God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1177: Promote wealthy waywardness


The sea breeze howls!

Blow away all the smoke and dust!

The place where Brandon blew himself up, there was only a big pit 30 meters in diameter and five meters deep!

From afar, Green was scorched and moaning in pain!

"Master Green! How are you?"

Jiang Fan sprinted and rushed directly!

"Help, help me..."

Green groaned barely!

However, Jiang Fan said with a smile!

"Looking at you like this, you definitely can't live! You should return to the embrace of the God of Light with peace of mind!"

"you you……"

Green was stunned and looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"Don't look at me like that, you, a bit smart, it's no good for me to keep you! It's enough to have Adelaide alive!"

As Jiang Fan said, he hooked his finger, and suddenly countless pieces of sawdust and rubble were dragged by the wind and hit Green directly!

In an instant, Green was almost beaten into a sieve!

It seemed as if the shock wave of the explosion blasted these things on him!


Green suddenly took a bit of blood, and finally closed his eyes helplessly!

At this point, the tripartite forces have completely disappeared!

"Haha! What a nice day!"

Jiang Fan clapped his hands and smiled!

But at this moment!

"Indeed, it's really a pleasant day!"

A cold female voice suddenly sounded from behind Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan was not surprised, just turned his head and looked at the woman with a smile!

"Miss Barbara, hello!"

This woman, surprisingly, was Liander's subordinate, who was in charge of killing Jiang Fan, Barbara!

Seeing Jiang Fan's reaction, Barbara was startled!

Didn't this kid see me unexpectedly?

Does he know that I am coming?

Do not!

This is never possible!

"Huh! Jiang Fan, you surprised me! Isaac's evaluation is indeed correct! You are really a genius of layout!"

"I didn't expect that you would let the three parties into one place, and finally kill them all! Jiang Fan, your wisdom is terrifying!"

Although Barbara was complimenting, she was mocking!

What a great layout!

It's not a praying mantis catching a cicada, the oriole is behind!

Although Jiang Fan designed the three parties to death, in the end, his life would end in his own hands!

However, Jiang Fan didn't show any fear, just smiled humbly!

"You flatter me!"

"No! I'm telling the truth! Your game is almost perfect to the limit! It's just a pity that you are still too tender compared to Lord Liander!"

The corner of Barbara's mouth curled up, and her fingers moved slowly!

This is a sign that she is about to make a move!

At the same time, her aura gradually released!

Half-step master!

Barbara is also a half-step master!

However, Jiang Fan was laughing!

Faced with such a, theoretically speaking, he is now at the thirteenth level, who can never defeat the half-step master at all, he is actually laughing!

Barbara suddenly felt bad for a while!

"You, what are you laughing at?"

"What am I laughing at? I am laughing at you stupid!"

Jiang Fan couldn't help it anymore, he laughed loudly!

The laughing waist almost couldn't straighten up!

"Am I stupid?"

Barbara was startled, but then she looked angry!

"Bastard! Boy, I wanted to make your death easier, but now, I have changed my mind!"

Barbara said, she is going to make a move!

But at this moment!

"Barbara, you, haha, don't you really think, I don't know you have been following me secretly?"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

"You, you know?"

Barbara was stunned!

"Of course! From the beginning of the city that never sleeps, I know you are following me!"


Barbara sneered!

"If you really know, with your wisdom, you will definitely make arrangements! But now everyone is dead, what will you do against me?"

"So I say you are stupid!"

Jiang Fan finally stopped laughing, slowly straightened up, and looked at Barbara mockingly!

"Barbara, you and your master still don't know enough about me!"

"Know why you know you are following me, but I don't have the slightest reaction?"

"That's because in addition to my ability to analyze layout, I have something as powerful as it—"


With this roar, Jiang Fan has suddenly communicated with the system!

Time stops immediately!

"System! Improve nine yin and nine yang!"

"Ding! The current level of Nine Yin and Nine Yang is the seventh level. It takes 50,000 causal points to upgrade to the eighth level. Do you want to upgrade?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host Jiuyin and Jiuyang for reaching the eighth level!"


The zhenqi in Jiang Fan's body was like a hurricane in an instant, and it spread all over the limbs!

However, this is just the beginning!

"Continue to improve!"

"Ding! The current level of Nine Yin and Nine Yang is the eighth level. It takes 80,000 causal points to upgrade to the ninth level. Do you want to upgrade?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host Jiuyin Jiuyang for reaching the ninth level!"

"Ding! System prompt! This technique has reached the limit that the host can improve at present! If you want to continue to improve, please complete the task of level 15 and rank three!"


The prompt of the system has just ended!

For a moment!

Jiang Fan's body seemed to detonate a nuclear bomb!

A terrifying innocence that reached the limit, almost gushing out from Jiang Fan's seven orifices!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, just relying on his true energy, already has the strength to kill the half-step grandmaster!

But it's not over yet!

"System! Improving the universe and moving!"

"Ding! The current level of the Great Shift of Universe is the third level, and it will cost 15 thousand causal points to upgrade to the fourth level. Will it be upgraded?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for moving to the fourth level!"

"carry on!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host on the move to reach the fifth floor..."

"carry on!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for moving to the sixth level! Comprehending the six vitality!"

In an instant, the true qi in Jiang Fan's body had skyrocketed three times!

The number of skill duplication bars has reached six!

However, Jiang Fan continued to shout!

"carry on!"

"Ding! The current level of Host Universe Shift is 6, and it will cost 100,000 causal points to upgrade to the seventh level! Does it increase?"

One hundred thousand? !


Rich and self-willed!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for moving to the seventh level! Comprehending the nine-strength energy!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host Universe for reaching the seventh level! The current skill copy column-nine!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the Great Move to reach the seventh level! The host can choose to merge the three skill copy columns and transform them into a permanent skill column!"

"Ding! You can't continue to return to the copy bar after you choose to merge! But the permanent skill bar can choose to memorize any ability!"

"Ding! System prompt! This technique has reached the limit that the host can improve at present! If you want to continue to improve, please complete the task of level 15 and rank three!"

At the same time!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's inner body's true energy, on the basis of the original, directly skyrocketed five times!

Has completely surpassed the limit that can be reached at level fourteen!

And Jiang Fan's causal point has already exceeded 290,000!

And the 290,000 causal points brought about is exaggerated to the terrifying strength!

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