If you let these people know that the Jiang Fan they are thinking of is right in front of them, and they are used as if they are doglegs, I'm afraid all these people will vomit blood!

Seeing Jiang Fan left with Zhou Yancheng and Jacob, everyone's expressions were suddenly different!

The people of the Council of Light had a gloomy face, standing in place chanting the holy scriptures to Alston, hoping that he could enter the temple of the God of Light!

But Zhou Yantang and others smiled proudly and left one after another!

As for the Li Jia Jin Pu Ji and others who were ridiculed by Jiang Fan, all their faces were livid!

"Damn Chinese people!"

"Too arrogant!"

"It's superfluous to work with them!"

"Xiba! If Jiang Fan weren't still alive, I would have to teach them a lesson!"

"Dare to command us! Don't look at what he is!"

A group of people gritted their teeth!

"Enough! Shut up!"

Jin Puji yelled angrily!

"Senior, what shall we do next?"

A Li family expert named Song Junji asked, he is the leader of another group!

"In any case, you must first catch Jiang Fan! Let all the servants move, and also, the Korean police who have kept the trash for long enough, let them also be dispatched... Xipal! Damn Chinese people! "

Jin Puji looked fierce!

In this way, a small, now can only be regarded as a seed of discord, it was so lightly planted by Jiang Fan!

"Swish swish!"

The figure moves quickly!

Jiang Fan silently calculated the time, and at the same time changed the route inadvertently!

Suddenly, he stopped!

"Huh? Yeah, do you feel it?"

Jiang Fan suddenly said with a puzzled look!

"What do you feel?"

Zhou Yancheng was startled?

"The breath of words!"

Jiang Fan looked happy, but immediately frowned!

"Strange, why disappeared in a flash?"

"Where? Why don't you go and take a look?"

"just in front!"

Jiang Fan pointed at a low civilian area ahead!

"Since the risk of words is there, doesn't it mean that Jiang Fan is also there?"

Zhou Yancheng's eyes lit up!

Jacob is even more overjoyed!

Soon, a few people rushed past!

Coincidentally, Jin Puji and another Li family master are also here!

When the two sides met, they were all startled!

It's just that the others are really startled, and the corners of Jiang Fan's mouth are already imperceptibly hooked!

But he immediately put away his smile and frowned!

"Why are you here? Zhou Yanmao?"

"Zhou Yanmao? The person from your Zhou family who chased Jiang Fan in the first place?"

Jin Puji was startled!

"That's right! We came only when we felt his breath!"

"I haven't seen it, we just got here too!"

Jin Puji shook his head!

"Damn! Goryeo is really rubbish! What about Jiang Fan? Have you seen it?"

Jiang Fan frowned and continued to ask!

"Xiba! You are the trash! Are you deaf? Didn't you hear that we just came?"

The expert beside Jin Puji suddenly yelled!

"Fuck! What are you talking about! Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

They were meant to kill each other, and seeing the other daring to stab him, Zhou Yancheng's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent!

"Hehe, I've long wanted to see Chinese Kungfu, come if you have the kind!"

That master didn't know whether he was alive or dead, just smiled proudly!

"You look for--"

Zhou Yancheng and Jacob were about to do it, but Jiang Fan sniffed, then waved!

"and so on!"

Everyone is shocked!

And Jiang Fan has already strode towards an abandoned house!

The others didn't know, so they were a few steps behind and followed!

Jiang Fan stepped into the house and threw out Zhou Yanmao's body immediately!

Then, suddenly exclaimed!


When the others heard Jiang Fan's yelling, they rushed over!

Everyone was shocked when they saw Zhou Yanmao's body!

And Jiang Fan, already trembling, barely walked to Zhou Yanmao's corpse and hugged him in disbelief!

"Spoof! You, how could you die! Who is it! Who is it!"

Jiang Fan roared in pain, and his heart-piercing tone made the listener sad, and the listener wept!

Zhou Yancheng also had a look of grief, walked to Jiang Fan's side a few steps, and patted Jiang Fan's shoulder lightly!

"Brother, you, don't grieve anymore, the most urgent thing is to find out the cause of death of the presumption!"

"It's Jiang Fan! It must be Jiang Fan! Only that animal can do this kind of thing!"

Jiang Fan roared, and suddenly pointed at Zhou Yanbo's heart!

"Look, this is obviously being penetrated into the heart by a fast sword! And the corpse of the pretense is still warm now, obviously just dead!"

When Zhou Yancheng saw a few people, it was so!

How do they know that the time in the space backpack is constant!

However, upon closer inspection, Zhou Yancheng immediately discovered the problem!

"No! Brother, the pretense was attacked from behind!"

"Impossible! Jiang Fan has been seriously injured, his breath is disturbed, and it is absolutely impossible for him to succeed in a sneak attack!"

Jiang Fan shook his head directly!

"Unless Yan Bao is attracted by someone, and Jiang Fan starts from behind, otherwise Yan Bao has such a strong strength, how can he die! Wu Wu Wu, Yan Bao! Brother! Wu Wu Wu..."

Jiang Fan's crying heart broke!

He said this to Zhou Yancheng on purpose!

It was clearly stated that Jacob would be killed first, but now he not only killed Alstom, but also had to deal with the Li family. If Zhou Yancheng was not stupid, he would definitely be suspicious!

So now, just let him guess by himself!


He does not mean that!

"Who attracted attention, Jiang Fan started from behind?"

Zhou Yancheng's countenance changed, and he suddenly spread to Jiang Fan in an inaudible voice!

"Big Brother! It's too time for the Li family to come?"

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Zhou Yancheng taking this way, Jiang Fan was immediately happy, but his face was full of doubts!

"Brother, would the Li family be Jiang Fan's from the beginning? You know, they were protecting Jiang Fan from the beginning!"


Jiang Fan's expression changed, he was silent for a moment, and stood up abruptly!

Then, pointed directly at Jin Puji!

"Okay! No wonder you said that you just came to cover Jiang Fan!"

"what did you say!"

"Xiba! Why are you crazy?"

Jin Puji and two were directly angry!

"I'm crazy! Damn! I will kill you sooner or later anyway! Go to death! Do it!"

With Jiang Fan's roar, Zhou Yancheng and Jacob moved directly!

With a flick of Jacob's finger, the ability that is already ready to be activated directly!

In an instant, the positions within ten meters of the two of Jin Puji were directly turned into a puddle of mud!

But this is different from when he dealt with Alstom before. As soon as the mud appeared, it turned like a whirlpool!

Only half of the body of the two of them were rolled in in an instant!

And Zhou Yancheng's eyes were fierce, and he rushed directly at the two!

The two of Jin Puji were supposed to be caught off guard, but Jiang Fan's phrase "I will kill you sooner or later" made them suddenly more prepared!

Just as Zhou Yancheng just moved, another person suddenly raised his hand!


A pair of ghost claws suddenly popped out of Zhou Yancheng's feet, firmly holding his ankle!

And Jin Puji broke out with all his strength, and took another person directly out of the mud!

But they had just jumped into the air, Zhou Yancheng directly swayed two vigor!

But Jacob raised his hand, and the mud under the two of them soared into the sky and directly chased them up!

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