"Humans on Earth, someone might suddenly think of..."

"If the number of humans is reduced to half..."

"Will the number of burned forests also be reduced by half..."

"If the number of humans is reduced to one percent..."

"Will the wanton discharge of poisons be reduced to one percent..."

"Suddenly someone on Earth thought that I must protect all life..."

This passage is so familiar!

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

And the next moment!

"Ding! Please give Quan Xinyi a warm Aiye Chicken Soup!"

Izumi Shinichi?

I'm getting more familiar!

Forget it, go in and talk about it!

There happened to be a pot of Aiye Chicken Soup on the table, Jiang Fan picked it up directly, ran over to the bathroom!


You said that the cultivator still has a bathroom?

of course!

Even the abnormal digestive system of a snake still has excrement!

What's more, even if the Grand Master can completely decompose food into energy, there are still so many ordinary disciples!

Seeing Jiang Fan carrying food into the toilet, the group of people were all dumbfounded!

Could Mr. Jiang guess that the amount was huge, so he went to the toilet to calm down?

But how deep is Mr. Jiang's mind, how could he become so excited about this kind of thing?

What's more, even if you go to the bathroom to calm down, what do you do with the chicken soup?

A group of people were at a loss, and Jiang Fan had already entered the bathroom and uttered a low voice!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the ten thousand worlds is on! About to enter-"Parasite Beast"!"

Parasitic beast!

It turned out to be this world!

Parasitic Beast movie version (this world is only the movie version, and has nothing to do with the animation version and the manga version!) The main story is:

One day or night, many tiny creatures float on the surface of the sea. They will enter the human brain and become human beings, and then hunt and kill humans for food.

The protagonist Izumi Shinichi also became the target of being parasitized, but due to some accident, the parasitic beast parasitic in his body did not fit with his brain, but with his right hand.

Shinichi and Xiaoyou are in love for a long time (?? Murano Rimi: What am I?), in order to let the "host" Shinichi survive, Xiaoyou gradually gave up his hostility to humans, which caused the two to suffer other parasites. Attack of the beast.

Izumi Shinichi continued to grow during the battle, and finally succeeded in solving the biggest villain Kondo, and Xiaoyou fell into a deep sleep.

Compared with the other two editions, the movie edition has deleted a lot of characters, but the plot is roughly the same and the rhythm is faster!


Jiang Fan reappeared, already outside the door of an old Japanese house!

This is the home of Izumi Shinichi in the movie!

Jiang Fan walked to the door and was about to knock, but at this moment his nose twitched!

The smell of blood!

Jiang Fan's face sank, and he kicked the door open, and suddenly saw a young man lying in a pool of blood!

This person is the protagonist, Izumi Shinichi!

And beside him, his right hand was turning into a little monster with one eye, lying on the ground equally weak!

It is Xiaoyou!

Jiang Fan knew in an instant when he had arrived!

There are two most abusive clips in the movie!

One of them is Tamiya Ryoko, who caused Izumi Shinichi to shed tears again and awakened human feelings at the end of life!

And the other one was the murder of his mother, who caused Quan Shinichi to lose human feelings and almost died!

And now this time period is when Quan Xinyi’s mother was killed by A and occupied her body, and then A came to Quanxin’s family and pierced Quan Xinyi’s heart!

In the original plot, Xiaoyou used his own cells to repair Quan Xinyi's broken heart, and because of this, Quan Xinyi's body has been greatly strengthened!

But looking at what it looks like now, something obviously went wrong!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Xiao You was suddenly excited!

"Human! Energy!"

"Sorry man! In order to live with Shinichi, I can only eat you!"

"But don't worry, Shinichi said that you can't kill, I only eat one of your legs!"

Xiao You said, suddenly turned into two sharp blades, and slashed at Jiang Fan extremely fast!



With a flick of his finger, Jiang Fan actually knocked the two sharp blades of Xiao You directly into the air!

"No, it's impossible!"

"You, you are indeed a human, but how can a human be so powerful!"

Xiao You was stunned and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

There is no mention of human beings being so powerful in various materials!

So that he, who had no feelings, was deeply shocked!

Who the **** is this guy?

"Nothing is impossible! Little guy, if you don't want him to die, get into his body and mend his heart!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

If Izumi Shinichi died, he wouldn't be able to go back!

"You, do you even know this?"

Xiao You was shocked!

But he shook his head immediately!

"I can't do it. I have lost too much energy. The two attacks just used up the remaining energy! Unless you eat your legs, we will be dead!"

"Damn! You know how to eat! Rest assured, I have energy!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already strode to Quan Xinyi's side, and directly lost his true energy!

"Oh my God! What, what is this?"

"Wireless energy transmission?"

"No! It's the Huaxia Zhenqi recorded in the book!"

"I thought it was just a fabrication, but I didn't expect it to be true! It's too exaggerated!"

"Fortunately, our ethnic group did not parasitize the Huaxia people, otherwise, it would be dead directly!"

Xiao You was shocked!

However, in Jiang Fan's gloomy eyes, he immediately began to repair Qi Quan Xinyi's heart!

With Jiang Fan's incomparable zhenqi as the energy supply, in less than three minutes, Xiaoyou has completely cured Quan Xinyi!


With a groan, Izumi Shinichi finally woke up!

"Mommy mommy……"

Quan Xinyi wailed as soon as he woke up!

But seeing Jiang Fan, he was stunned!

"You, who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Both of them were stunned!

Xiao You's little face is even more embarrassed!

This magical Chinese man named Jiang Fan turned out to be a takeaway? ?

However, since it is China’s takeaway, everything is reasonable!

After all, China’s delivery staff are omnipotent, which is already common sense!

But Izumi Shinichi just wailed bitterly!

"Whatever! Mom, Mom..."

I blame myself, if I kill A directly, there won't be such a thing!

I hate it!

I regret it!


I am sorry!

I am sorry!

At this moment!

"Xinyi! It was Jiang Fan who rescued us just now! And he is China's takeaway. If he makes a move, maybe your mother..."

Xiaoyou suddenly spoke!

"What?! China takeaway?"

Izumi Shinichi suddenly reacted!

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed Jiang Fan's big hand!

"Big Brother Jiang Fan! You, can you save my mother?"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly.

In this world, regardless of race, color, nationality, or even humans and animals, the meaning of motherhood is the same!

If you have the ability, of course you will save it!

But now...


and so on!

Jiang Fan suddenly took out takeout!

Looked up in a daze!

After a long time, he suddenly laughed!

"Don't worry, I can save your mother!"

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