At this time, Hasegawa had wiped his mouth with a napkin and slowly stood up.

She bit her lower lip lightly, and looked at the yelling crowd a little bit shyly.

"Sorry, gentlemen, it is my subordinates who are ignorant."

While talking, she bent down deeply.

Everyone was taken aback!

At this time, a group of people felt a little embarrassed, and suddenly stopped looking here.

On the contrary, the group of Citigroup people are coming!

"Wow~~ I can see it more clearly when I bend over!"

"Hehehe, there is no sincerity in this apology!"

"Come and have a few drinks with us!"

"Here is a good brandy. After drinking, we may be able to talk about life!"

"Beauty like you, really shouldn't stay with these incompetent Dongying men! After all, their stuff is really, hehehe, hahaha!"

Several Citi nationals laughed wildly.

The crowd frowned.

This is the case with the Citi nationals. The consequence of concession is that they will be more arrogant and will never know to converge!

The offspring of robbers, only insatiable!

But Kirara Hasegawa just smiled shyly.

"Sorry everyone, I can't help but drink with the dead!"

"what did you say?"

Several Citi nationals were taken aback at the same time.

But the next moment!

"what is that?!"

Suddenly, several people looked at Kirara Hasegawa in horror!

It was as if what appeared in front of them at this moment was not a beautiful woman at all, but the most terrifying monster in the world!

However, no matter how horrified their eyes were, the entire lower body seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all!


"Help! Help!"

Suddenly, several people howled terribly and terribly!

And their bodies actually shriveled visible to the naked eye!

In less than two seconds, these people seemed to have been emptied of all their flesh and blood, and directly turned into several corpses!

Everyone's eyes widened in horror!

Although these Citi nationals have three bad characters, their strength is actually at the thirteenth level!

Killing a few thirteen levels, many of you here can do it, but what really scares them is that they don't know how or when this woman did it!

This woman actually killed them all without revealing her breath!

This is beyond the scope of their knowledge!

so horrible!

This woman who was taken advantage of by their eyes before is so terrifying!

Kirara Hasegawa covered his mouth and smiled at this time, and even wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Everyone, it's nice to have dinner with you, goodbye!"

Keira Hasegawa said, bowing again.

But this time, everyone no longer has the guts to appreciate the scenery on her body, and they all looked at their toes honestly!

Kirara Hasegawa gave a chuckle, and finally left the restaurant with small steps.

The few people behind her also followed.

Only Kazuo Kameda sneered and took a sip, and then he shook off!

It wasn't until a few people entered the elevator that the atmosphere on the scene eased again.

Many people have already taken out their mobile phones and started to contact their organizations!


"Ding Dong!"

In the silent room, a message suddenly sounded!

A burly white man with a scar on his right cheek picked up his mobile phone, looked at the video he sent, and snorted suddenly.

"That Dongying chick is a bit capable!"

This person is the captain of the Citi National Super Team this time, Willis.

"What happened?"

Asked a meticulous old man in a suit and combing his hair.

The old man was sitting in front of a small bar, now slowly drinking a glass of brandy.

He is the protector of the super team this time, a full 15-level McKinsey!

"It's nothing, one of the few mercenary groups we hired was killed by Keira Hasegawa!"

Willis said casually, and handed the phone to McKinsey.

Unlike other teams, the Super Team hired several teams of strong mercenaries before coming here.

To test other teams!

For them, those mercenaries are just bait to entice the opponent to shoot, and they are meant to die!

McKinsey carefully watched the video for a while before nodding.

"Similar to our previous intelligence analysis, that should be the trick! Now that you know the details of the other party, you can almost test the alliance."

"Alliance? What qualifications do the Dongying people have to make an alliance with us? They are just the dogs raised by our Citigroup!"

Willis smiled proudly!

"Hehe, it is true, but superficial respect is still necessary!?"

"What's more, given respect to those fools, they will work for us!"

"This time there are too many opponents. We need a piece like Dongying too much!"

McKinsey said, his eyes were already in the direction of Dragon Group!

"Huh! Huaxia people! This group of hard bones is really annoying!"

Willis also had gloomy eyes, but he immediately smiled triumphantly.

"It's okay, there are still them coming out this time!"

As he spoke, his eyes had already turned to the corner of the room.

There, there were five stern people who were covered in one-piece cloaks.

They just stood there, motionless, not even a trace of breath leaked!

However, these few people who can't see their faces and can't distinguish between men and women inexplicably make people feel a terrifying danger!

This is the team that the Super Team entered the ruins this time!


What is doing the same calculations as the Super Team is the Dark Council, which is also insidious and cunning to the bones!

According to Curtis, hammer all the criminals in this world into a lump, add ten times the shamelessness and cunning, and reconcile it with the most disgusting venom, then it is the Dark Council!

And at this moment, in the huge suite belonging to the Dark Council, all the windows are completely covered by curtains!

There is no extra light in the huge room except for a table lamp that emits a dim light!

And five guys with different descriptions are shrinking in several corners of the room at this moment, silently looking at a seat behind the lamp that faces the crowd!

Although the seat was facing away from everyone, it was obvious that someone was sitting on it.


With a soft cough, the silence was finally broken!

Then in the corner, a handsome man in a tuxedo with a meticulously combing hair and a pale face slowly stood up!

He first bowed respectfully to the seat, and then he spoke with a slight smile.

"Great and powerful Necromancer, Elder Disfano! I think everyone who enters the ruins this time should obey me, the same great descendant of blood, Cibino!"

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