"Very good! I am deeply satisfied with your shameless approach!"

"As a reward, I give you a chance!"

"From now on, you all will run eastward!"

"Every ten seconds, I will kill the one at the end!"

"As for who can survive in the end, it depends on your luck!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!


"how could you do this!"

"You despise human rights!"

"We are captives! We have the right to be treated as we deserve!"

"Yes! I still want to eat donuts!"

A group of FBI agents roared!


Jiang Fan picked up a pistol on the ground and almost didn't even look at it. He directly shot the headshots of the most ferocious people!

The brutal means completely awakened this group of idiots!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly, never daring to mention those two ridiculous words again!

"It seems that we have reached a consensus! Very good! So now, the game begins!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, a group of FBI suddenly jumped up, and they all rushed towards the east like crazy!

Jiang Fan just smiled disdainfully, threw the gun and pointed at those cars!

"Okay, Doretto, now you have a car, hurry up!"

"Then, what about you? Are you really going to kill them all?"

Although Doretto and the others resent these FBIs, they are not to the point of killing them!

"How is it possible! I'm not a real devil, I just told them to get out of here! Otherwise, once you run away, these **** will have to catch up!"

"That's it!"

A few people suddenly realized!

Get in the car immediately!

"Hey? Jiang Fan, won't you go?"

Miya asked curiously!

"No, I smashed all these cars, and someone in the province will chase you! Don't forget, Rio is a great place!"

"Yeah! Jiang Fan, see you next time, I must buy you a beer!"

"OK, bye!"



With a loud noise, all the cars were crushed by Jiang Fan!

And that group of FBI has long since run away!

And Jiang Fan's stay time has also ended!

Accompanied by a white light, he has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 766 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Brian's gratitude-nitrogen booster device!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for destroying six FBI helicopters and successfully drawing 600 causality points!"

Nitrogen booster?

Jiang Fan once got this thing, and it was with this thing that he escaped the predator's self-destruction!

But when he saw the introduction of this thing, Jiang Fan was directly excited!

This time it was not props, but equipment!

Nitrogen pressurization device: special equipment

Purpose: This product is an upgraded part of the lucky bicycle!

Attribute: Activating this equipment will double the speed of the vehicle instantly! Duration, ten minutes!

Note: The equipment is automatically recharged every twenty-four hours! The host can also use energy props or equipment to recharge it!

nice one!

The speed doubled in ten minutes and it was almost ready to take off!

The key is that it can be recharged!

I have the Ark Reactor that Iron Man World got!

The energy of that thing is simply too much!

In other words, I can completely double the speed of the bicycle continuously!


Jiang Fan laughed!

Finally left the system space contentedly!

After leaving a recipe for Yimeng fried chicken, Jiang Fan said goodbye to the Chinese owner of the restaurant!

Then, take Curtis straight to the outside of the city!

Soon, not long after leaving the city, Jiang Fan met Aonangana and several people near a palm grove outside the city!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you!"

Whenever they saw Jiang Fan, Aonangana was very excited!

The scene where the two people harmed Anthony just now makes people happy to faint!

That's so cool!

For the first time in many years, someone is really helping them!

For this kindness, the two can't describe it in words at all!

"You're welcome, the trouble will be solved for you temporarily! Recently, with Popovich's ten courage, he will never dare to provoke you again!"


"Jiang Fan! You actually did it!"

"It's amazing! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Aonangana and others are overjoyed!

But Curtis spoke at the right time!

"Master, do you mean temporarily?"

"Well! For people like them, if you make less, you lose money. What's more, they have to send money from the horse tribe every month? No more than two months at most, this guy will definitely test whether I am still in Merida. Up!"

"Then, what should I do?"

Aonangana and others panicked!

"It's okay, remember, no matter who is looking for trouble then, just kill it!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly in a flat tone!

"Kill, kill? Then, what if they go to the Council of Light..."

"Trust me, it won't!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"You are afraid of the Illumination Council, but I, a person with a mysterious identity who suddenly appeared, dare to kill people across the Illumination Council. Obviously, you don't fear them at all!"

"As for their temptation, your murder without hesitation will only make him think that I am still in Merida and give you courage!"

"So it must be honest!"

Jiang Fan's analysis directly gave Aonangana and others a reassurance, and at the same time, he was even more grateful to Jiang Fan!

And Jiang Fan's favor is more than that!

"This time is too tight, and the sword of thorns is on my back. I can't do more. When I come next time, I will definitely help you solve the trouble completely! Also, after returning to China, I will set up a special fund. Yes, I will help you improve your lives secretly at that time!"

Everyone was stunned, almost tears filled their eyes!

"Jiang Fan..."

Even Ononkanah choked up!

"What are you doing? Aren't we friends?"

Jiang Fan laughed out loud!

"Jiang Fan, you, you have done too much for us! This has surpassed friendship! Jiang Fan! No matter when and where, as long as you call, our horse tribe will definitely appear!"

Aonunga held tears in his eyes and looked solemn!

"Me too! Goodbye, friend!"

Jiang Fan hugged Aonunga hard, and then directly got into the opponent's car!

This was deliberately arranged by Jiang Fan. After all, the car before was too eye-catching, and it was absolutely impossible to drive out of Merida!

But at this moment!

"and so on!"

Ononkana suddenly chased up!

First, he carefully took off a string of ornaments on his neck and put it on Jiang Fan solemnly. Then, he asked seriously: "Jiang Fan, do you really want to know the **** of war Huizi Loboqi? Where is Terry's tomb?"

"Yeah! But this secret, hasn't it disappeared with the Iron Palm tribe?"

"It is true, but the Iron Palm tribe originated from the palm tribe family. It is very possible that there are other tribes! Jiang Fan, I will definitely help you find the news about the tomb of the God of War!"

"Okay, I'll trouble you! But be careful, and beware of the sword of thorns!"

"rest assured!"

"Goodbye, friend!"

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