On both sides of the T stage, in the top positions, Edward and Pierce are sitting opposite each other!

The two of them crossed their eyes, and they all smiled proudly!

In terms of design, they have achieved the ultimate, and the next step is to rely on the performance of the model!

Pierce, you are determined to lose!

Edward sent a clear signal directly through his eyes!

But Pierce just smiled coldly!

Because just ten minutes ago, when he saw Jiang Fan put on the black emperor, he knew that he would definitely be the final winner!

Soon, the ordinary supermodels under the two have all gone through!

At this moment, the music suddenly stopped!

Edward had already taken the microphone and stood up slowly!

"Everyone, everyone knows, this time, it is the peak matchup between Pierce and I! The bet is that the loser will completely withdraw from the design circle!"

Although I had known the news for a long time, but was certified by Edward himself, everyone trembled!

These two people are geniuses in the design circle!

Especially after watching the previous catwalks, everyone knows that any exit is simply a loss to the entire design community!

However, they obviously cannot shake the will of the masters!

And Edward has looked at Pierce proudly!

"Pierce! My old adversary, you are my most respectable opponent, but this time, you are destined to leave forever!"

"As a parting gift, and to convince you, let you see and see, where my heart and soul in this life lies-the glory of angels!"

As Edward's voice ended, a fierce and vigorous symphony suddenly sounded on the scene!

At the next moment, at the exit of the T station, Pete had already stepped out with graceful steps!

"I, my goodness!"

"Too, so beautiful!"

"God's work! This is God's work!"

"I want to wear it! No matter how much it costs! I want this suit!"

"Me too! No matter how expensive it is!"

As soon as Pete appeared, everything went crazy!

Pete wears a pure white windbreaker, and the two ribs of the windbreaker are covered with white tassels. When he walks, those tassels drift with the wind, just like angel wings!

And on this windbreaker, all the buttons are jewels as blue as the sky, especially on Pete's neck, there is a small earth pendant hanging!

At this moment, he is walking on the T stage like a true angel spreading the gospel!

And countless female audiences are almost going crazy!

"Too, too perfect!"

"So handsome!"

"I, I can't do it! I almost fainted!"

"Perfect clothing to the limit, perfect model to the limit!"

"Pierce, lose!"

The scene is almost a mess!

At this moment, Pete felt that he was about to float in front of the boiling audience!


It is absolutely unprecedented to receive such attention and be worshipped this way!

The cooperation between myself and Edward is simply extremely wise!

After today, I am afraid I will double my own worth!

And Edward laughed wildly!


I won!

And it's definitely a real crush!

What a pity!

Pierce! farewell!


At this moment, Pete had reached the end of the runway, and then slowly turned around and stood still!

Until this time, Pierce slowly stood up and looked at Edward!

"Edward, I have to admit that you are indeed a genius!"

"Your clothes are almost perfect!"

"However, you are at fault, you found such a little white face to pretend to be an angel!"

Everyone's complexion changed!

Pete's face is even greener!

"Pierce! You are too presumptuous!"

Edward roared even more!

But Pierce just smiled proudly!

"Edward, it seems you still don't understand that our designer's job is not to design clothes for people to wear, but to design suitable clothes for the right people!"

"Let me tell you what is the real design and what is the real perfect fit!"

"Your little white face, even if you pretend to be, will be just a little white face after all!"

"And this one of mine is truly great-the black emperor!"

With Pierce's roar, the lights on the scene suddenly went out!

The music has completely disappeared, replaced by waves of extremely suppressed drums!


A chasing light suddenly struck at the entrance of the T station!

In the next moment, everyone saw Jiang Fan standing there with his eyes closed!

What Jiang Fan was wearing was just a simple black suit!

But when they saw him, everyone suddenly stood up!

"No, it's impossible!"

"It's perfect! Any piece of fabric, any stitch, it fits perfectly on the model!"

"How come there are such costumes!"

"It's not like it was designed at all, it's a natural generation of Buddha!"

"Return to nature! This, this is to return to nature!"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!

And Edward could hardly believe his eyes!

This, how is this possible!

How could Pierce design such a suit?

so perfect!

No flaws!

However, this is definitely not a good thing!

Human beings have absolutely no extremely perfect body!

In other words, no one can control such a costume at all!

The effect will only be counterproductive!

This model, unless he is truly a perfect figure!

But how could such a person exist!

However, after a careful glance at Jiang Fan, Edward's face suddenly became extremely pale!

"God, my goodness!"

"This, how is this possible!"

"How can there be such a perfect figure in this world?!"

"This kind of skeleton, this kind of ratio, this, this..."

"This is simply the most perfect figure that Chuangshi Shen can shape!"

"How come, how come!"

With Edward's exclaim, Jiang Fan, who closed his eyes and looked like a sculpture, finally slowly opened his eyes!

For a moment!

Everyone just feels that their heart is beating hard!

There is only one thought left in my mind!

The emperor is resurrected!


Jiang Fan took a step slowly!

However, it was this step that made everyone seem to have been completely drawn into the kingdom of an emperor in an instant!

"Da, da, da, da..."

Jiang Fan's footsteps are relaxed and leisurely, but everyone has the illusion of an emperor patrolling the territory!

And they are the lambs raised by the emperor!

Where Jiang Fan went, everyone involuntarily bowed their heads and silently greeted him!

At the scene, apart from being quiet, there is only quietness!

Until this time, everyone finally understood the meaning of the four words Black Emperor!

This most perfect costume can only match Jiang Fan's black hair, black eyes, and his unparalleled imperial aura. This is the origin of the name of this costume!

Seeing Jiang Fan walking slowly, Pete was shaking all over!

Compared to the deathly silence at this moment, the reaction he brought out just now when he appeared on the field was simply grandstanding!

The holy angel was directly turned into a coquettish cowboy at night!

Edward's eyes are even more dull!

Angel Glory, thinking about it now, this name is simply a joke!

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