God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1280: My slogan is the loudest

"Why don't you fight anymore, continue!"

Jiang Fan looked at the sea monster with a smile!

This thing is indeed powerful, the speed and defense of the fifteenth level, and even the power to surpass the fifteenth level!

But this thing is too stupid. I only know how to use brute force. For Jiang Fan, this thing is not even as tricky as a headless knight!

He doesn't even need three heads and six arms, just a normal state is enough to kill him!


Feeling Jiang Fan's provocation, the sea monster suddenly roared!

next moment!


Its whole body actually began to slowly dive!

This cruel sea monster, instead of continuing to attack, was about to run away!

Facing Jiang Fan, it was like seeing when he was still a cub, facing those extremely terrifying sea kings!

That is a long-lost thing called fear!

Must run!

But at this time, how could Jiang Fan give it a chance to run away!

"Hehehe, I just want to run now, it's too late!"

Jiang Fan sneered, his eyes condensed suddenly!


It was like a thunder in midair!

next moment!

All the people present saw Jiang Fan as the center, and a tornado was suddenly rising from the surface of the sea!

And in the tornado, an incomparably terrifying aura, like a dark cloud, enveloped the entire sea in an instant!


There was another explosion, and the tornado burst into pieces!

Jiang Fan with three heads and six arms, already like a violent thunder, suddenly slammed into the head of the sea monster!


At this moment, the sea monster roared desperately, and all the tentacles desperately stopped towards Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that these tentacles just came into contact with Jiang Fan, and they all burst into pieces!

And Jiang Fan was already like a meteorite hit from outside the sky, with an unstoppable horror aura, suddenly hit the sea monster's head!


The sea monster's huge body shuddered suddenly!

A deep hole appeared in the position hit by Jiang Fan!

Time seems to stop at this moment, until--


A deafening explosion!

The whole head of the sea monster was exploded into pieces of meat!

Those pieces of meat were flying all over the sky, and many of them even hit the town!

In the midst of this heavy rain, Jiang Fan floated quietly in the air, carrying his hands on his back, and bathing in it!

Everyone was stunned!

As if watching the gods and demons, staring at Jiang Fan blankly!

And Shanks' heart was even more desperate!

Can such an existence really surpass it?

for a long time!

"Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan, you are so handsome!"

Luffy's loud voice suddenly sounded!

He clenched his fists tightly and looked at Jiang Fan radiantly in his eyes!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, leaving behind the riches and honours to absorb the genes, and then there was a virtual point under his feet, and the whole person straddled a full several hundred meters, and fell abruptly to the shore!

"Okay, the little things are done, then it's time to do business!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already taken out the QQ candy and handed it to Luffy!

"Your takeaway!"


"Just now, killing that monster in seconds just now was just a small matter!"

"The business is actually delivering food!"

"He, he is really just a takeaway!"

"This, how is this possible!"

"Probably the takeaway king!"

"Don't tell the king, you are disrespectful!"

The crowd looked messy!

And Luffy blinked his eyes, and suddenly tore open a bag of QQ candy!

In an instant, the rich fruity aroma directly filled the audience!

"Ah! It smells good!"

"Smell at ease and joy!"

"It definitely doesn't have much to say about it!"

The crowd was greedy, and even Shanks couldn't help but swallow!

Luffy's nostrils were widened, and he sniffed in ecstasy. Then, his eyes were bright and he directly poured a whole bag of QQ candy into his mouth!

"Oh my God! It's so delicious!!"

"It's delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, too delicious!!"

In less than two minutes, all the QQ candy had been eaten up by Luffy!

next moment!


"This, this feeling!"

"This flexibility!"

"I understand! I finally understand how to use this ability!"

Luffy laughed, and suddenly pointed at a big tree in the distance!

"Rubber rubber-gun!"

In an instant, Luffy's arm stretched suddenly, and his punch hit the big tree in the distance!


The tree was shocked slightly!

"Hahaha! Great! Don't be afraid of those stinky bandits anymore!"

"Jiang Fan! Thank you, thank you!"

Luffy smiled and showed his teeth!

"You're welcome! The takeaway is complete, I should go too, I wish you an early one!"

"One Piece?"

Luffy was taken aback!

"Yeah, isn't this your dream?"

"But, is One Piece very strong?"

"of course!"

"Can you be as strong as you?"

"It will be stronger than me now!"

"Okay! I want to become One Piece! Starting today, I Luffy, the man who wants to become One Piece!"

Luffy roared suddenly!

"You have no chance!"

At this moment, Shanks suddenly smiled and opened his mouth!


Luffy was taken aback.

But Shanks looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes.

"That seat is mine!"

"What! I am the One Piece! I will definitely gather a partner who is stronger than you! Then I will become the real One Piece!"

Luffy shouted!

"So... so..."

Shanks suddenly took off his straw hat and brought it to Luffy!

"This hat, put it here first, when you become the real One Piece, you must return him to me!"

After doing all this, Shanks looked at Jiang Fan solemnly!

"Jiang Fan, one day, I will surpass you!"

"Hmm... I will probably do it next time..."

Jiang Fan smiled awkwardly.

Shanks ten years later is no ordinary strong, definitely far more than the current self!

Having said that, wouldn't this guy become so powerful just because he saw himself now?

"what did you say?"

Shanks was taken aback when he heard Jiang Fan's words.

"Nothing, I wish your dreams come true!"

Jiang Fan smiled and waved his hand!

"See you later! Luffy, if you have trouble in the future, don't forget to order my takeaway!"


Lu Fei was taken aback, and Jiang Fan already gave a low cry!

"System! Back!"


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1182 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being worshipped by Luffy-my slogan is the loudest!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the admiration of Shanks-the legendary straw hat!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the gold sea king class! Successfully drawn-10,000 causal points!"

Damn it!

Gold monsters are so valuable after being killed!

It was able to draw 10,000 causal points!

But what did Luffy and Shanks give themselves?

Shanks's is pretty normal, but Luffy's thing, is it a prop about mouth cannons?

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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