As soon as Zhou Yan left his words, the others immediately felt relieved!

Zhou Yancun was right. At this time, I was afraid of greed and trespassing. If you were a group of two, no matter what Jiang Fan had, he would definitely die!

"Everyone is in groups at will, Yantang, you guys go around from the north and east, Yanchu, you and me go!"

"Remember, once you find Jiang Fan, don't give him a chance to kill him on the spot!"

Zhou Yancun made a simple distribution, and then looked at everyone with sharp eyes!

"I still said that, as long as you kill Jiang Fan, no matter who made the move, my Zhou family will have to thank you!"

Everyone's heart shuddered!

Then, in the eyes, the fierce light was great!


Zhou Yancun took Zhou Yanmao and hurried forward down the alley!

Unexpectedly, his footsteps were steady at this moment, it seems that Jiang Fan's violent blow did not cause him much damage!

However, Zhou Yanmao was slightly confused!

Since the eldest brother is not seriously injured, how can he let Jiang Fan go?

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but speak!

"Big Brother..."


Zhou Yancun's expression suddenly changed, and he signaled for silence!

At this moment, the two of them had come to the end of the small alley, Zhou Yancun signaled, and pointed directly at the corner, lightly pointing!

Zhou Yan jumped in his heart!

Involuntarily stepped forward two steps and looked over there!

But at this moment!


The sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh suddenly sounded!

Zhou Yanmao trembled all over, only to feel that all the strength in his body had completely disappeared!

He lowered his head, and suddenly saw his own heart, unexpectedly a piece of silver sword sprang out!

Zhou Yanmao trembled all over, and barely turned his head, only to find that it was Zhou Yancun who shot him!

"Brother, you, you..."

Zhou Yan's face is unbelievable!

"Hey, I'm not your big brother!"

Zhou Yancun's voice suddenly changed!

Become exactly the same as the **** they were hunting down!

"You, you are..."

Zhou Yan pretended to look at "Zhou Yancun" in disbelief, and finally his head crooked and he couldn't look down!

"Wow~~ This is a cool trick!"

"Zhou Yancun" smiled incredibly happily, and as soon as the sword received, he threw Zhou Yanmao's body directly into the space backpack!

And there, there is actually another person exactly like him!

Zhou Yancun!

The real Zhou Yancun!

Since the real Zhou Yancun is already dead, who this one is at this moment is ready to be revealed!


Five minutes ago!

"Asshole! Let's die together!"

Jiang Fan let out a desperate roar, and suddenly grabbed Zhou Yancun's arm!

And Zhou Yancun's vigor has suddenly erupted!

But the next moment, his face changed drastically, with his back facing everyone!

The energy he blasted into Jiang Fan's body, not only did not completely tear Jiang Fan as expected, but was actually transferred to the ground by Jiang Fan!


Zhou Yancun looked shocked and couldn't believe his eyes!

Transfer energy! And it still transfers his spirit of such a top expert!

This is a method that only masters have!

However, before he had time to react, Jiang Fan took advantage of the situation and blasted his energy to the ground!

The two energies added together, and suddenly an extremely huge air current erupted!

next moment!



The courtyard walls on both sides were completely blown up, flying sand and rocks, everyone but the two retreated quickly, and at the same time all subconsciously raised their hands to block their eyes!

At the center of the explosion, Zhou Yancun only felt a panic!

His right hand was held by Jiang Fan, and he wanted to strike with his left hand to kill Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly grinned!

next moment!

"Puff puff puff!"

Four arms sprang out from under Jiang Fan's ribs!

Then, in Zhou Yancun's horrified eyes, these four fists carried a feminine vigor that didn't even make a sound, and more than 20 consecutive punches directly blasted Zhou Yancun's body silently!

Three heads and six arms!

Nine Yin and Nine Yangs! To the yin to the softness!

The five-strength power of the great shift of the universe!

With more than twenty punches, Zhou Yancun suddenly trembled. He was fine on the outside, but his internal organs had been completely shattered into powder!

This week's top master, he was completely exasperated before he even had time to make a slight voice!

"Idiot! I know your previous plan clearly! You really don't think that the ghost claw technique performed by the master Li family can affect my speed, right?"

Jiang Fan sneered and threw Zhou Yancun's body directly into the space backpack, and then took out an iron mask with his backhand!

This thing is surprisingly the iron mask of Frankenstein obtained in the world of "Death Speed"!

Frankenstein's Iron Mask: It is not easy to become another person, but with it, there is no problem!

Remarks: With this item, you will instantly become anyone you have ever touched! Duration, three hours!

Fasten the mask!

Jiang Fan's figure suddenly twisted!

In the next moment, he has completely become Zhou Yancun!

Even the costumes and temperament are exactly the same!

"By the way! And my baby, don't forget it!"

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand and directly put away the ion cannon on the ground!

"OK! Now is the time to test your acting skills!"

Jiang Fan smiled darkly!

Before Zhou Yancun's conversation with them, Jiang Fan heard it clearly!

If for others, there is no alternative even if you hear it!

But Jiang Fan is the best at leveraging strength to seek benefits in adversity!

He was thinking about it, and he had already thought of a brilliant idea to completely kill these people!

First choose a location!

Then pretend to lose the speed advantage, lead a person to the bait, and break into the enemy!

Then, it is to divide the enemy and kill them one by one!

Hehehe, chase and kill Lao Tzu?

Don’t you know, the number one in Los Angeles is terrible!

And it happened that Zhou Yantang swept away the smoke!

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed!

here we go!



Putting away Zhou Yanmao's corpse, Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, and then suddenly punched out, smashing the corner wall directly!

Hearing the noise here, the rest of the people rushed in!

"what happened?"

"Brother, have you found Jiang Fan?"

"What about the rhetoric?"

The crowd spoke!

"I found Jiang Fan just now, but I didn't expect that kid to be very slippery! If you are not obedient, you have to chase it yourself!"

Jiang Fan looked annoyed!

"What? Then go after it!"

The crowd was directly excited!

"Don't panic! The formation can't be chaotic! The more this is the time, the more you can't give Jiang Fan a chance! It's still a group of two, and it's agreed, you and me!"


A group of people excitedly rushed to the spot where Jiang Fan was pointing a few fingers and chased after him!

Everyone's look is getting more and more excited!

As long as Jiang Fan is killed, not only will they sit back and relax, but they will also get a favor from the Zhou family for nothing, which is simply a profit!

But at this moment!

"follow me!"

Jiang Fan suddenly whispered, then grabbed Zhou Yancheng and turned directly to a street not far away!

"Big brother, what's the matter? Don't you want to catch Jiang Fan?"

Until Jiang Fan stopped, Zhou Yancheng asked with surprise!

"Haha, no hurry..."

Jiang Fan smiled!

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