God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1016: Brutality and wisdom coexist

Yu Xuzi is very talented. He only started to practice the Taoism at the age of forty, so far for more than 40 years!

If a normal person only started at this age, it would be a problem to reach level ten!

But not only did he break through the tenth level, he also reached the fourteenth level, and he was only one step away from the half-step grandmaster!

When his master was still alive, Zeng slammed his chest and frankly said that if he could meet Yuxuzi sooner, Jing Lingzong would surely have a resurgence!

However, although he was a little late in cultivating the Taoism, Yuxuzi knew better than everyone in the teacher's school about the world's human affection!

Because of this, before the head of the previous generation was dying, he was relieved to hand over the entire Jing Lingzong to Yu Xuzi!

And the more qualified Yuguangzi and others, all refused to accept it!

Over the past decade or so, Yuxuzi has worked hard to cure him, finally survived the Jinglingzong, and even recruited a group of disciples with good aptitudes. Unfortunately, the cultivation of disciples is a pity that the cultivators have no shortage of medicines, magic weapons, and exercises!

Especially the magic weapon, the quality of the magic weapon is the key to the victory or defeat for the practitioners of the same strength!

But the materials for refining magic weapons are tightly controlled by those big sects, and they can only be obtained through regular transactions!

And often you have to pay a high price to get!

Yu Xuzi was melancholy for a long time, but unexpectedly, just after leaving the customs this time, Yu Qing brought back such good news!

So he just repaired it, and hurried over with Yu Xuzi!

According to his plan, he was also thinking about whether he could suppress Jiang Fan and gain the upper hand!

But Yuqingzi strongly opposed it!

The moment he arrived at Jiangzhai, Yu Xuzi knew that Yu Qingzi was right!

It's all ten levels!

In the courtyard of Jiangzhai, there are all existences above level ten!

For any force, such a situation simply cannot exist!

You know, no one is born to be a strong person, and they all rise slowly from the first and second levels!

There is only one explanation for this situation, and that is that these people were all subdued by Jiang Fan himself, rather than being slowly cultivated!

grade ten! Anyone who can enter this realm is a proud existence!

But Jiang Fan was able to conquer so much!

Leaving aside Jiang Fan's own strength, his dignity and skill alone are absolutely comparable!

And those few words just now made Yu Xuzi understand that Jiang Fan not only has strength, but also has extraordinary wisdom!

Such a person must be crushed directly with the most powerful force, otherwise, it is best not to offend him!

"Mr. Jiang, great!"

Yu Xuzi laughed, smiling very sincerely!

"Tao Master Yu Xu is polite, you are also one of the wisest people I have ever seen!"

Jiang Fan laughed too!

Along with Jiang Fan's smile, Yu Xuzi actually felt like a spring breeze!

The depression before, even disappeared!

Yu Xuzi was shocked!

He thought that this inexplicable depression was caused by the opponent's main place, but now he understands that all this is only because of Jiang Fan!

This Jiang Fan's strength is definitely stronger than that on the surface by several times, even more than a dozen times!

"Mr. Jiang, why am I here? You must be clear. I took the liberty to ask, why did you choose our Jingling Sect?"

Yu Xuzi asked curiously!

"No one, fate!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Okay! Okay! What a fate! Brother Jiang, how to do this business, it's all up to you, my Jingling Sect, I have nothing to say!"

Yu Xuzi laughed!

Soon, an hour later, Yu Xuzi had packed all the monster bodies summoned by Curtis, and left!

Both he and Jiang Fan belong to pragmatism. Yu Xuzi urgently needs this batch of materials to trade with other sects, and Jiang Fan needs a lot of causality!

So the two are not polite at all, and do things directly!

Seeing Yu Xuzi's departure, a group of people suddenly came up curiously!

"My lord, why do you say fate, this old Taoist priest is so happy? Still listening to you?"

The second question is also the question of other people!


Jiang Fan spoke lazily!


The crowd looked dumbfounded!

"So what's the shock? This old Taoist knows in his heart that no matter what price I bid, he can only accept it! There is no room for bargaining at all!"

"So it's better to be more open and bright! Show some of the predecessor's tolerance, if I don't say it, I can give them more!"

"It's that simple, some things are actually not that complicated!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

But the crowd was even more shocked!

Jiang Fan's brain is simply an artifact!

When others want to be simple, he can think of deeper things!

When others want to be complicated, it seems to him that it is so simple!


We don't want to just be a thug for you!

Does it make us seem a little bit silly?

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with envy and irritation!

"Okay, don't froze! Curtis, it's time to restock!"

"Ah? Master, I, I, I have kidney deficiency in these two days, can we..."

"Oh? You actually have kidney deficiency? It seems that I have to tell Sadako this news in time. After all, for her lifelong happiness..."

"Master! You got it wrong! I am Curtis who is always strong! Today I will show you two consecutive forbidden summoning spells!"

Curtis' attitude made a big turn of one hundred and eighty degrees, and he spoke proudly!

Never let Sadako think that she can't do it!

"Oh? Don't force it!"

"Don't force it! Never force it! Although Curtis is a bit mature, I am definitely a young man with the same physique!"

Curtis swears!

"Okay! Go!"

Jiang Fan immediately waved his hand!

Everyone immediately began to set up!

Seeing that Curtis was about to start summoning, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"In the vast universe, humans often claim to be at the top of the food chain!"

"However, they don't know that there is another more fierce race in this universe!"

"They coexist savagely and wisely!"

"Blood and principles are in sync!"

"They have mastered powerful science, but they act like beasts!"

"They take pleasure in killing, but they only shoot at soldiers!"


Jiang Fan was startled slightly, this introduction gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity!

"Ding! Please give Mike Harrigan a warm Chongqing noodles!"

Mike Harrigan?

Who is this?

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

However, it doesn't matter, just send it when you have the order!

Jiang Fan randomly chose a car in the yard and went straight to a noodle restaurant not far away!

As for bicycles, the limelight is too high now, it is better to keep a low profile!

Soon, Jiang Fan has come to a Sichuan-Chongqing noodle restaurant!

"Boss, take some Chongqing noodles to pack and add spicy!"


The boss promised, and soon, a warm noodle was packaged!

Jiang Fan took the takeaway and put it in his backpack, and then drilled into the car!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the ten thousand worlds is open! About to enter-"Predator 2"!"

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