God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1249: Ten eagle eyes can't match

Just when Jiang Fan flipped through these memories in his mind!

"Run! Hold on!"

"Don't stop! Run into the maze!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

A group of young people holding wooden spears supported a thin but powerful young man, suddenly rushed from a distance!

The young man who was held back was the protagonist Thomas!

It's just that his face is blue at the moment, and dark blue patterns appear faintly on his face!

This is the sign of monster poison!

And behind them, there are three huge mechanical biochemical beasts!

The six mechanical legs of the thing crawled quickly, although they were far away from the crowd at first, they had chased them behind in a blink of an eye!

"Change direction!"

At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded!

It is the heroine Teresa!

The crowd turned abruptly and must continue to escape!

But at this moment!


A wind suddenly sounded!

At the next moment, everyone was horrified to see that one of the mechanical biochemical beasts jumped up very sensitively, and then straddling a distance of more than ten meters, with a "boom", it fell to the front of the crowd!

At the same time, it flickered with black light, as if the mechanical tail of the three-headed claws had suddenly risen, as if it was a streamer, it suddenly caught Thomas!

That's it!

Everyone is chilling!

Thomas is even more desperate!

But at this moment!


Everyone just felt that the white light flashed in front of them!

The next moment, the tail of the mechanical biochemical beast suddenly split into two and flew high!

And the mechanical biochemical beast trembled all over!

It was as if he had been cast a holding spell, and he suddenly stopped!

Everyone was stunned!

Even the two mechanical biochemical beasts behind the crowd stopped and looked at this side hesitantly!

In the silence of the crowd!


A crisp sound suddenly appeared!

The next moment, in the shock of everyone's eyes, a blood line suddenly appeared on the forehead of the frozen mechanical biochemical beast in front of them!

Immediately afterwards, the blood line grew bigger and deeper, deeper and deeper!


The whole body of the mechanical biochemical beast suddenly divided into two symmetrical pieces, and then crashed on the ground!

And until this time, everyone saw that behind the biochemical beast, there was a handsome man who was holding a sharp sword and was as handsome as a god!

"Monster, dead?"

"Difficult, could it be that this man was killed?"

"Impossible! Monsters are so powerful, how can humans kill them!"

"But this man is too handsome!"

"Who is he? Is he also new here?"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with shocked expressions, and said one after another!

At this moment, the two mechanical biochemical beasts behind the crowd finally reacted!

They suddenly let out a roar, and then they jumped high at the same time, and rushed directly at Jiang Fan!

"not good!"

"Hurry up!"

"It's over! He's dead!"

The crowd suddenly exclaimed!



With a smile on his face, Jiang Fan waved his long sword at the two biochemical beasts at random!

next moment!

"Puff! Puff!"

Two extremely powerful heads of biochemical beasts, already carrying a bouquet of blood, suddenly soared into the sky!


Two muffled noises!

The body of the biochemical beast hit the ground fiercely!

The crowd was completely stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

"This, this is impossible!"

"Is this guy really human?"

"Unexpectedly, two monsters were killed with a single sword!"

"too exaggerated!"


And Jiang Fan's gaze had already crossed the crowd, looking at the other two biochemical beasts that were still raging in the distance!


Jiang Fan shook his right hand, and there was an extra longbow in his hand!

It is the Yunmeng Bow that hasn't been used for a long time!

Raising his hand to take out an arrow, Jiang Fan didn't even look at it, his backhand was just an arrow!


A piercing scream suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, the arrow suddenly exploded the head of a biochemical beast!

However, this was not over yet. Then, everyone was horrified to see that the arrow that had exploded the head of the biochemical beast unexpectedly drew an arc and directly penetrated another one hundred meters away. A biochemical beast!

In just five seconds, five biochemical beasts have been beheaded by Jiang Fan!

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan blankly, already shocked and speechless!

At the same time, the group of experimenters who watched here through monitoring have been completely confused!

"Oh my God!"

"Who is this kid?"

"Where did he jump out?"

"It's terrible! Five biochemical beasts were killed in less than five seconds!"

"And looking at his casual appearance, he didn't use his full strength at all!"

"Among human beings, how can there be such a terrible existence?"

"Hurry up and notify Dr. Peggy!"

A group of experimenters couldn't control it anymore and they screamed frantically!

And in the clearing of the maze!

"Big brother, you are too fierce!"

"With this archery skill, ten eagle eyes can't match it!"

"It's simply a **** descending from the earth!"

"Are you here to save us?"

"Hurry up and take us out!"

Everyone looked admiring, staring at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

But at this moment!

"Sir! You, you are so powerful, can you save Thomas first? He is poisoned and is about to die!"

Teresa suddenly rushed out, pointed at Thomas, whose eyes were starting to lose sight, and looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

"Don't worry, he will be fine!"

Jiang Fan smiled and took out the takeaway directly!

Suddenly, the scent of dry-fried Niuhe instantly spread to the audience!

"What is this? It smells so good!"

"Smell it makes my appetite swell, and my saliva is almost spitting out!"

"I want to eat it!"

The crowd twitched their noses vigorously, all eyes were red looking at the takeaway!

Even Thomas' eyes, which had been loose, stared at the takeaway!

"Here! Your takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled and handed the takeaway directly to Thomas!

As soon as Thomas saw the takeaway in front of him, he suddenly burst into force!

He broke away from the young people who were supporting him, and hugged the takeaway!

Then, just eat it!

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"Memory, I have never eaten something so delicious!"

"It's delicious!"

"The beef is smooth and the pho is strong. It's a perfect match!"

Thomas was sweating profusely!

As his sweat oozes out, the large blue toxins on his face are disappearing visible to the naked eye!

With Thomas eating this dry fried Niuhe, he has completely recovered!

At this moment!

"Ah! My head! My head hurts!"

Thomas suddenly hugged his head!

Everyone panicked!

But before they could react, Thomas had already exclaimed suddenly!

"I, I remember! I know who I am!"

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