The ninth and fifty-nine chapters

Mo Ziqi snorted, she could not retreat, otherwise the city of Chaos will be finished, she must be hard regret, even if the enemy is no different!

It was only in the eyes of Mo Ziqi that the sudden change became a shock in the next moment, and then it turned into a boundless surprise!

She stopped her body shape, and the thunder on her body even slowly converges.

"Haha, know the difference between you and me, so give up directly, smart choice, only then, you will die more easily!" Jun Qidong laughed, in his opinion, Mo Ziqi It has been suppressed by him and he has no war.

If this is the case, then the quick fix will kill Mo Ziqi, occupy the city of chaos, and then invite the old lady to get more power!

"Death!" Jun Qidong yelled, and a sword stabbed Mo Ziqi.

It was just that sword, but it stopped suddenly, letting Jun Qidong use force, completely broke out, and there was no use.

Just stop in front of Mo Ziqi, you can get it, but that distance is a gap that can never be crossed.

However, Mo Ziqi clearly did nothing!

But Mo Ziqi knows what is going on.

Qin Qi is here!

"Brother, you are back!" Mo Ziqi was pleasantly surprised, and on her side, Qin Qi appeared, one hand before the sword front of Jun Qidong.

"Well, leave the rest to me." Qin Qi looked at Mo Ziqi, took her hand, smiled slightly.

Mo Ziqi nodded hard and did nothing, because she knew that Qin Qi had come, then all the problems have been solved.

"Qin Qi?" Jun Qidong exclaimed, did not expect Qin Qi to appear here.

This made him hate in his heart and almost killed Mo Ziqi.

However, Qin Qi has come, so that the world is awkward, and the blood of the Jun family is so powerful!

"Since it is here, let's die together, and also the province's own one to find!" Jun Qidong cold, did not retreat, but intends to kill Qin Qi.

This made Qin Qi somewhat surprised. After all, his record in the Battle of the Fortress was not concealed. The information network of the Jun family should have mastered this information.

Although Jun Qidong has made great progress compared to the past, it is only a nine-star martial arts king. What is the strength of Qin Qi?

However, Qin Qi soon knew that Jun Qidong’s forehead had a rune of lightning, and at the same time, a terrible breath of scent came out from him, and there was a shadow of a few avenues!

"This is..." Qin Qi was shocked. This lightning rune came out, and the atmosphere of Jun Qidong changed dramatically. It was even more shocking than the average Wu Zun!

"This is the rune that the old man used to bless the blood. If you activate it, you can get the power of the saints. Qin Qi, even if you are more powerful, can you still compete with the saints?" Jun Qidong laughed, the sword The Thunder has been completely violent, and the madness is general.

This power can not be underestimated, Qin Qi can not help but slightly frown.

However, what he is jealous of is not Jun Qidong, but the strange blood connection of the Jun family. If other people can also activate the runes like Jun Qidong, it is really troublesome.

Of course, these are just a few words, or you must first solve the problem of Jun Qidong.

As for this Qi Qidong, it is the blessing of some saints, what can you do?

You can't always poke the gold, so it's really gold.

In the face of Jun Qidong’s confident sword, Qin Qi is just a punch. Just a palace, it will completely break the power of Jun Qidong. The sword is broken, and together with Jun Qidong, it is broken into the earth to form a big one. pit.

"Brother, you..." Mo Ziqi's eyes widened. She was really worried about it just now, but she didn't expect Qin Qi to end the battle with a punch. It was simple and direct scary!

The blessing of the saints is so vulnerable?

Of course, Mo Ziqi will not think so, she knows that the lightning rune is not weak, but the strength of Qin Qi, too unreasonable.

"There is nothing to be said later, to solve the immediate troubles." Qin Qidao, quickly flew into the battlefield, and even after sweeping all the way, no one can resist his strength.

Not only Qin Qi, Green Luo they also shot, the same sweep, no Jun Qidong, this group of people even if there is some skill, there is no gushing, for Qin Qi and Green Luo, can only be regarded as a group of Miluo.

The end of the battle is very fast, and it is ruined, that is, less than half an hour later. Most of them are still chasing away those who have escaped. All of them are defeated. The rebels are directly killed, and there is no half-point of love.

Just now, I was still in a state of being broken. It was extremely dangerous. Now, the enemy has been completely destroyed. It has already won the victory. This makes the war of the Chaos City shocked. I don’t know what to say. After a while, I cheered. , very excited!

"The man is an adult of Qin Qi, the guardian behind our alliance. It turned out that the grown-up is back. No wonder there is such a god!"

"Is this the guardian of the alliance? Even if the lord of the genius is willing to be his woman, it is really powerful, rumors are not empty!"

"Haha, these idiots, thinking that the guardians are not coming to attack the city, now they are stupid, pass on orders, all prisoners, all resisters, kill innocent!"

"When the green girl is who is beautiful, and the strength is really strong, it is almost the same as the guardian, and it is sweeping!"

"I think it should be the new confidante of the Guardian?"

"Hey, are you looking for death, paying adults and Mo's people, and wanting to die, don't pull us!"

"Rely, I don't know this person, let's go."


When Qin Qi came back and swept everything, it was almost equivalent to the strength of the Zunjing. Nothing in front of Qin Qi, not the enemy of the enemy, this picture is really shocking, so that the members of the Alliance are greatly encouraged.

With such a strong guardian, why is the Alliance afraid of strong enemies?

After handling the prisoners, the Alliance soldiers began to take a rest, while others cleaned the battlefield and repaired the city walls. Everything was in good order and there was no chaos.

"Senior brother, it seems that I want to catch up with you. It is impossible in this life." Mo Ziqi is very strong and very proud. He believes that he is not weaker than others. This time, he has a strong exit, although he knows that he is not good at Qin. Qi, but I did not expect the gap to be so big.

"I haven't been caught up with you long ago?" Qin Qi smiled.

Mo Ziqi stunned, and then his face was red, and he took a sip. "Who chased you."

"Ha ha!" Qin Qi smiled and looked at Mo Ziqi nodded. "Your progress has actually been great, far beyond the average person, and your potential is not limited to this, you can definitely compare with those of Wulong! ”

Mo Ziqi's talent is indeed very good. It is second only to Qin Qi in the league. The future is far away. No one can say what she will do.

These words of Qin Qi still make Mo Ziqi feel very useful, but she has always been reluctant, and it is Wu Zhe, but it will not be easily defeated.

"Don't say this first, the Jun family will send Jun Qidong in this time. It seems that the plan is great!" Mo Ziqi sighed and looked very dignified.

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