Of course accept!

This is what I'm waiting for!

"Okay! Then I'll take you there!"

Jiang Fan nodded and took the task directly!


Jack finally breathed a sigh of relief!

And the plot began to develop on the right track!

The ship sailed fast along the coast, and Will told Jack about his affairs with Elizabeth!

Jack said that there was no problem, but seeing Jiang Fan didn't pay attention to this side, he immediately turned on the flicker mode!

I want Will to serve on Davy Jones' ship for himself!

Will is now an innocent boy, who was fooled by Jack, and immediately agreed!

Jiang Fan wanted to laugh, but in order not to affect the plot, he didn't say anything!

When the two of them had finished talking, he waved to Jack!

Jack suddenly ran over with a flattering look!

"Jiang Fan! What's wrong?"

"You should have got the key drawing of Davy Jones' Treasure Chest, right?"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

"You, how do you know?"

Jack was startled!

But he nodded anyway!

"Very well, I want to ask you, the compass was given to me, how do you find that thing?"

"That's why I went to find Tiadora!"

Jack spoke aggrievedly!

Jiang Fan was startled!

Because I took the compass, did the plot begin to be corrected automatically?

After all, this thing is the most critical prop in the entire Pirates of the Caribbean world!

When Jiang Fan seized this thing by accident, he didn't plan to come again!

But he didn't expect this thing to be a sealed state!

And entering again, what he fears most is the plot change, everything out of control!

Now that there is a correction, it is naturally the best!

Soon, it was night!

According to Jack, the destination can be reached after dawn!

A group of pirates are preparing to rest!

At this moment!

"Hey? What's over there?"

"There seems to be a boat!"

"Aha! I didn't expect to make a fortune before going to bed!"

"Captain! There is a ship, let's rob it!"

A group of pirates are directly excited!

Jack's eyes lit up too!

It's just that he took out his binoculars and took a look, and he almost didn't plunge into the sea in shock!

The ship's exterior was in tatters, and it was covered with countless barnacles and other shellfish and algae, as if it shattered when it hit!

But don't talk about Jack, even Blackbeard has no guts to rob him here!

Nothing else, but this ship, turned out to be the most powerful ghost ship, the flying Dutchman!

"It's a ghost ship! Run! Run!"

Jack screamed suddenly!

The whole person ran to Jiang Fan with a look of horror!

"Jiang Fan! Help! Help!"

But at this moment, the flying Dutchman suddenly exerted force and rushed towards the Black Pearl!

A group of crew members were startled when they heard Jack's screaming, seeing the other party rushing over again, they all screamed!

The entire deck was suddenly messed up!

But Jiang Fan looked at the ghost ship in a daze!

After a long time, he suddenly had a fierce look in his eyes, kicked Jack who was holding his thigh away, and suddenly jumped towards the surface of the sea!

Jack was taken aback!

I thought Jiang Fan was going to jump off the boat!

But the next moment, everyone was shocked!

I saw Jiang Fan's foot on the surface of the water a little bit, and the next moment, his whole body suddenly rose into the air, under the blessing of the wind power, like a goshawk, suddenly flew towards the ghost ship!

"God, my goodness!"


"God! Jiang Fan is definitely a god!"

"Haha! David Jones, let you chase me! Wait for death this time!"

Jack was even more excited and laughed!

On the ghost ship on the opposite side, a group of strange-looking crew members who looked almost the same as seafood are shouting in excitement!

They are actually all prisoners of the ghost ship!

But when killing people, it is their only moment of freedom!

The thought that the hapless pirates on the opposite side were about to die in their own hands made them tremble with excitement!

But at this moment!

"Hey? What is that?"

"Is it a human?"

"Don't be nonsense! How can people fly! It's a water bird!"

"Such a big waterfowl? What are you kidding?"

A group of crew members looked at Jiang Fan who was speeding in, and they all spoke in a rush!

But the next moment, everyone was stunned!

"People! Really people!"

"This guy can actually fly?"

"Damn, what about flying!"

"Dare to come over, he is looking for death!"

A group of crew members suddenly grinned!

And Jiang Fan has fallen on the bow!

However, just standing on the ghost ship, he frowned!

This ship is so weird!

Actually absorbing his vitality!

Although the speed of smoking is extremely slow, it never stops at all!

More importantly, standing on this ship, his strength dropped by 30% in an instant!


The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

The crew of those ghost ships have already drawn out their weapons!

"Hehehe, kill him!"

A group of crew members walked towards Jiang Fan!

However, before they could do anything, Jiang Fan had suddenly come to a shark man, and then he slammed it up with a punch!


The shark man didn't even have time to make a horrible howl, and the whole person had exploded into a **** flower!

Everyone on the crew was stunned!

Who is this person?

When I came to the ghost ship, I dared to do it first!

This is too rampant!

The point is, what is a fist?

Cannons don’t have this power either!

It actually blows up a big living person with one punch!

However, the others immediately reacted, screaming, grabbing their weapons and slashing them on Jiang Fan!



After the crisp sound on his face, Jiang Fan did nothing, but the weapons of this group of crew members were all exploded with debris!

As for Jiang Fan, he stared at the minced meat that he had exploded!

Unexpectedly, all of this minced meat was absorbed by the hull a little bit!

And the next moment, that shark man actually floated from the deck again!


The crew of the ghost ship are indeed immortal!

"Damn bastard! How dare you blow me up! I'm going to take you--"

The shark man suddenly roared and was about to rush towards Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand!

"Holy Light!"

next moment!

A creamy-white beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and directly hit the shark man's head!



A scream suddenly sounded!

The shark man was directly burned into a piece of fly ash by the Holy Light!

However, the strange thing is that those fly ash were sucked in by the ghost ship again!

The next moment, the shark man unexpectedly got out of the ship again!

But he never dared to rush towards Jiang Fan anymore, just backed away desperately!

As for the rest of the crew, they were also stunned!

When the holy light appeared just now, they only felt as uncomfortable as being on fire!

Although this thing cannot kill them, for them, such torture is too painful!

And Jiang Fan nodded, suddenly took a step back, and was about to leave!

He came here this time just to see the strength of these monsters!

Because he had a hunch instinctively, he wanted to lift the seal of the compass, it must be related to the ghost ship!

However, Jiang Fan hasn't waited to retreat!

"Duh! Duh! Duh..."

A strange sound of footsteps suddenly sounded!

next moment!

The door of the captain's room suddenly opened, and then, a monster with a face like an octopus appeared in front of everyone!

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