God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1305: I really don’t use bean buns as dry food

At the exit of Dialogue 2, the whole hall was suddenly silent!

But then!


"Such a powerful existence is actually just a runner?"

"This is impossible! Such strength is enough to command a force!"

"But if what he said is true, to what extent should the adult behind him be?"

"too exaggerated!"

Everyone looked at Number Two in shock!

Ponce even turned blue, and even a trace of panic was already in his eyes!

This monster that took only two moves to subdue himself is actually just a **** errand!

But even more shocking is yet to come!

"By the way, I will give you a piece of news. At my level, under the hands of our adults, I can't even enter the top five!"

Number two spoke slowly in a self-deprecating tone!


The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

And No. 2 waved her hand, turned and left!

For him now, just beating a master of the same level is nothing to be proud of!

I have been immersed in the many battles of Jiang Fan, and continue to discuss with Jiang Zhai's strong. If you can't handle such a simple opponent, you will have no face to follow Jiang Fan!


Following the adults, the pressure is really too great!

Number two sighed and continued to rush to another force!

Time is tight and tasks are heavy, but I am so happy!

How long has it been since I had such a pleasant shot?

My lord, you are so kind!

No matter Long Yan or No.2, following Jiang Fan, they are like stars next to the moon, so dim and so mediocre.

But once the moon is lazy, the stars in the sky will burst into bright light!

All this is just because Jiang Fan is really too sharp, blocking the brilliance of those who should be the pride of heaven!

But in fact, once they leave Jiang Fan, any one of them is enough to be alone!

Unconsciously, under the influence of Jiang Fan's fighting wisdom, they have surpassed the same level too much!

And just as the number two was busy rushing to the venue, Jiang Fan slowly swayed to the downstairs of a luxurious hotel!

If Field is still here, I'm afraid he will scream directly!

Just because of this, it turned out to be the residence of Solomon's Key!

What kind of medicine is sold in Jiang Fan's gourd?

What is he doing here?

But at this moment, Solomon's Key didn't know that Jiang Fan, the sixth thorn lord, who was extremely hidden, actually ran to find his way!

These people are in the suite at the moment, discussing their next plans!

"My lord, I think your previous proposal is too correct! We do need an ally now!"

The Snake Demon looked at Pampas with a pleased look!


Pampas nodded, glanced at the Snake Demon with satisfaction, and then spoke directly!

"Adolf, you are the commander this time. What do you think about the alliance?"

The snake demon was stunned!


The topic was picked up by Lao Tzu first, so you went to ask Adolf!

It's really inappropriate to take beanbags as dry food!

Adolf pondered for a moment, and then he spoke slowly.

"My lord, apart from the Sword of Thorns and the Council of Light, we have no grievances with other forces. Strictly speaking, the remaining teams may all become our allies!"

"Good! Go on!"

Pampas nodded.

"Yes! But among the remaining four forces, the Dragon Group also has two enemies! That is the Super Power Team of Citi Country and Iga Ryu of Toei!"

"Citigroup is not afraid of China for a day or two. If it doesn't deal with China, it is absolutely impossible!"

"And Dongying is also the running dog of Citi, and everything is based on Citi's horse head. In addition, it is a feud with China, so I will definitely look for opportunities to take action against China!"

"So if you form an alliance with China, it is equivalent to creating two more opponents out of thin air! This is not desirable!"

Pampas smiled.

Many people in the organization regard Adolf as a simple powerhouse, but the four dukes, including him, know that this short and stout guy who is like a steel ingot has a mind as strong as his strength!

"So what about the Citi National Super Team? How about forming an alliance with them?"

Pampas continued to ask.

"Not recommended! Citi people have always been unbelievable, and as I said just now, Dongying is a running dog of Citi, so they will definitely be in touch! If we form an alliance, it is equivalent to within this alliance, we are one-to-two, those If the guy wants to harm us, I'm afraid it will be trouble!"

"So, we can only choose the dark council?"

"Yes! At the very least, we have the same enemy as the Dark Council, the Light Council!"

Adolf grinned!

But at this moment!

"If you form an alliance with the Dark Council, then I guarantee that you will die worse than the unlucky ones in the shock of the chainsaw!"

A very pleasant male voice with a bit of magnetism suddenly sounded from outside the door!


Pampas' complexion changed and he looked at the door suddenly!

The snake demon even spit out a tongue like a snake letter!

Even Dodoroa, who was still eating the roast pig, stopped moving!

Only Adolf and Diana trembled suddenly!

A look of fear appeared in his eyes!

They are so familiar with this voice!

That's the sound that will be awakened in dreams!

It has become the nightmare of their life!

It's that person!

That person actually came!

As Pampas spoke, the door suddenly "ding" came the sound of swiping the card to open the door.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a burgundy waiter costume had opened the door and walked in!

It's just that his face is actually wearing a weird Drifting Mask!

As soon as he saw this man, Pampas took a deep breath!

He could feel that the other party's breath was definitely not at level 15, but he didn't know why, the moment he saw this man, he had the feeling that his eyes were pricked by a needle!

That kind of instinctive warning!

I was telling him that this man is extremely dangerous!

Pampas slowly stood up from the sofa, stepped forward and stopped in front of Adolf and the others before he spoke seriously.

"What do you call your Excellency?"

"Huh? Let me think... OK! You can call me Mr. Takeaway!"


Pampas and others looked dumbfounded!

This name is too rude!

Obviously it is now edited!

"Of course, I made up the name, but if I change my name, I must be familiar with you!"

Jiang Fan smiled before speaking slowly.

"I come from the Sword of Thorns, the Sword of Thorns, the sixth lord!"


Jiang Fan's words seemed to throw a bomb in the room!

All of them stood up suddenly and entered a state of battle in an instant!

Lord of Thorns!

This is the same level of existence as the Duke of Solomon's Key!

Is the real super power!

The point is that the opponent is actually the sixth lord of the sword of thorns!

The key of Solomon until now has only known that there is such an existence, the most mysterious Lord of Thorns!

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