God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1319: Xiaozhi kills a hundred with reason

But at this time, Kirara Hasegawa smiled sweetly!

"Mr. Willis, you are really too polite! Don't worry, we, Igaryu, must live forever as your ally! No matter how many alliances are on the opposite side, we will never betray!"

"Hahaha! Okay, good! This is our friend from Citigroup! Ah! By the way, Ms. Hasegawa is interested... to have a drink together?"

Willis laughed loudly and looked at Hasegawa more greedily!

"Excuse me, Mr. Willis, I'm a little uncomfortable these days, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you!"

"Um... well, I'll go back, don't send it away!"

Willis immediately sank, turned and left!

Seeing Willis who was leaving, the dog breed suddenly roared!

"Miss! Let's just kill these idiots!"

"No! Keep these guys... I believe that with the wisdom of the Lord of Thorns, they will definitely be needed!"

Hasegawa looked fierce!

"Miss, what do you mean?"

The dogs and ghosts looked on!

And Hasegawa had already taken out the contract left before the 13th, and sprinkled the blood on it without hesitation!


On the rooftop, Jiang Fan was blowing the gentle night breeze comfortably, with a relaxed expression on his face.

"grown ups!"

With the sound of the sound, the 13th has rushed to the rooftop!

"My lord, the matter is over! Now Willis of Citigroup should have gone to Hasegawa!"

No. 13 has a smile on his face!

"Hahaha! Good! Good!"

Jiang Fan couldn't control it anymore, and the corners of his mouth finally raised completely!

The people on the 2nd were all taken aback!

They just know that every step Jiang Fan makes them make is meaningful, and the purpose is to control all the forces on the island!

Just for this process, they know it but don't know why!

Seeing Jiang Fan's laugh now, it is obvious that the dust has settled!

"My lord, you can tell us now, what is going on, right?"

Number Two spoke curiously.

"Why, you still don't understand?"

Jiang Fan is even more curious!

"This... Brother Fan, we don't think we are stupid, but for your wisdom, we are indeed powerless!"

Long Yan sighed helplessly.

"Hehe, your flattery and Curtis have a match!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile!

"Well! If you want to understand the meaning of all this, then we must first know our ultimate goal!"

"Unlike other short-sighted idiots, our goal is first to kill the night demon, and second, to complete the task!"

"But actually, it's the same thing!"

"As long as the Night Demon dies, things will naturally fall into our hands!"

"So our core plan is to kill the Night Demon!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

"On this basis, the next question that extends is how can we easily kill the Night Demon!"

"Combined with Long Yan's previous experience against the Night Demon, and based on the current number of people on the island, it is actually very simple, that is, the crowded tactics crush the flow!"

"How to implement the human sea tactics? Of course, we must first control them!"

"So everything I did before was all to control the forces on the island!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, everyone suddenly showed a sudden look!

Indeed, Jiang Fan's goal from the beginning was to control everyone!

But they didn't expect that the reason was this!

And Jiang Fan has continued to explain.

"Controlling these people is actually very simple. As I said before, it is to find a way to kill the masters of the other forces and sign the contract by violent means!"

"However, the consequences of that are a bit troublesome. It is very possible to lose the trust of certain forces. This is too much trouble when fighting against the night monster, so I used another plan that is slightly more troublesome, but more effective!"

"That is to know the reason, kill one and warn one hundred!"

"My lord, I understand that I am talking about the Dark Council! But this is what I want to ask, why do you have to kill the Dark Council? Normally, we should kill Solomon's Key with the Sword of Thorns!"

Number Two looked puzzled.

"Because they are too stupid! Too blind! Too useless!"

Jiang Fan used three derogatory words in a row, enough to see his contempt for the Dark Council!

"The guys in the Dark Council are actually very smart and know how to judge the situation, but there is another name for this statement, that is-the wall!"

"And at any time, grass on the wall is the most unstable factor for the layout! It is also the most annoying existence for all smart people!"

"These guys are all based on personal interests, and they are full of conspiracy calculations. I have no doubt that if we are a little disadvantaged in the face of the night demon, these guys will definitely run away! No! No! No, they will. Stabbed us back to please the Night Demon!"

"The pig teammates are not as good as good opponents. If such an existence joins the league, it will only suffer endless troubles!"

"So! The Dark Council must die!"

Number two and others took a deep breath!

This is where they are inferior to Jiang Fan. They can see one step, or even three steps, when they take one step, but Jiang Fan, he has already seen a hundred steps away before his steps are down!

"Then, what about Xiao Zhiyi?"

Long Yan continued to ask.

"What this means is to win over the other forces!"

"A simple summary is to tell them through analyzing the current situation, what they lack, what we give!"

"Dragon Team, it's the easiest, because they are asking me! Just a simple victory is enough to subdue them! It just so happens that the Dark Council is a chance to show victory!"

"And the Council of Light, I just asked Adelaide to bring back a piece of news. As long as they agree to the alliance with the Sword of Thorns, then the Council of Darkness and the Key of Solomon can choose one to kill!"

"For the Light Council, these two forces are not good things, but everyone knows that they have the highest aversion to the Dark Council!"

"As for whether they doubt my motives, haha..."

In Jiang Fan's hand, a group of faint but extremely strong holy light flashed by!

"And Solomon's Key is our old opponent. Although these guys are like the Dark Council, they are a group of unclean goods, but there is Adolf, but secretly it is our biggest help!"

"And their weakness is greed! So for Pampas, the choice I give is price and wealth!"

"In the face of the annihilation of the entire army and the wealth that can be expected in the future, their choice must be the latter!"

"The last Iga-ryu, a force that has long lacked respect, but wants to rise, I give them dignity!"

"For them, this is what they desire most!"

"Especially, when the greedy and incompetent Citi national super team, but thinks he is very smart, but stupid Willis like the Husky, after going to Igaryu, we must be our lovely Miss Hasegawa, just I will cherish this rare dignity even more!"

With Jiang Fan's voice falling!

Several golden lights appeared out of thin air, and suddenly got into the bodies of a few people!

This is the sign that the contract is reached!

And the content of the contract that appeared in their minds was the agreement with Iga Ryu!

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