As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was shocked!

Sure enough, the same as Bumblebee said!

Jiang Fan, actually really knows the Rubik's Cube! And Qi still knows where this thing is!

It's incredible!

How does this human know so much?

Do not!

To be precise, is this guy really human?

No matter how you look at it, you think he is a higher race than himself!

Could it be that the distant past, China represents a higher and more terrifying civilization?

But Bumblebee lowered his head and screamed!

"Take it, got it..."

"What about the Rubik's Cube?"


Bumblebee babbled for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth!

"I handed him over to Sam, who knew he was handed over to the military later, and now the Rubik's Cube has been taken away by the military!"


Jiang Fan cursed directly!

No wonder you didn't see the military and Sam's shadows nearby!

When these people get the Cube of the Universe, how can they care about the life and death of Bumblebees!

Anyway, when a nuclear bomb comes down, everything will be done!

"Listen to me, I don't have much time right now, you guys leave here immediately, and then find a way to contact Sam, and you must get the Rubik's Cube back!"

Jiang Fan's tone is solemn!

"Jiang Fan, the Rubik's Cube in the hands of humans is not necessarily a bad thing, it is better than being in Megatron's hands!"

Optimus Prime suddenly spoke at this moment!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, until then did he finally look at Optimus Prime seriously!

In the movie, Optimus Prime has an unusually broad mind, and even for humans, he can ignore the life and death of his companions!

Just like when the Hornet was taken away, they were obviously stronger than humans by force, and they watched the Hornet be taken away by the ice!

They can't help but know the fate of the Hornet!

In the hands of those citizens of Citigroup, there is only one part to be dissected and studied!

However, under Optimus Prime's obstruction, no one shot!

Even Optimus Prime is called a meaningful sacrifice!

When he saw this, Jiang Fan seriously doubted Optimus Prime's motives!

If he is really a guy who can sacrifice his compatriots for the sake of mankind, it is estimated that unless all the Transformers' brains are watts, it is absolutely impossible to follow such a perverted leader who can sell himself at any time!

Since no one opposed it, there is only one explanation for this matter!

Optimus Prime had to do this!

So what is his motivation?

Of course it is for the Decepticons headed by Megatron!

The strength of the Decepticons far exceeds that of the Autobots!

Optimus Prime and the others were driven out by Megatron!

In order to ensure the survival of the entire ethnic group, he is bound to seek the help of a third party!

In other words, I sold Bumblebee to show my sincerity in cooperating with humans!

Let's see!

I can even entrust your most loyal subordinates to you for research. What reason do you have to doubt our motives and sincerity in cooperation?

Let us join forces and fight the Decepticons together!

As the Rubik's Cube fell into the hands of the military, Optimus Prime was not in a hurry, which was even more normal!

The life forms activated by the Universe Rubik's Cube, from birth, are all Decepticons!

In other words, this thing is an artifact for the Decepticons!

But for them Autobots, this thing is the source of evil!

As long as this thing doesn't fall into Megatron's hands, it doesn't matter to Optimus Prime that it is in anyone's hands!

Having figured out all this in an instant, Jiang Fan was inexplicably wary of Optimus Prime!

On the surface, this guy may seem to be benevolent and righteous, and he can even sacrifice himself, but in fact, for the development of the Autobots, his methods are probably higher than himself, not lower!

After all, this is a ruthless man who can give up his life without hesitation!

It's just that because of Optimus Prime's character, it just happened to be Jiang Fan's best target for picking up bargains!

"Optimus Prime, the Universe Rubik's Cube is in the hands of the military and may not be safe!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

Everyone was shocked!

But Optimus Prime shook his head!

"No, this time we will work with humans to help them hide the Rubik's Cube, and even if something goes wrong, I will use my own fire to destroy the Rubik's Cube!"

Optimus Prime has obviously eliminated Jiang Fan from the category of human beings, that's why he said that!

After all, how could human beings be so powerful and magical!

But when he heard Optimus Prime's words, Jiang Fan smiled!

"You got it wrong, I didn't mean that!"

"is not what it means?"

Optimus Prime was startled!

And Jiang Fan has slowly spoken!

"Optimus Prime, human desires are endless. Since this thing can produce Transformers, then guess whether humans will use it to create Transformers that only obey human orders?"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone's expressions suddenly changed!

And Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"We can further assume that the most indispensable thing on earth is a wide range of electronic products!"

"Once humans have mastered the technology to control Transformers, it will only be a matter of time before they want to completely eliminate the Decepticons!"

"And once the Decepticons disappear, your fate will be hard to guess!"

"Maybe it will be delineated by mankind as an autonomous region, or be expelled by mankind and continue to wander the universe!"

"Of course, these are relatively good consequences!"

"But what if humans deal with you like Decepticons?"


Deathly silence!

This time, not only did all the Autobots become anxious, even Optimus Prime's hands began to tremble uncontrollably!

"With human greed, it is not impossible! Damn! I must destroy the Rubik's Cube!"

Optimus Prime couldn't control it anymore and was ready to leave!

But at this moment!

"Don't worry! If you want to destroy the Rubik's Cube, you will definitely take your own life!"

"And once the destruction is incomplete, even if only a small fragment remains, your sacrifice will become meaningless!"

"I have another better choice!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"What choice?"

"Give me the Rubik's Cube, as long as it reaches my hands, it will never appear in this world again!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"It's impossible! Unless you are not in this world—"

Optimus Prime gave a bitter smile, then he suddenly reacted, looking at Jiang Fan with shock!

"You, you are not a life in this world at all!"

And Jiang Fan nodded!

"Yes! You think about it, after all, there is only one life!"

"Now, you can try to search for my traces in this world and see if what I said is true!"

As Jiang Fan said, he gave a low voice in his heart!

"System! Back!"

The next moment, the white light shines down!

"Wait! Jiang Fan—"

Optimus Prime suddenly exclaimed!

But Jiang Fan has disappeared without a trace!


Back to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1036 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the gratitude of the Hornet-mechanical combat skills!"

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