God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1263: This is a destruction mushroom

At this moment, all the iron barrel zombies that were beaten up have slowly climbed up, and rushed towards Jiang Fan again!

The crowd panicked!

And Jiang Fan lifted his right hand, and he aimed at all the zombies!

next moment!


Another blast of domineering indignation!


A loud noise!

The full hundredth iron barrel zombies have been blasted to pieces!

One of the iron buckets flew high and whirled, and fell to Jiang Fan's foot with a sound of "Dang Cang"!

The crowd all looked at Jiang Fan with a dull expression!

Apart from worship in the eyes, it is worship!

That's awesome!

With a single palm, it is more powerful than the Vulcan Cannon!

Could this little brother install a nuclear power plant in his body?

And Jiang Fan has already picked up the iron bucket!

At a glance, he discovered that there was a strange black bug in it!

The little bug was completely dark, with a dozen tentacles densely growing from his lower body. At this moment, those tentacles had a skull firmly attached to them!

It seems that the reason why the Iron Bucket Zombie has such a strong defense is because of its relationship!

Don't think about it, this thing must be an invention of Dr. George Edgar, the King of Zombie!

In this world, he is the biggest villain, and all zombies are his creations!

Interesting, if you persist long enough, will this guy appear at the end?

Jiang Fan is thinking, but at this moment!

"Ding! System prompt! There is a wave of zombies coming!"

"Da da da!"

A series of fast footsteps suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his head, and he saw a red shadow quickly coming!

That speed and heavy footsteps have definitely reached the tenth level!

It's just that this speed may not be clear to others, but for Jiang Fan, it is not much faster than a snail!

That Hong Ying is a zombie wearing a football uniform!

And with his appearance, there is a large piece of zombies in the same costume in the rear!

However, Jiang Fan just raised his hand!


More than a dozen sword qi came out suddenly!

next moment!




Accompanied by bursts of sour piercing and tearing sounds, this batch of rugby zombies, which are as high as level ten, has been completely torn apart by Jiang Fan's sword energy!

The crowd is dumbfounded!

They didn't understand what was going on yet, the battle was actually over!

This takeaway boy named Jiang Fan is so powerful!

But just after solving this wave of zombies, the ground suddenly trembled!

In the next moment, a huge monster has slowly walked into the yard!

It was a zombie with a head as high as three meters and a muscle like steel!

And in his hand, he actually carried a huge concrete telephone pole!

This thing is exactly one of the most high-end monsters in the world of Plants vs. Zombies, the giant zombie-Gagantel!

The crowd gasped at the sight of this monster!

And Jagantel had already waved the telephone pole, suddenly let out a roar!


This loud roar shook the mountain!

"Brain...eat...your brain..."

Gagantel's ferocious eyes fell directly on Jiang Fan, and then suddenly he threw the telegraph pole in his hand at Jiang Fan!


The telegraph pole flew out, bringing up a terrifying sound like an airplane jet!

In terms of strength, Gagantel has definitely reached level fourteen!


"It's horrible! Help!"

"Jiang Fan! Run!"

"This thing can't stop it!"

The crowd was so scared that they were almost peeing!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled coldly, and suddenly kicked up on the telephone pole that came!


A loud noise!

Among the smoke and dust in the sky, the telephone pole turned out to be like a piece of rotten wood, directly kicked to pieces by Jiang Fan!

Everyone was stunned!

Even Gagantel was stunned!

His simple mind really didn't understand, how could a weak human being have such a powerful force!

However, he has no chance to continue thinking!


At the moment when he smashed the telephone pole, Jiang Fan had already teleported to Gagantel!

Then, in everyone's eyes, it was like slow motion. First he took a deep breath, and then he blasted out with a heavy punch!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan's punch has already slammed into Gagantel's thigh!

However, even though this punch only hit Jagantel's thigh, his whole body trembled fiercely!

next moment!


Except for his two thighs, Gargantel's entire upper body was directly exploded into powder!


With just a punch, this extremely powerful monster was directly killed by Jiang Fan!

The crowd was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

too exaggerated!

This little brother didn't eat Destroy Mushroom at all, he was a Destroy Mushroom himself!

"Little brother! Take me away! I want to travel the world with you!"

"Little brother! Teach us to become stronger!"

"Too handsome! Is it going to be stronger by delivering food?"

"We want to be like you too!"

The crowd was completely excited!

And at this moment!

"Hahahaha! I finally invented it! Sunshine Sunflower, the foundation of all mutant plants!"

Dave's excited voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the truck door suddenly opened, and Dave, looking excited, ran out with a pack of seeds in his hand!

I saw him sprinkle the seeds on the ground, and immediately, countless lovely sunflowers burst out of the ground!

With the appearance of the sunflower, several pea shooters drilled directly out of the ground!

One of them yawned lazily, and suddenly ejected a pea!


The pea hit the wall, and actually penetrated the wall!

The power is comparable to light sniper!

"Look! This is the power of mutant plants! It's beyond your imagination!"

Dave looked smug!

However, the crowd ignored him at all, instead they all looked at Jiang Fan extremely admiringly!

After all, compared with Jiang Fan, these plants are simply rubbish!

Dave is in the circle!

No one cares about my own great invention!

However, when he saw Jiang Fan surrounded by the crowd, he immediately laughed at himself!

Indeed, compared to Jiang Fan, what is his own invention?

"Jiang Fan! Thank you!"

Dave's solemn thanks from the heart!

And the prompt of the system has also sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side task-the birth of the sunflower!"

"Ding! This order has been completed, you have 30 minutes of stay time, you can choose to return automatically, or you can choose to return automatically at the end of the time!"

Finally finished!

Just waiting to upgrade!

Jiang Fan waved his hand at Dave!

"You're welcome! If you have trouble in the future, don't forget to order my takeaway!"

"Goodbye everyone!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and disappeared without a trace in the next moment!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 14!"

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