"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Ding! Please give Toledo any Chinese delicacies!"

Toledo? fast and Furious?

It's just that this time the system prompts, why, so... perfunctory?

However, since the order has come, naturally I have to take it!

"Manager Wang, go and pack me a chicken soup, hurry up!"

"Ah? Good! I'll go right away!"

Manager Wang agreed and immediately went over and ordered the kitchen!

In less than five minutes, a large portion of hot chicken soup was delivered!

Jiang Fan lifted the chicken soup and went directly to the bathroom in the box!


"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is open, and it is about to enter-"Fast and Furious 4"!"


As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, the system immediately sounded a reminder!

"Warning! You have been successfully positioned by the FBI, please be vigilant!"

Jiang Fan just remembered that in order to save Toledo, he beat the FBI who came to arrest him last time. He was already on the blacklist of the "Fast and Furious" world!

As soon as he appears in this world, he will be immediately positioned by the FBI, and then arrested!

"A group of dishes B, come here if you are not afraid of death!"

Jiang Fan sneered, then looked around!

But, at first glance, he almost didn't spit out his saliva!

I saw that the place where he appeared was a vast desert area!

And right in front of his eyes, dozens of cars of all kinds were racing wildly! Desperately chasing, two cars in front, one black and one white!

this is……

Jiang Fan knew from the surrounding scenery that at this moment, at the end of the movie, Toledo and Brian hijacked the drug lord Braga, and they were being hunted down by Braga's men and the black Phoenix!

"It's a big game!"

Jiang Fan muttered to himself, and then, directly, took out the lucky bicycle!

Fourth gear!

Leave you!


Like a flash of lightning, with the billowing smoke behind him, he actually chased after the villain's convoy!

At this moment, Brian was yelling at Toledo!

"Dom! The savior you said is really coming back?"

"of course!"

Toledo looked confident!

"That's a magical Chinese friend! He must be back!"

"Hope! If there is no savior, we are definitely dead!"

Brian turned his head and glanced at the huge motorcade behind him, and a faint trace of despair flashed in his eyes!

Sitting beside him, Braga, the villain, laughed triumphantly!

"Hey! It's useless for you to find anyone! Being caught up is just a matter of time! Now let me go, I can, and you won’t die!"


"Hey! This is not a dream, do you remember where you are through the tunnel of the mountain in front of you? If you can't find the tunnel, you just have to die!"

Bryan's heart shuddered!

Braga is right. The entrance of the tunnel is quite secret. Unless it is to give him time to find it, if he bumps into it now, it is to die!

On the other car, Toledo's face became more serious!

Jiang Fan, come on!

Otherwise, I am really going to die!

At the time when the two were desperate, in the motorcade behind, there was an exclamation suddenly!

"Oumaika! What is that?"

"Is it a tornado?"

"Nonsense! How could the tornado be that shape?"

The drivers of the villain's team, one by one, looked behind them dumbfounded!

Behind them, an explosion of smoke was rushing towards them frantically!

Until they got close, these people were suddenly stunned!

"That's-a bicycle?!"

"Jesus! Am I dazzled?"

"Nima! I must be taking drugs too much!"

"Haha, hallucinations, absolutely hallucinations!"

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan had already come to the back of the last car!

Jiuyang Zhenjing, launch!

Jiang Fan gave a slap in the face, directly, and shot it on the car body!


The whole car suddenly turned up seven or eight meters high, and then smashed to the ground fiercely, and it was scrapped!

A group of villains are dumbfounded!

"It's not... an illusion..."

"It's really a bicycle!"

"In the car, is China's takeaway?"

"Hua Xia, has it reached this level?"

"This is not the point! The point is, is the Huaxia a monster? Nima! That car was overturned by his palm!"

At this moment, Toledo, who was Mercedes-Benz ahead, was excited!

"Hahaha! Jiang! My Chinese friend! You really came!"

"Brian, we are saved!"

Brian was shocked!

Just now Jiang Fan was shooting a flying car. He could see clearly in the rearview mirror!

too frightening!

Chase the car with your bike and roll over with your bare hands!

Huaxia people, unexpectedly, so powerful?

At this moment when a group of people were dumbfounded, Jiang Fan, without stopping his hands, shot and flew three more cars!

The villains are almost breaking down!

"No! Can't let him continue!"

"Yes! Let him go on, we all have to die!"

"Shoot, shoot!"

A group of villains took out their guns and started shooting at Jiang Fan!

"Da da da!"

"Boom boom!"

Countless bullets, like pouring rain, spilled on Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan, but disdainfully smiled!

The bicycle shook slightly, already, hiding behind a car!

Countless bullets missed, and Jiang Fan had already smashed the rear window of the car with a punch. The moment he put the bicycle away, he had already turned over and got into the car!


A punch blasted the driver out of the car door, Jiang Fan was already in the driving position!

One person and vehicle, start!

The car suddenly burst into a roar!

Then, he slammed into a car next to him!


When the tires of the car next to him skewed, they suddenly turned upside down and hit another car next to them. Suddenly, two cars rolled over and were scrapped at the same time!

It's just such a short time, Jiang Fan has actually ruined a small team!

Bryan was surprised again!

The car skills of this Huaxia are actually so good?

He and Toledo are running wildly for their lives, but they are actually fighting back!

According to this momentum, I am afraid that before reaching the tunnel, Braga's entire motorcade will have to be completely overturned by Jiang Fan!

Seeing that something bad happened, the black Phoenix finally couldn't sit still!

I saw that he slowed down and leaned directly towards Jiang Fan!

"Boy! No matter who you are! You are all dead!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth was raised, and he suddenly picked up a pistol from the car, didn't even look at it, but shot Phoenix!


The bullet suddenly flew out of Phoenix's scalp!

Phoenix’s social cannon head, the middle part, was directly burned by bullets!

The image at this moment is like two horns on the head!

Phoenix almost didn't get scared to pee!

Basically, I didn't dare to approach Jiang Fan, hit the steering wheel directly, and rushed forward desperately!

Jiang Fan didn't pursue it either, this product had to be kept first, it was a gift he was going to give Toledo!

Soon, the convoy arrived near the tunnel!

At this moment, there are only five cars left in the villain's convoy!

Braga's face was pale, and there was a trace of despair in his heart!

Who is that Chinese person?

too frightening!

The drivers in my own team are all masters I have cultivated for more than ten years!

However, in less than five minutes, it was almost completely swept away!

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