God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1022: The family needs to be neat and tidy


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"God, my God! Patriarch is here! This, this is the secret of Huatuo's acupuncture and moxibustion described in the "Qing Nang Jing"! It is all his acupuncture and moxibustion experience! Teacher, you, you..."

Sun Chuanyi was so excited that it was not easy to say anything!

Since apprenticeship, Jiang Fan really hasn't taught him anything other than giving him a box of silver needles!

Although the old man feels uncomfortable, he dare not force it!

But I didn't expect that Jiang Fan would be such a great gift when he shot today!

If this thin piece of paper reaches the medicine gate, it will definitely cause a **** storm!

Facing the excited Sun Chuanyi, Jiang Fan just smiled!

"You have been with me for so long and haven't taught you anything seriously, but I'm too careless!"

"The teacher is serious! The disciple has this treasure, this life is enough!"

Sun Chuanyi's excited tears filled his eyes!

"You are too easy to be satisfied! Study hard, thoroughly eat it, and I will teach you... Qing Naang Jing!"

"You, what did you say?"

"I said you study hard, and I will teach you Qingsang Sutra in the future!"

"Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing-hiccups~~"

Sun Chuanyi almost missed it!

Desperately pinching the middle of the people, finally came to a sigh of relief!

"Lao Lao Lao Lao, teacher, you, are you serious?"

Sun Chuanyi feels like walking in the clouds!

The legs seem to be floating!

"Calm down!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, turned and left!

Sun Chuanyi screamed desperately behind him!

"Teacher! You have to speak up!"

Jiang Fan left the Heisei Medical Center and returned directly to Jiangzhai!

At this moment, Curtis was suffocating his energy, ready to show his talents, and come to him for two taboo summoning skills!

Seeing Jiang Fan's return, the old guy was suddenly excited!

"Master! Let's start!"

"Oh? Can't wait? Come on, then!"



The sword shadow flashed across the sky!

The front yard of the entire Jiang Mansion was suddenly full of strong blood!

And the corpses of monsters are processed quickly by Yuguangzi, and all are stored in the warehouse!

At this moment, this set of assembly line mode has become perfect, and Jiangzhai is like a large-scale processing factory for Western demons!

As for pity for these demons, ha ha!

You know, once these things lose their restraints, they will all be eaten!

As for why they are willing to be called, this is the same reason!

Seeing the loss of Curtis' magic power, Jiang Fan finally made a gesture!

Curtiston was refreshed!

Then carefully took out a small section of the roots of the skeleton tomb!

Poor, he got this thing, he didn't inhale it a few times at all, but instead used it all for taboo summoning!

Following the same routine as before, drawing arrays, bleeding out, and crushing tree roots, suddenly, a **** magic array composed of reversing six-pointed stars suddenly appeared out of thin air!

next moment!


A black giant claw suddenly penetrated the magic barrier and appeared directly in front of everyone!

At the same time, a terrifying aura full of rich sulfur smell suddenly descended on the audience!

At this moment, everyone's heart is pumping!

Fourteen peak!

The monster that appeared this time turned out to be the peak of the fourteenth level!

A panic flashed across everyone's faces inexplicably!

Curtis looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

"the host……"


Before he finished speaking, there was another explosion!

A big demon with two horns, eyes like blood condensed, and a red heart that makes people tremble, has suddenly stretched out its head!

"Jie Jie Jie! The world! This is the world!"

"What a wonderful taste!"

"What a delicious human!"

The big devil laughed!

But then, his head suddenly turned, staring at Jiang Fan firmly!

"Human! It's you! You killed my son! And my nephew!"

"Huh? Your son? Who?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Eto'o! My Eto'o!"


Isn't that the first big demon summoned by Curtis using the forbidden summoning spell?

"Yes! It's him! My poor child, who didn't even eat a bite of human flesh, returned to the embrace of the Devil God of Destruction!"

"And my nephew has been tortured alive by you bastards!"

"I've been waiting here! I'm waiting for you to call again!"

"Now, all of you are going to die!"

"I want to eat your flesh and blood, and imprison your soul in my stomach forever!"

The big devil laughed wildly, while struggling harder!

Everyone was pale and nervous!

Unlike normal human powerhouses, the fighting experience of these monsters is much richer than that of humans, and their powerful self-healing ability also makes them more combative!

"grown ups!"

"the host!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

Now, I can only rely on Jiang Fan!

Otherwise, if this great devil comes out, it will be the death date for all of them!

However, Jiang Fan not only did not have a slight anxiety, but squatted down not far from the big devil, looking at it with curiosity!

"Hey, see you have to wait a while before getting out, how about we talk about it?"

"Hahaha! Interesting humans! You are very smart and didn't let them take action! Otherwise, even if you only get half of your body, it will be enough for me to completely kill you!"

"You have the final say! I want to ask you, how did you know that your son and nephew were killed by me?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"Of course it was the news sent back before his death! My nephew had passed his experience back to the family before he died!"

"Do you demons still have families?"

"Of course! We are a great family of destruction demons!"

The big devil smiled proudly!

"So, what is your hometown like?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask curiously!

"That is a sacred place of darkness and destruction! Magma flows down from the volcano all the year round, and even the air is full of sulfur and blood!"

"Sounds great, but since you like it so much, why bother to come to the world?"

"Of course it is for the soul! Your flesh and blood are only food, but the soul is the nourishment of the Demon God! The stronger the Demon God, the stronger our family will be!"

At this moment, except for the two calves, the whole body of the big devil has completely drilled out!

"Then this Demon God, what is it?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask!

"Bastard! Damn human! You dare to be disrespectful to the devil! I've decided, now I'm going to kill you!"

The big devil was furious, and suddenly stretched out his hand to Jiang Fan!

Seeing his hand, a blood-colored flame has taken shape!

As soon as the flame appeared, everyone felt like their blood was almost boiling!

Just holding it in the hands of the great devil, the power is already so terrifying, if it is shot, it will definitely be unstoppable!

"the host!"

Curtis exclaimed, desperately trying to cancel the call!

Others rushed towards Jiang Fan to block the attack for him!


Jiang Fan just waved his hand lightly and stopped everyone, and then looked at the big devil with a bit of disappointment!

"I want to chat with you for a while! Are you so anxious to die?"

"Send to death? Humans, what are you saying stupid?"

The big devil laughed!

"All right! Say hello to your family members for me!"

While talking, Jiang Fan slowly took out a handful of strangely shaped guns, and aimed directly at the head of the devil!

"Gun? Hahaha! Stupid human! You actually use a gun!"

The big devil is full of mockery!

"It's so ridiculous! You have beaten me for ten thousand years with this kind of thing, and you don't want to kill me!"

"Boy, taste the blood flames—fuck! Wait! Don't!"

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