God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 123: It's a dog, not a person

Jiang Fan turned a deaf ear to the ridicule of a group of people. Instead, he just sat in the empty seat!

"Jiang Fan! Who made you sit down?"

A woman with a pale face angered Jiang Fan!

Her name is Liu Hui. She was very poor back then. If Jiang Fan hadn't paid her tuition, she wouldn't be able to go to school at all!

Jiang Fan raised his eyes and glanced at her contemptuously, then suddenly burst into laughter!

"Liu Hui, who couldn't afford to go to school back then, who helped you?"

Liu Hui suddenly turned red!

Jiang Fan sneered and pointed to a boy again!

"Zhang Yang, if it wasn't for me to say hello to the people from Ascendas International, they would let you, a student of Pheasant University, go to work?"

"And Li Zhi, you are being chased by the campus loan. It's not me. Can you sit here?"

"Especially you, Hu He, you have offended people in society. Without me, can you put the hand on the table well?"

Jiang Fan was slow to deal with one thing, one thing, threw it out loudly and loudly!

Everyone, no change of color!

"Huh! A bunch of **** whose conscience is eaten by dogs! You guys are worthy of talking about me?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

And a group of people, unexpectedly, dare not look directly at him!

"Jiang Fan, that's all in the past! Does it make sense to say this?"

Li Shanshan suddenly sneered!

The rest were also refreshed and agreed!

"Yes! It's all in the past!"

"Huh! How about helping us? Isn't it just to pretend?"

"Yes! Just to show that you have money in your family!"

"Don't call yourself so great, can you show you without us?"

"Yes, what helps us is obviously for yourself!"

Jiang Fan looked at these people, the disappointment in his eyes became more and more intense!

When they received their own favor back then, these people knelt on their heads, cried and shed tears, vowing to repay them, but now, they will be such shameless faces!

It turns out that this is the classmate I helped wholeheartedly, this is the so-called gratitude!

"Okay! Well said!"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

"Indeed! I have never considered you rubbish! To me, Jiang Fan, what are you guys?"

"what did you say?"

Hu He is furious!

"I said you are rubbish! Do you still use me to repeat it again?"

"you wanna die!"

Hu He jumped out in one step, raising his hand to fan Jiangfan!


In Jiang Fan's eyes, a cold light flashed! A backhand slapped Hu He's face fiercely!


A crisp sound!

Hu He flew three meters upside down, he had a bleeding in his mouth and nose, and half of his face was swollen like steamed buns!

"Jiang Fan! How do you beat people?"

Everyone glared at Jiang Fan! As if he was looking for something!

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Hit someone? Which one of your eyes saw me hit someone?"

"I was just a dog!"


The Tang Mansion angered Jiang Fan!

"Tanglou, if you don't want to lose a hand, you'd better take it back to me!"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, there was a flash of murder!

For a moment in the Tang Tower, I only felt that the hairs were standing up! Almost, involuntarily, put your hands down quickly!

The rest were shocked!

Tanglou, unexpectedly, persuaded?

In response to the eyes of other people, Tanglou's complexion suddenly turned red!

"Jiang Fan, you..."

Before the Tanglou talk was finished, the door of the private room was suddenly kicked open!

A man looking like a manager, with a group of security guards, broke in directly!

"Just now, who hit our guest?"

Everyone was taken aback!

Then, they all looked at the tenement house together!

Could it be that Jiang Fan just told the Jinhu Hotel directly after hitting Huhe, the tenement house?

The Chinese mansion is also a bit deceptive, I want to call the security guard, but I just have an idea!

"Little building?"

At this moment, when the manager saw the tenement house, he was a little startled!

"Manager Wang? What is going on?"

Tanglou frowned!

I was already embarrassed by Jiang Fan just now, and now I was forced into it by someone else!

However, after all, the other party is the manager of the Golden Lake Hotel, the tenement house, he dare not presume!

"I'm sorry that there are not enough buildings. It is said that a takeaway called one of our guests. The waiter said he saw him in your room! However, they should have made a mistake. Let's go to another room..."

As Manager Wang said, he was ready to leave!

However, a security guard next to him suddenly pointed to Jiang Fan and shouted: "It's him!"

Manager Wang was startled, then turned to look at Jiang Fan——

Takeaway service! That's right! it's him!

I patronized and apologized just now! Actually, I didn't look carefully!

"Boy, it's you, dare to beat the guests of our Golden Lake Hotel?"

Manager Wang, look murderous!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, thought about it, and finally nodded!

"Are you talking about the fat pig in the parking lot? That's right! I did it!"

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone looked at Jiang Fan in a daze!

Jiang Fan, unexpectedly, beat the guests of the Golden Lake Hotel?

He, where is the courage?

The Chinese mansion was overjoyed!


How can Zheng worry deal with Jiang Fan! Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan died by himself!

"Manager Wang, he is my girlfriend's classmate, look..."

Tanglou, said something pretending!

Manager Wang looked straight up!

"Sorry, Shao Lou, your friend is the general manager of Chimelong International. I hope you don't interfere in this matter!"


"Chimelong International? General Manager?"

"Jiang Fan, really dare to start!"

"Dare to start? This is death!"

"Hey, Jiang Fan, how crazy you are!"

"Is this the end? You dare to hit someone at the Golden Lake Hotel. It was the general manager of Chimelong International!"

"This is dead, hehe, this is retribution!"

A group of former classmates and beneficiaries, at this moment, no one is actually making an appearance for Jiang Fan.

"Boy, come with us!"

Manager Wang looked at Jiang Fan with a sneer!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan is a bird at all!

"Don't go!"


Manager Wang, dumbfounded!

"You, what did you say?"

"No! I don't have time! Didn't you see me busy?"

Jiang Fan pointed at a group of white-eyed wolves!

It's all about being ungrateful, and it's actually a stumbling block! Today, if you don't abandon this group of beasts, it is simply intolerable!

Everyone looked dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan, is he too courageous, or is his brain wattless?

Now the Golden Lake Hotel is going to abolish him, which round will get him rejected!

Manager Wang was furious!

"Boy! I'm not asking for your opinion!"

He waved to a group of security guards behind him: "Give me up!"

A group of security guards immediately pulled out their batons and rushed towards Jiang Fan with a smirk!

Jiang Fan shook his head, kicked the security guard who rushed up first, and snatched the baton from his hand!

Then, just listen to a few muffled noises!

A group of security guards suddenly lay on the ground!

Manager Wang looked dumbfounded!

The others were also stunned!

Nima! This, this fighting power, against the sky!

Jiang Fan threw the baton away and said sincerely to Manager Wang: "You wait a while, I don't have time now!"

Manager Wang swallowed, and looked at Jiang Fan with horror, but nodded blankly!

And Jiang Fan, already, looked at the group of beasts with a grim look!

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