God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1051: How many people did this kid offend?

The gargoyle is now fighting with six senior judges!

Although these high-ranking judges only have the strength of level fourteen, they are obviously very good at cooperating. For a while, the gargoyle can't get out of it!

But the Demon of the Devil stared at Alstom, not daring to relax a little bit!

In addition, the flying knife came too fast and too quickly, and the two of them had no chance to save Jiang Fan!

"Damn it!"

Suddenly the Demon screamed!

Once Jiang Fan died, not to mention that her plan to imprison Jiang Fan was shattered, even Angelina would definitely not be able to spare them!

On the other hand, the Zhou family and the group of people in the Guangming Council looked overjoyed!

They even saw Jiang Fan's brain overflowing scene!

Just at this critical moment!


A muffled sound!

Two slender and powerful fingers suddenly stretched out, and they directly clamped this flying knife firmly!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock, only to find that Jiang Fan himself was the one who shot!

He seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he waved his hand back at random, breaking the throwing knife, which had an attack power of up to fourteen levels!

However, Jiang Fan, who took the flying knife, looked gloomy as if dripping water!

Oh shit!

There are people who come to ruin their good deeds!

He turned his head viciously, and suddenly saw a man with a thin figure and a pale face!

And beside him, it is Jacob of the George family!

Behind the two, there were six thirteenth-level masters!

"Who are you guys?"

Jiang Fan suffocated his anger and spoke slowly!

"George family, Hooney!"

The thin man throwing darts gave a gloomy smile!

It's just that although he was laughing, he was shocked!

He really knew how powerful his throwing knife was!

But Jiang Fan took it so easily, it was incredible!

You know, the aura emitted by the opponent is only level twelve!

Jacob frowned beside him!

There are too many masters on the field!

The fourteenth level alone is more than twenty!

And more than a dozen of them, they are all peaks!

Normally, let alone see, I have never heard of so many masters appearing!

In comparison, the thirteenth levels they brought over are hardly even ants!

Now, I can only hope to rely on the name of the George family to hold these people down!


"Huh! It turned out to be Citi's garbage!"

"Hey! While we are holding the opponent now, we hurriedly slaughtered Jiang Fan!"

"Yes! Killing that sinner will also purify your soul!"

"Fart! That George's, if you dare to move Jiang Fan, my old lady will kill you!"

Several groups directly regarded Jacob and them as a foil!

"You, you guys!"

Jacob and Hooney were furious!

They are members of the George family!

They usually call on others, so how can they suffer this kind of bird air?

"Bastard! What are you guys! Dare to order me!"

Jacob roared suddenly!

"Koryo Lee's house!"

"China Zhou Family!"

"The Council of Light!"

"Solomon's Key!"

Several forces spoke in a cold voice at the same time!


Several Jacob swallowed and foamed at the same time!

Nima's, except for the Li family, none of them can be offended by their status!

Damn it!

How many people did Jiang Fan offend?

However, they represent the face of the entire George family after all!

"Huh! So what! I, Jacob, put the words here today, Jiang Fan, I must—"

"Fuck you code!"

Jiang Fan, who had been silent, suddenly moved!

It was a good game, and these **** were messing up for him. This anger must be let out!

Jiang Fan's movement was almost like an electric flint, and he arrived in front of Jacob almost instantly!

Jacob's pupils suddenly shrank, and a feeling of erect hairs made him subconsciously retreat!

Jacob successfully retreats, but Hooney is still there!

Seeing Jiang Fan rushing over, he suddenly sneered and was about to draw out the flying knife!

It's just that his throwing knife just slipped to hand!


A brilliant sword light suddenly disappeared from his eyes!

next moment!


Hunedi's head, already carrying a large wave of blood, soared into the sky!

This powerful man of up to fourteenth level was beheaded by Jiang Fan in one blow!

However, Jiang Fan's action is equivalent to giving up Li Chengquan and his son!

In an instant, the form on the field changed directly!

Although everyone was shocked by Jiang Fan's terrifying strength, they all moved!

All the members of the Li family pounced on Li Chengquan and his son, while the Zhou family had already rushed towards Jiang Fan with an expression of ecstasy!

That's it!

The gargoyle and the ignorant demon are completely cold at this moment!

A total of eight fourteenth-level peaks!

Even if Jiang Fan is an iron-struck body, he definitely can't hold it!

But just as Zhou's family was about to rush to Jiang Fan's side, Jiang Fan backhanded out a handful of weird guns!

For an instant, the Zhou family felt that their hairs were about to explode!

That is an extremely dangerous feeling!

Everyone turned around and backed up almost without hesitation!

But Jiang Fan has pulled the trigger with a grinning smile!


A light blue beam suddenly burst out!

A Zhou's master who was caught in the middle when he rushed up, was directly hit by the blue light!

In the next moment, his entire chest was completely shattered!

Everyone was stunned!

What kind of weapon is this?

It can burst out such a powerful force!

Jacob's pupils shrank even more, and he plunged into the woods in the distance!

At the same time that everyone was shocked, Jiang Fan had already aimed his guns at the Zhou family again!


Zhou Yancun and the others had scalp numb, as if they encountered a group of cats, they suddenly dispersed with a scream!

But Jiang Fan made a vain shot, patted his butt, and ran away!

He is very strong, yes, it is also right to be able to kill the fourteenth-level peak!

However, there is not only one fourteenth-level peak here, but a dozen!

The most important thing is that almost all the geniuses who reach the top of the fourteenth level are unparalleled!

Anyone definitely has the extremely terrifying means to die together!

He killed a Zhou family by surprise just now, it was almost the limit!

Using this trick again, the opponent will have to do it 100% before he dies!

At that time, even if he has a physical body beyond the twelfth level, if he is hit, he will be seriously injured if he does not die!

Although he has other cards, but those treasures, there is no need to use them here!

What's more, the man and woman of Solomon's Key that appeared later, he never believed that the other party would be so kind to save him!

At the very least, just look at that woman's eyes, if you really fall into her hands, I'm afraid you will have to be the duck king!

Therefore, for the present plan, it is to run away!

Jiang Fan used Lingbo's microsteps, almost in the blink of an eye, and disappeared completely with a slip of smoke!

The crowd is dumbfounded!

They all stared blankly at the direction where Jiang Fan disappeared!

"He is... ran away?"

"It seems to be..."

"According to what I know about him, this kid is indeed capable of doing this..."

The crowd tilted their necks and muttered a few words!



"This kid ran away!"

"Hurry up!"

"Damn! Too cunning! Never let him go this time!"

The crowd finally reacted completely!

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