God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1137: You are going to make a fortune

Eternal King Qin? !

Jiang Fan was startled and looked directly at this thing!

Wang Shiqin (title): This is the canonization of Liu Bang Jinzhao, the unique king of the word side by side in the Han world!

Remarks: Wherever the Han Dynasty comes, in any state or county, seeing the King of Qin is like seeing the emperor!

"Ding! System prompt! This title can take effect without wearing, the host can decide whether to show this title at will!"

"Ding! This title cannot be synthesized, burned, broken down, or sold!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Liu Bang actually gave himself a king!

And it was actually King Qin who he said casually!

and so on!

King Qin?

Jiang Fan vaguely remembered that Sima Zhao also called himself King Qin when delivering food to Ji Kang at that time!

Is it because of this?

But at that time, the Han Dynasty should have completely disappeared!

What is going on here?

Could it be that the future self has become a legend?

Hehe, I'm really awesome!

Leaving the system space, Jiang Fan tossed for a long time, and was a little hungry, so he simply stayed in the restaurant and ordered a few more dishes to eat!

Fiona was stunned directly!

Master Jiang Fan's appetite is as amazing as his strength!

It's just that the two have just eaten halfway!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Fiona's cell phone rang suddenly!

Fiona frowned and picked it up, her face suddenly changed after hearing a few words!

Then he looked at Jiang Fan with great excitement!

"Master Jiang Fan! You, you are rich!"

"Get rich?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Yes! That U disk has been parsed out! It actually contains information on the steps of Solomon's Key summoning the Devil God! According to the assessment, you are probably going to make a fortune this time! Congratulations!"

Fiona's smiling eyes narrowed!

"Hahahaha! Same joy and joy!"

Jiang Fan burst into laughter!

Although I don't know how much it is, I can tell from Fiona's expression, absolutely indispensable!

The point is, that kind of information is really useless!

I gave it right!

The two of them didn't care about eating anymore, and hurried back to the castle of thorns!

At the same time!

The far end of Citigroup!


In an old castle!

This castle is far less huge than the Thorns Castle, and it doesn't even have those powerful magic circles!

In fact, except that it is big and strong enough, and has a slightly insignificant two-hundred-year history, there is nothing else that can be done!

But such a slightly dilapidated castle is the home base of the George family!

Is the birthplace of the entire George family!

And there are so many masters here that there is no need to add any weapons to defend!

At this moment, in the huge conference room in the old castle, there are a dozen people of all kinds sitting!

In addition to seven family elders like Brandon, there are also several powerful figures in the George family!

At this moment, unlike Jiang Fan's beaming eyebrows, these people all have gloomy faces!

This is already the third day!

There have been three days of discussion about the Zhou family killing Jacob and the follow-up of this incident!

For the Zhou family, everyone agreed that they should pay the price!

But what exactly is the payment method, this is a bit difficult!

Their George family is powerful, but the Zhou family is afraid of being stronger!

The point is, even if their entire family goes to Huaxia and seek revenge from the Zhou family, I'm afraid that when they just arrive in Huaxia, the ten monsters will tear them up!

But if you want to let it go, then the entire George family won't even want to look up in the future!

"Otherwise, shall we cut off all Zhou's foreign trade?"

At this moment, Brandon suddenly spoke!

Everyone was taken aback!

"Do not make jokes!"

"Now in international trade, you have me in all of you, and you in me!"

"Cut off all Zhou's trade, causing a chain reaction, and we have to lose too!"

"The point is, if the Zhou family unites the rest of the wealthy family to engage in an anti-blockade, then we will be in trouble!"

"Yes! China's industrial system is the most complete in the world! And the Zhou family is the leader. If they really unite with other families, they can digest it internally!"

"And we are miserable! Citi has only a bunch of useless **** stock market! This thing is used to deceive those idiots. It's really good to eat or drink at the critical moment!"

"That's right! Without goods from China, we can't even buy lubricating oil for handguns!"

A group of people shook their heads!

What Brandon said is unrealistic!

And Brandon just smiled!

"Everyone, I didn't say I really wanted to do it, we just put on this posture!"

"After all, it's been three days! If we don't react any more, I'm afraid the other families in Citigroup..."

Brandon did not go on!

But others already understand!

In Citi, the George family is tough, but there are still several families that are equally difficult to deal with!

For example, the Morgan family and the William family, these people have long been waiting to see the jokes of the George family!

"Everyone, the Zhou family's current situation may not be much better than ours! Just like the William family and the others treated us, other aristocratic families are probably also watching them!"

"The Zhou family would never want to have another enemy like us!"

"So as soon as we show signs of action, I believe they will respond soon!"

"We don't need them to pay much, but we must show enough apologies for this matter!"

Brandon spoke slowly!

"You mean, Neihe?"


The others were silent for a moment, and finally all nodded!





Soon, the meeting passed unanimously!

But the entangled thing is coming again, that is, how can the Zhou family feel that they just want a statement, rather than really want to go to war!

After all, they really need lubricating oil too much!

But it is the Zhou family at this moment that is as entangled as the George family!

China Capital!

It is already late at night!

But the entire Zhou family is still brightly lit!

Zhou Yuanwang and others all gathered in the hall, constantly analyzing the situation of Zhou's family!

During this time, Zhou's family is too difficult!

Since the Yu family came to the Zhou family to make trouble a few days ago, the Wei family is now uncharacteristically. Not only has it not been beaten honestly, but has gone crazy looking for trouble in the Zhou family!

What's more terrible is that because of Jiang Fan, the Li family and the George family are now offended to death by their Zhou family!

The Li family is easy to say, but the strength of the George family is not worse than that of the Zhou family!

The Zhou family is now suffering from internal and external troubles!

The point is, seeing the Zhou family in trouble, Lu Lin Song Yan's four families, who were originally ill-intentioned, are also ready to move!

Oh shit!

Jiang Fan!

A group of people cursed almost at the same time in their hearts!

"We can't go on like this, we must find a way to solve some of the trouble first!"

Zhou Yuanwang said with a gloomy expression!

"What the Patriarch said, but internal and external troubles, which one should we solve first?"

Zhou Yuande raises a question!

A group of people are all silent!

But at this moment!

"Huh! A bunch of idiots! This is still a question!"

Zhou Jing's voice suddenly sounded!

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