Accompanied by Pei Qing's roar, his eyes suddenly became blood red!

The three-row army thorn in his hand is like an angry storm, turning into countless phantoms, and suddenly stabs Long Yan!

"Pei Qing! Stop it!"


"Long Yan will die!"

"Even though Jiang Fan did pretend to be forceful, but Long Yan was his messenger after all, he just died like that, the old man must be--"

The crowd exclaimed!

It's just that they didn't finish their words, but they all stared in shock!

Lin Guodong, who was going to take a shot, was even more impressed!

Pei Qing's three-row army stab is as fast as fire, but Long Yan's speed is actually faster than that of the army stab!

No one would have imagined that he was so large that he was so dexterous as a fly!

It’s just that Long Yan knows himself hard!

Once upon a time, seeing Jiang Fan's fans shouting and embracing, he was envious of not wanting it!

But so finally it was his turn, and then I really knew the horror of the fans!

Once the fans are off, the Headless Horseman is really ruthless!

The point is, looking at the appearance of this kid, the real strength obviously hasn't exploded yet!

Damn it!

Why didn't I find such a good seedling in the first place?

What were you doing back then?

what! correct!

I patronized and talked about life with those little sisters!


Now is not the time to think about it at all!

This kid is too fierce!

If the two are at the same level, Long Yan is absolutely confident to suppress each other!

But now the two are far from the pinnacle, half a step master, and the limit is three levels!

The point is that although this kid is far inferior to himself, his Zhen Qi is actually the opposite of himself, and he has reached the point where he is dying!

No wonder the Sword of Thorns emphatically mentioned this kid!

This is clearly the future self!

Fortunately, at this time Lin Guodong finally reacted!

Wrong step, has joined the battlefield!

How terrifying is the strength of the Grand Master!

He just put his hands in the wrong place, and he separated the two!

"Enough! Pei Qing, calm down!"

Pei Qing trembled and finally reacted!

And Lin Guodong looked at Long Yan with a strange expression.

"Your true spirit... have you rebuilt it?"

"Well! I was injured too badly before, and all the cultivation bases were scattered and rebuilt!"

Long Yan nodded!


Everyone was stunned!

Even Pei Qing looked at Long Yan in disbelief!

It took me two full years to go from level ten to level fourteen!

He has already been called the first genius!

But Long Yan, in two years' time, started from scratch and rebuilt to the fourteenth level!

The key is that through the fight just now, he has already felt that Long Yan's background has surpassed him several times!

In other words, the difficulty of his cultivation is several times more difficult than his own!

This is no longer a genius, this is simply a monster!

In an instant, Pei Qing suddenly had an inexplicable change in her heart!

That is an urge to turn fans again!

The others looked at Long Yan in disbelief!


This is not just a simple re-cultivation, the feeling of dissipating all cultivation and becoming an ordinary person again, it is almost a nightmare to think about it!

As expected of the Dragon God, he is so cruel to himself!

Among the eyes of a few people, almost involuntarily showed a look of worship!

But Long Yan was really scared this time!

I am so unsuitable to be an idol!

He quickly handed the letter to Lin Guodong!

"Stop gossip, look at this first!"

Lin Guodong opened the letter, scanned it quickly, and then looked at Long Yan in surprise!

"You, are you sure?!"

"I'm not sure, it's Brother Fan! His plan has never gone wrong!"

"Yes, but this is to be dealt with, is—"

"No matter who it is, once he is targeted by Brother Fan, he will definitely die!"

Long Yan grinned.

Lin Guodong's heart trembled!

"Okay, I will do it, but if his plan fails, it proves that this person has nothing to do with it, and we will act alone at that time!"

"Whatever! But Lao Lin, I kindly remind you that you used Pei Qing to test me just now, and it's best not to use it on Brother Fan!"

Lin Guodong's eyes twitched.

Whether it was Long Yan's shots or Pei Qing's actions just now, as a grandmaster, he was completely capable of blocking, but he didn't do this, just want to try Long Yan's strength!

At this moment, being pierced by Long Yan, his face suddenly became a little embarrassed!

But Pei Qing frowned!

"That Jiang Fan is very strong?"

Long Yan smiled, did not answer, but pointed at Pei Qing's left hand.

"Your technique should be born out of the cathodic and yang birth I left behind. It's just that you are too eager to achieve success in your practice. The yin and yang transformation must be gradual. You must know—"

"Yin and Yang, the way of heaven and earth, the observance of all things, the parents of change, the beginning of life and death, the house of gods!"

"One yin and one yang is Tao, one stroke and the other is skill! Tao pays attention to balance, and skill is about success or failure!"

"The changes of the four seasons, the victory of cold and heat, heavy yin must be yang, double yang must be yin, so yin governs cold, yang governs heat, so if cold is severe, it is hot, and if hot is severe, it is cold!"

"There is yang in the yin, and yin in the yang! The cathode produces yang, and the anode produces yin! The lonely yin does not produce, the lonely yang does not grow!"

"You understand?"

These few words were exactly what Jiang Fan told Long Yan after compiling JB!

Just hearing these few words, Pei Qing trembled all over!

Looking at Long Yan almost incredibly!

"This, this...Yang is turned into yin, but it can also be turned into yang with yin strength! That's it! That's it! Idol! You really are the idol I used to be! Far surpassing you, me, I'm so stupid! If you are still there, I, I'm a **** shit!"

Pei Qing sat down on the ground and let out a long sigh!

Everyone was shocked!

Looking at Pei Qing dumbfounded!

Pei Qing, who has never been a bird, has such a side!


"Thank me, I don't have to! These few words were told by Brother Fan at the time. It is because of him that I made up for the shortcomings of this technique!


Pei Qing looked incredulous!

Jiang Fan, is he so powerful? !

"You heard me right, you regard me as an idol, but Brother Fan, it is precisely my idol!"

"Your... idol?"

Pei Qing was shocked!

My idol's idol!

That is simply the king of his idols!

As expected, I still had too narrow horizons, and I was thinking of teaching Jiang Fan a lesson before!

Now it seems that the gap between his realm and the other party is already separated by a gap!

"Idol, me, when can I meet Mr. Jiang?"

Pei Qing suddenly looked solemn!

"Don't worry, there will naturally be a chance to meet! But now, you have to implement Brother Fan's plan!"

Long Yan smiled slightly!

My heart is so refreshing!

As expected of Brother Fan!

I just borrowed a few words from him, and he regained the fans!

Brother Fan!

You are so awesome!

Long Yan's heart yelled!

"Don't worry about idols, I will never let you lose the chain in front of your idols!"

Pei Qing looked enthusiastic.

"Waiting for your good news!"

Long Yan turned around and left!

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