Jiang Fan walked quickly, stretched out his hand to probe him, and suddenly frowned!

"Are you poisoned?"

"Yes, I saw that the black seedlings prescribed medicine to my aunt and gave me poison."

"They say this is absolutely poisonous, and only Fairy Spirit Island has the antidote."

"I'm afraid I'm going to die..."

Li Xiaoyao looked pained!

"It's just Gu poison, it doesn't matter!"

Hearing what Li Xiaoyao said, Jiang Fan just sneered and took out the takeaway!

Suddenly, the scent of mala Tang floated over the inn in an instant!

"This, what is this?"

Li Xiaoyao smelled the scent of hot and spicy, and all of a sudden he didn't feel any pain anymore!

"Takeaway for you, eat!"

"Huh? Then, I'm welcome!"

Li Xiaoyao didn't care about anything else, so he picked up the spicy spicy soup and started eating!

"Ah! So cool! Enjoyable!"

"This taste is absolutely amazing!"

"Fish **** Q bombs! Wide and smooth! The more enoki mushrooms are chewed, the more fragrant they are! And this soup, which is spicy on top, is more enjoyable than drinking!"

"It's so cool! It's so cool!"

Soon, a bowl of Mala Tang was completely eaten by Li Xiaoyao!

And at this moment!


Li Xiaoyao suddenly snorted, opened his mouth, and let out a black breath!

Surprisingly, that Gu poison was directly burned into blue smoke by Mala Tang!

"Me, my poison is solved!"


"Big Brother Jiang Fan, what exactly is this?"

Li Xiaoyao looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"This is called Mala Tang!"

"Malatang? If the inn launches this dish, it will definitely make a lot of money! Auntie...hey! Auntie!"

Li Xiaoyao suddenly reacted and hurriedly looked at Jiang Fan!

"Brother Jiang Fan, please help my aunt!"

"Okay! Where is she?"


As Li Xiaoyao said, he ran upstairs quickly.

When the two came to a bedroom, they suddenly saw a middle-aged woman lying on the bed.

She is the aunt who brought up Li Xiaoyao, and the famous "iron palm flying phoenix" Aunt Li.

Just to raise Xiaoyao and grow up, this is the place to live in the inn.

But at the moment, Aunt Li looked as usual, but she couldn't sleep.

Jiang Fan took the pulse of Aunt Li's, and his expression suddenly moved!

The poison in Aunt Li is much lighter than that in Li Xiaoyao, he can completely solve it, but if Aunt Li is detoxified at this moment, I am afraid the story will be another version!

"Big Brother Jiang Fan! How is it?"

"Xiaoyao, first tell me what happened before."


"I greeted the guests below, but suddenly heard a muffled noise from the back kitchen. When I went over, I realized that my aunt had fainted."

"It's just that auntie has a peculiar smell on her body, exactly the same as those on the black seedlings!"

"I just felt weird at the time, but when I helped my aunt to rest in the bedroom, a few black seedlings suddenly found me and told me that there was an immortal medicine on the fairy island that could cure my aunt."

"I suspected that my aunt was killed by them, so I wanted to defraud them."

"Who knows the result is really them! It's a pity that the leading black seedling poisoned me, telling me that if I don't go to the fairy island for medicine, not only the aunt, but I will also die."

"I have no choice but to agree."

"Then the black seedling told me how to enter the fairy island, and gave me a hammer, telling me that he could break through the great formation of the fairy island."

"It's nothing, who thought he would suddenly take out a pill to give me a meal."

"I didn't want to eat, they wanted to grab me and give me medicine, and then you came..."

After listening to Li Xiaoyao's account, Jiang Fan understood what was going on.

As for the medicine Heimiao was going to give Li Xiaoyao, don't think about it, it must be Wangyousan!

After eating, you will forget everything that happened before!

"Brother Jiang Fan, then my aunt, can you save it?"

"Unfortunately, although I can save it, I am afraid of sequelae. I think you might as well go to Xianling Island!"

"Huh? Then, all right!"

Li Xiaoyao hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

But his face moved.

"Big Brother Jiang Fan, I was a little scared when I went out for the first time, you, can you come with me?"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled directly.

"You want me to teach you martial arts, right?"

"Then, did you agree?"


"Great! See you disciple Li Xiaoyao——"

Li Xiaoyao was so excited that he just knelt down!

When Jiang Fan made a move just now, he wanted to apprentice!

That kind of swift swordsmanship, it feels like a burst of fire!

If you can learn it, you will definitely be invincible!


"and so on!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and directly helped Li Xiaoyao up.

"I can't accept you, your real master, but I'm still waiting for you on the mountain!"

"On the mountain?"

Li Xiaoyao was startled!

He still doesn't even know the identity of Jiu Jianxian!

But Jiang Fan didn't say much, just spoke slowly.

"Next, I will teach you martial arts called Jiuyin Jiuyang!"

"Nine Yin and Nine Yin? Isn't it a sword technique?"

"Swordsmanship is taught to you! Listen well, I will only say it once!"

Jiang Fan said the formula directly!

After listening to Li Xiaoyao, he was stunned!

Jiang Fan thought he didn't understand, and was about to use the remaining time to explain to him, who knows——


Li Xiaoyao shook his whole body, and a vigorous internal force suddenly came out!

This kid has actually become the first level directly!


This talent is really amazing!

However, Li Xiaoyao was even more shocked. When he raised his hand to the door, he hit a palm!



The bedroom door was blasted to smash!

Li Xiaoyao was stupid!

"This, this martial arts, is it so abnormal?"

He suddenly turned around and looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Big Brother Jiang Fan, thank you! Thank you!"

"Ding! The host is the first step in helping Li Xiaoyao achieve the heroic dream. Li Xiaoyao's gratitude to you has exceeded the extreme value, and your reward has been doubled!"


This is great!

"You're welcome, by the way, this is for you!"

As Jiang Fan said, he threw the remaining three bowls directly to Li Xiaoyao.

"When you go to see that person at night, give him this wine directly!"

Li Xiaoyao opened the lid and his eyes widened when he heard it!

"Good wine! It is definitely the best wine! Jiang Fan, you..."

"Okay, take it! I'm almost out of time, I'll have trouble in the future, don't forget what you want to eat!"


"System! Back!"


The white light is coming down!

Jiang Fan is gone!

Li Xiaoyao was dumbfounded!

But time is running out, he has to hurry up and dare to go to Xianling Island now!

After hurriedly cleaning up, Li Xiaoyao was about to go on the road, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a book wrapped in red cloth in the cabinet!

Li Xiaoyao opened it to take a look, and was stunned!

"Hey? This is the cheat?!"


Jiang Fan is back in the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1024 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Li Xiaoyao's gratitude-Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer!"

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