God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1039: Li Daitaozheng opened a way for you

The old man's speed was too fast, just in the blink of an eye, the few bamboo slips were in his hands. The old man smiled, his body moved, and he suddenly rushed out of the auction house!


Yin Binghua suddenly yelled and ran after him directly!

This change really came too fast. First, Jiang Fan beat Li Zailie violently, and then the old man snatched the bamboo slips. Everyone didn't react at all!

"Damn it! You can't let this thief go away! That's a billion! Chase it! Chase it all for me!"

Jin Zhonghuan roared suddenly!

One billion knives!

If he just flies away, the boss must kill him!

But other people didn't care about the bamboo slips at all. What they were more interested in was Jiang Fan's explosive hammer Li Zailie!

It is not new that someone robbed at the auction, but the prince of the Li family was beaten, maybe this is the only time!

This is a witness to history!

And Jiang Fan's current mind is not on the bamboo slips at all!

He has only one purpose, and that is to offend the Li Family, completely offend the Li Family!

Only if the Li family is offended to death, will the Li family retaliate against him frantically!

Even in order to prevent him from escaping, all the main roads were blocked, and he was completely trapped in Hancheng!

And only in this way, only if he is sure that he can no longer escape, the Zhou family will come to Hancheng wholeheartedly to chase him, instead of dealing with his men!

Surround Wei and save Zhao!

Although Jiang Fan has more than one way, only this is a dead end and the fastest way to save Wang Yi and others!

For the team that he finally accumulated, he gave it up!

At this moment, Los Angeles, Jiangzhai!

"Damn! Where are these **** hiding?"

"The slaughter is some irrelevant waste people!"

"Look! They must be found! None of Jiang Fan's subordinates can be let go!"

"Let him know that if my Zhou family can let him annihilate his clan once, he can annihilate his clan twice!"

"Also let everyone see and provoke the fate of our Zhou family!"

Headed by Zhou Yancun, the five fourteenth-level peaks of the Zhou family all roared!

Just no matter how they searched, the Evil Spirit Well seemed to cut off all the breath and voices. They didn't even find the person who wanted to find it.

In the dry well, everyone sat silent at the bottom of the well!

But at this moment, Uncle Zhong suddenly covered his face and choked!

"Uncle Zhong, what's wrong with you?"

"Uncle Zhong, why are you crying?"

"Uncle Zhong, don't cry, it's because we have something. Your lord is safe!"

Everyone looked surprised and comforted one after another!

But Uncle Zhong shook his head and raised his head in tears!

"What the young master said just now...I am afraid I already know what he is going to do!"

"do what?"

Everyone is shocked!

"Li Daitao is stiff!"

"Although the young master has changed a lot, he has always been willing to work hard with his life!"

"We are trapped by the Zhou family now, and it must be the Zhou family who knew that the young master was not there, and that's why he came to retaliate!"

"Young Master definitely wants to take the initiative to expose his position and use some way to attract Zhou's family!"

"But no matter which method is used, he must put himself in a desperate situation, so that the Zhou family thinks that he can be completely killed!"

"Master, Master, he is going to trap himself to death, come to save us!"

Uncle Zhong suddenly wailed!

Everyone was stunned!

Immediately afterwards, the nose suddenly sore, and a warm current gushed from my heart!

They finally understood why Jiang Fan would say that last sentence!

He was definitely trying to attract all the Zhou family members, and give them a way out!

"Damn! I didn't follow Brother Fan to kill him!"

"That's right! Once we fully recognize the status of the lord with the hand of the sword, the remaining task is to protect the lord of thorns with our lives!"

"Although our brothers and sisters are not strong enough, we are willing to sacrifice for adults!"

"Anyway, my phylogenetic is in the master's place, this life has long belonged to him!"

"Hey hey, Wang Yi, my life is bad. I can be valued by the master. It is already a virtue of my ancestors. I should be brave today!"

Everyone laughed!

Only Yue Jianhan was still indifferent, and slowly uttered a word!


Seeing, everyone is about to rush out!


Uncle Zhong suddenly yelled!

"Whoever dares to go out will never belong to the Jiang family again!"

"Uncle Zhong!"

Everyone was stunned!

But Uncle Zhong has wiped his face vigorously!

"The young master must have already started. If you go out now, your efforts will only be wiped out!"

"I know what the young master is most afraid of, and I know what he wants, so all of you, let me stay here honestly!"

At this moment, the uncle loyalty's momentum forced everyone to bow their heads!

Everyone seemed to faintly see that the arrogant and arrogant old housekeeper who was holding Zhizhu from the Jiang family was back!


Jiang Fan shook his three bodyguards to death, already looking at Li Zailie with a weird smile!

Li Zailie was shocked and backed desperately!

"Go! Stop him!"

Li Zailie pushed hard the remaining bodyguard!

But before the bodyguard could take action, Jiang Fan waved backhand!


The bodyguard trembled all over and fell to the sky!

"Don't you like bidding? Come on, keep bidding!"

Jiang Fan walked to Li Zailie and spoke slowly!

"Xiba! Damn bastard, you..."


Before Li Zailie finished speaking, Jiang Fan threw it up again with a big mouth!



Li Zailie let out a miserable cry, and Jiang Fan leaped into the air, hitting the ground fiercely!

Mouth is full of blood for a while!

"You're done! Kid! You are absolutely dead! My Li family will never let you go!"

"Wow~~ I'm so scared!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and suddenly stepped on Li Zailie's hand!


There was a crisp sound from Li Zailie's hand, and Jiang Fan's metacarpal bones were all cracked by Jiang Fan!

"Ah!! West Eight!"

Li Zailie suddenly let out an extremely miserable howl!

But Jiang Fan lifted his leg and kicked it directly on Li Zailie's chin!


Li Zailie's two front teeth burst directly into pieces!

And Jiang Fan grinned and started to break Li Zailie's fingers one by one!

"Huh! Huh!"

The blue veins on Li Zailie's sore forehead violently, and he couldn't even let out howls!

But a group of guests who were watching the show are sweating profusely and chilling all over!

The joy of watching the theater has long been gone!

Jiang Fan's attack on this kind of dead hand is no longer a provocation, but a feud with the Li family!

What is waiting for him must be the incomparably crazy revenge of the Li family!

However, this Chinese person, where does he rely on?

Where did he get so courageous?

Who is he?

And Li Zailie finally couldn't hold on anymore, and all his tears and nose spurted out in an instant!

"Stop it! Ah! Stop it!"

"I was wrong! Please! Let me go! Let me go!"


He is scared!

He is really scared!

From childhood to adulthood, for the first time, he finally understood what is cruel!

Compared with the demon in front of me, I played a few female stars before, so I couldn't be on the stage at all!

"Acknowledged so soon? I haven't enjoyed myself yet! Didn't you just say that I'm dead?"

"No! No! I, I'm just kidding! As long as you let me go, I, I will never trouble you again!"

"That won't work!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

"Call now and inform you of the entire Li family! Tell them that you have been kidnapped!"

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