God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 920: Radish arrived

The ninth chapter of the radish arrived

"Want to escape? In front of me, do you think you have escaped?" Lanze found the movement of the blood crow, a lot of magic has been chased up, swiftly swept, it is impossible to give the blood crow the opportunity to escape.

However, the blood crow did not escape at all, as if he had been kicked back by a person, and directly smashed the magic of Lanze, and slammed it on the ground!


The look of Lanze has changed, and the strength of the person who knows the shot is inevitable.

"This voice is..." And Qin Qi, the face suddenly changed, this voice he is too familiar.

"Radish, baby, Luo Damei, I am here, come and save me!" Qin Qi suddenly shouted at the scorpion.

"Aids?" Lanze’s light is cold. "Whoever comes will not be you!"

Lan Ze knows that the winner must be extraordinary, I am afraid that it will be a bad thing, but the person he wants to kill has not been able to kill it. The moment he suddenly shot, he has already used the blue big cockroach.

Blu-ray asks the sea!

When the blue light came out, the man was extremely sharp, and the strength was too strong. He came to Qin Qi almost in an instant, and completely locked Qin Qi, and did not give the opportunity to escape.

A five-star Wang Jue's blow, Qin Qi can not stop even if he is fully shot.

However, a green light was faster than him. Before his attack, he had already come to Qin Qi. Immediately, a large green light emerged and turned into a rattan whip, which directly pulled the blue light away.

Then, there was a burst of pressure, even Lan Ze could not help but be shocked.

This person, perhaps even more powerful than he thought, at least the quality of this soul force, does not lose the blood of Poseidon.

Until then, the green radish was completely present, and the green light cut off the front and dispelled all the magic.

"Hey, Lin egg is not, I haven't seen it for a long time!" Green Luo smiled, but he looked at Qin Qi's left and then looked at it. Then he said, "I haven't seen it for so long, you are actually Yuanyang. Is it difficult to be a virgin?"

"Hey, what's going on with you, white, I gave you the secret technique of yin and yang, double repairing Dafa, and I don't even know how to grasp it!" Green Luo is as good as ever, and it is so happy, it is a girl. It’s not so beautiful, but it’s dare to say anything, bolder than a man.

It is said that Qin Qi’s forehead hangs a row of black lines, and it’s hard to meet again. Don’t say this without an opening!

"This is for you!" Qin Qi hated, biting his teeth and counterattacking, "You are not the same!"

"I am a girl, not a shame, like you, such a big man has not touched a woman, lost the dead, will not be really broken eggs?" Green Luo haha ​​laughed, no taboo.

Qin Qi rose his face, but he could not refute it.

This kind of goods is really arrogant, and there are such girls, which are completely inconsistent with the appearance.

"Boss, who is this beautiful woman, good character, I like it!" Zhang Lang secretly asked.

"Would you like to have a snack? Is it time to say this?" Qin Qi was annoyed, and now it is a big disaster.

"It's so noisy!" Lanze was cold and full of disdain, but when he saw the green radish, he couldn't help but see his eyes bright.

Even if his harsh aesthetic, the green radish is also the world's best, no different than the sacred women of their family, and so temperament, very unique, it is difficult to imagine such a woman among the human race.

"Yes, the woman of the Terran, your condition is good, I can especially allow you to be my woman!" Lanze nodded and carried his hands. "You must know that there are very few human beings who can be valued by my sacred people." You are honored, I hope you can catch the luck I brought to you!"

Green radish is indeed outstanding, but Lanze is confident that it will not lose. It is only such a human race woman is rare, and Lan Ze also wants to get it.

In his view, human beings are inferior races, and can be valued by their sacred people, but the glory of the green radish.

"What the silly is saying?" Green Roar blinked.

"He probably looks at you beautifully, wants to go to you." Qin Qi pulled his mouth, the devil of the dog day, still want to green, I can not kill you!

Oh no, look at me, radish can't kill you!

"There are many people who want to go to me, but it is not a good thing, but it is a **** descendant of Poseidon. At least it should be considered a pure blood descendant." Green Roger pouted.

This woman, as always, hey!

And Lan Zewen said that it is extremely difficult to look.

What he hates most is that others call him a descendant of blood, but what is damned is that he is not pure blood. His mother is a great monarch, although it is also very strong, but compared to the surname of Poseidon. But that's it.

"Human women, don't ruin yourself, such grace, will not be next time!" Lan Ze cold channel.

"Radish, this kind of stupidity, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!" Qin Qi shouted on the side.

The green radish was stunned by Qin Qi, his cheeks were slightly red, and he gnawed his teeth: "Whoever makes you call me!"

Only the most intimate people of the green radish, such as the family, or Xiao Huang, can they call it. Other people have called it, they have been beaten by the green scorpion, and they dare not have the next time.

When I was a child, a prince of the gods called her, and she was almost stunned by her. Since then, the prince came to the Ji family as a guest, all wearing iron pants, showing the ferocity of the green radish.

This shameless guy dared to call it like this, and it was so succinct!

"Your brother is not so called, how good, very kind." Qin Qi hippie smile.

"Lin's no eggs, you don't want eggs!" Green radish teeth.

"The egg is playing at home!" Qin Qi could not help but smile, of course, this egg is not the egg.

The green radish swayed the tiger's teeth and looked at it. It was intended to bite Qin Qi.

"Cough, that is called your baby's head office, and Yue is not so called." Qin Qi spread his hands.

"That is a pleasing heart, you have the ability to become a woman!"

"You see you, what is it true? Isn't that a name? The most important thing now is whether this magic is good!"

"Is this mysterious old man, can I compare it with my name?"


Sure enough, to be more domineering, Qin Qi is better than green.

Lan Ze's face is gloomy and watery. This man has dared to ignore him so much, and his grace is nothing to say, even he is not in his eyes.

Is arguing a name more important than his descendants of Poseidon?

"Human, it seems that you are really stupid to the extreme, or since you don't cherish yourself, then don't blame me, I will take you, play enough and reward it to subordinates, a human, after all, escape me. The fate of the enslavement of the family!" Lan Ze cold channel.

"I'm sick, I will go to meet him first, you are not allowed to scream again, hear no!" Green Luo took a look at Qin Qi.

"Good radish, I know the baby." Qin Qi nodded and looked very obedient.

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