God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1192: I don't want to lose my blood

As soon as Yu Qingzi spoke, everyone's complexion changed!

"Jing Lingzong is about to end?"

"What happened?"

"Isn't it okay before?"

"What does it mean?"

The crowd hurriedly asked!

But Jiang Fan's complexion remained unchanged, only to smooth out Yu Qingzi's breath, and then he said in a deep voice!

"Don't worry, what's going on, speak slowly!"

"Yes! It happened yesterday..."

Three days ago, Jing Lingzong held a huge Western monster auction!

In order to make a big hit, the head Yuxuzi even made dozens of jade slips with images, and passed them to various middle sects!

As for why it was not passed on to those big sects... It is said that everyone is not guilty!

Unlike the secular world, the realm of comprehension still upholds the principle that the fist is big many years ago, and it doesn't care about public criticism at all!

This can be seen only from the time when Yunlou came to blackmail!

Although the big gates of these things may not be eye-catching, but sometimes, they still have to be guarded!

Yu Xuzi didn't have any strength in vain, and on the day of the auction, it was almost an instant hit!

Seeing the materials that were not seen on weekdays piled up in the square, the crowd was directly excited!

However, what is even more exciting is that trading with Jing Lingzong does not require any treasures at all, as long as the lowest flying sword!

All transactions, all use flying swords as currency!

For a cultivator, this kind of flying sword can be refined even by a fifth-level disciple, and the materials used are all worthless iron, which is nothing more than a time-consuming!

For all sects, this is the same as white!

As a result, the Jing Lingzong directly made the biggest fortune in history!

According to the plan, the auction was only for one day, but seeing the market is very good, so it went on for another day!

And the next day, more sects who got the news also rushed over!

The Jing Lingzong not only made another fortune, but also finalized cooperation agreements with many distributions!

Of course, this is definitely not that simple!

There is even a few sects who have joined forces to threaten Jing Lingzong!

However, Yu Xuzi obviously has excellent scheming methods, and he has actually made a drama of first cooperation and discounts!

Suddenly, all those who cooperated first became loyal friends of Jing Lingzong!

And those who joined forces to coerce suddenly fell into trouble!

Not only did they fail to make a profit, but they also apologized!

When has the Jing Lingzong been so exasperated?

It's almost flying!

My heart is full of gratitude to Jiang Fan!

But just yesterday, seeing the huge shipment volume, Yu Xuzi, who was afraid of short supply, hurriedly asked Yu Qingzi to come to Los Angeles to pick up the goods!

But before Feijian was installed, something went wrong!

A few hundred miles away from the Jingling Sect, there is a large gate named Caster Sect!

Originally, many of the nearby sects, including Jing Lingzong, needed refining materials from them!

And because of this, the Caster Sect has become more and more powerful!

Although Yu Xuzi was cautious in every possible way, but the momentum of the auction was too great, this matter directly passed to the ears of the Foundry Sect!

The Caster Sect was directly angry!

Jing Lingzong's monster materials are not only huge in quantity, but also fair in price. If things go on like this, it will definitely be a huge threat!

And just yesterday, the master of the Foreign Affairs Hall of the Foundry Sect directly took people to the Jingling Sect!

Yu Xuzi had been mentally prepared for the Caster Sect to come directly to the door, but he never expected that the other party would come so quickly!

But he wasn't too panic. Although the corpses of the monsters were good, they could not replace the minerals and herbs. The Jingling Sect only did this, and there should be no threat to the Casting Sect!

However, he still underestimated the greed of Caster Sect!

Before coming to the Jinglingzong, the Casting Sect had secretly sent people to monitor the Jinglingzong, and the huge number of monster corpses directly moved their hearts!

This time, the Casting Sect not only wanted the Pure Spirit Sect to spit out the source of the monsters, but also prepared to annex the Pure Spirit Sect!

How can this Pure Spirit Sect be capable?

This is no longer just a matter of interest, but involves the survival of the sect!

Although Yu Xuzi looks white and fat like a sales manager, he is also a ruthless person in his bones!

Immediately, without saying anything, fighting for serious injuries, he directly abolished the host of the Foreign Affairs Hall and his group, and then opened a large formation of guarding the mountain!

On the other hand, he directly asked Yu Qingzi to find Jiang Fan for help!

I didn't know that Yuqingzi was spotted by a master from the Casting Sect as soon as he came out!

Although he escaped, he was hit by this evil eye curse!

"Mr. Jiang! You, you must save our Jing Lingzong!"

"Except for you, no other schools are good at all!"

"We have agreed to cooperate, but those sects are afraid of the Casting Sect, and they all acted as head-shrinking turtles!"

"If you don't even take action, then the Pure Spirit Sect will be completely destroyed!"

Yuqingzi howled and cried!

Yuguangzi was also sweating coldly, looking at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

Jiang Fan's face has completely sunk!

It's almost clouded on the surface!

Jing Lingzong is the cornucopia of his own future!

This special has just opened, and there are people who come to smash the venue, it is just looking for death!

And Yu Xuzi was smart enough, and the flying swords he earned didn't let Yu Qingzi bring it over!

This is clearly telling Jiang Fan that if he doesn't come to the rescue, all his previous investments will be gone!

But Jiang Fan didn't care about this!

When it comes to the survival of the sect, if you replace yourself with yourself, maybe you have to do something!

"Don't worry! Lao Tzu can never spare them this Casting Sect!"

Jiang Fan said viciously!

However, at this moment!

"Yeah! Boy, you are not too old, your tone is not too young!"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, three men in Taoist robes had already jumped over the courtyard wall and fell from the sky!

Of these three people, the leading one is white-faced and needless, and his extremely slender eyes are full of cunning and insidiousness!

The other two looked similar in age to Yu Qingzi, but one of them had a pale face and one eye was blown apart, leaving only a **** eye socket!

But the same thing is that the auras of these people are all extremely powerful!

The leader has reached the fourteenth level!

The other two have reached the thirteenth level!

As soon as she saw these people, Yu Qingzi's expression suddenly changed!

"Hanquan! You, why are you here..."

"Of course I followed you!"

The man named Hanquan gave a gloomy smile!

"Yuqingzi, don't you think that you can really escape from us with a tenth-level little cultivator?"

Yuqingzi's face is pale!

He suddenly understood!

The other party could obviously kill him, but he just cast such a curse on himself, just wanting to bring them to find Jiang Fan by himself!

And Hanquan no longer took Liyu Qingzi, but looked at Jiang Fan!

"Ant! It was you who broke my junior brother's evil eye curse and caused him to lose an eye?"


As soon as everyone heard Han Quan's words, they knew what his fate was!

Everyone, including Yu Qingzi, took a step back!

Then, took a step back!

He retreated to more than ten meters behind Jiang Fan before stopping!

Seeing the reaction of the crowd, Hanquan and the three were stunned!

Afterwards, Hanquan smiled proudly!

"Ant! Your subordinates are really sensible, knowing that they can't offend me, so they exit sensibly, very good!"

The crowd was stunned!

Look at Hanquan as if looking at a fool!

Hanquan feels wrong himself!

"Am I wrong?"

"if not?"

Jiang Fan, who had been silent, finally spoke slowly!

"Do you know why they retired? Because they just, don't want to be bloodied!"

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