye circles are red: "Teacher, don't ask, in short, just help me sign the words!"

"This is a big deal! How can you just sign something like a withdrawal application?"

"Teacher, I beg you!"

He Duoduo, couldn't help but choke!

"Well, the teacher will think about it again, you go back to class first!"

"Well, teacher, you must help me!"

Seeing He Duoduo leave, Jiang Fan immediately sent a text message!

After a while, Luo Xiang walked into the office with a look of anxiety!

"Teacher, I definitely didn't play with my mobile phone in class! I just watched it when you sent me a message! If you punish me, then it's fishing law enforcement!"

"Fishing your big head! Come here! I have something to ask you!"

Luo Xiang, sat down with an uneasy expression on his face!

"He Duoduo wants to apply for withdrawal, why is this?"

"Ah! It turned out to be this! I don't know exactly how it is, but I heard that it is because Blue Eagle's tuition is too expensive!"

"Aren't He Duoduo's family conditions very good?"

"Don't you know? His father is bankrupt!"


Jiang Fan, finally understood what was going on!

Huaying Community!

This is one of the high-end apartments in Los Angeles!

Anything you want to set up a house, you have to go up and down!

702 households in Building 7!

At this moment, He Yaozu was looking at his family with a sad face!

Li Yun, while wiping her tears, counted her jewelry!

They are He Duoduo's parents!

"Old He, my jewelry should be able to sell for several million!"

"Hey, it's still not enough. Have you talked to Dodo about this matter?"

"Um... that kid is very sensible, knows the situation at home, at home, she... ooh..."

"Oh! Don't cry, I'm sorry kid!"

Just as the two of them looked sad, suddenly, a knock on the door sounded!

Li Yun was shocked!

"Crap! Old Ho, the creditor must have come! What should I do?"

He Yaozu gritted his teeth: "It's a blessing, not a curse, this little stuff at home is enough to kill one or two, so I'll pay it back first!"


The door opened, unexpectedly, it turned out to be an unusually handsome takeaway boy!

"Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, my name is Jiang Fan, He Duoduo's class teacher!"

He Yaozu and Li Yun were stunned at the same time!

Now, is the education industry down? Teacher, have all started to deliver food?

"Oh, this is my teacher's card!"

Jiang Fan, pass the teacher's card!

Actually, what a teacher!

He Yaozu hurriedly said, "Teacher Jiang, please come in!"

"Mr. Ho, do you know that Duo Duo is dropping out of school?"

When Jiang Fan mentioned this matter, Li Yun suddenly cried again!

"Teacher, there is nothing we can do..."

He Yaozu didn't speak, but knocked on the door, unexpectedly, it sounded again!

The door opened, and a fat man with a greasy face grinned at He Yaozu!

Behind him, there were two men with stout bodies!

"Boss He, thought you ran away!"

As the fat man said, he pushed He Yaozu away and walked in swaggeringly!

His name is Wang An, and it is He Yaozu, the biggest creditor!

However, Wang An was taken aback when he saw Jiang Fan!

"Takeaway? You still have a leisurely call for takeaway at home!"

"Ah! It's not..."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter! Boss Ho, you know what I'm doing, isn't it time to pay back?"

"Boss Wang, don't worry, I have already collected your ten million, and I will pass it to you!"

He Yaozu said, he was ready to pick up the POSS machine!


"Hehe, Boss He, don't you know? I bought all the accounts of the other creditors!"


He Yaozu looked shocked!

Wang An is triumphant!

"In other words, you only have one creditor right now, and that's me!"

He Yaozu and Li Yun looked pale!

"How about it, boss He, pay the bill!"

"This, Boss Wang, I really can't get that much right now!"

"That won't work, it's natural to repay the debt! If you don't pay, don't blame me for being rude!"


He Yaozu was anxious, sweating profusely!

At this moment!

"How much do you owe him?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

However, He Yaozu ignored Jiang Fan at all! A teacher can't help at all!

"Boss Wang, can you give me a few more days? I must try to find a way to pay back the money!"

"Hehe, this is not a small amount. Boss Ho, you are also in business. It should be clear that it is still one day late. How much money will I make?"

"But, but, I really can't get it out now!"


Suddenly, a wretched smile appeared on Wang An's face!

"Boss Ho, I have a way! As long as you agree, I will not only give you time, but also help you save the company!"


He Yaozu and Li Yun suddenly looked excited!

"Boss Wang, please speak!"

"Hey, let your daughter... stay with me for a month!"


He Yaozu, with a roar, went to grab Wang An's collar!



The strong man next to Wang An kicked He Yaozu out with one kick!

"Hey, Boss He, this is your chance, as long as you give me your daughter to play, you will not only clear your debts, but also live your company, you can kill two birds with one stone!"

"Besides, it's bad, you can still be a grandpa in advance!"

Wang An looked excited, he had long wanted to start with that young girl! This time, it is simply a godsend!

Even, he has begun to fantasize about those, unbearable pictures!

Only at this moment!

"Fatty man, do you think your life is too long?"

Jiang Fan finally spoke with a gloomy expression!

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