God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2742: Beauty map

Qin Qi can learn a lot of information.

But the key information is not much.

Such a dojo holy place, Qin Qi must go once, but the first thing that ushered in is a key issue.

He doesn't even know where the location is.


Even in the temple of God, there is no relevant information.

Obviously this matter has been listed as a top secret by the Round Table Council and it is not willing to disclose any information to unrelated people.

It can be seen that the round table council attaches importance to it and is bound to win.

Even Qin Qi, who wants to get some information, is afraid that it is difficult.

Of course, this is the case when Qin Qi is not willing to expose himself.

If you don't care about anything, it's not difficult to insist on figuring out the whereabouts of the Holy Land, but the problems that come with it have to be taken seriously.

The darkness of the heavens has been passed down for a long time. Even if the battle of the ancients made this world a major injury, it was a heavy loss in the battle of the supreme level.

But it also makes the remaining Supreme stronger and stronger!

Although Qin Qi is already the supreme world, but still dare not say that it can be rampant, here, there is still the existence that can kill him.

In particular, the guardian in the abyss.

That is the half-level of the guy, Qin Qi met him, but also detour.

Maybe there will be so many concerns in the dark world in the early years, but recently, the signs of the abyss guardian activities have become more apparent.

Obviously, the strong man who was seriously injured in Yan Xing’s hands has changed from the cultivation period to the active period, and the injury is afraid that he has recovered.

As for whether it is lean, no one knows.

Anyway, there must be no slightest flaws.

"If you want to go to the Holy Land, you can't get through the few supreme, you can't even avoid the abyss guardians, or don't let them prepare too early," Qin Qi said to himself.

It is a good choice not to stimulate the Supreme in advance and to contact the rebel groups.

More than four years ago, since the rebel groups were able to penetrate the holy places and cause trouble to the round table, this is enough to show that their power cannot be underestimated.

At least one of the supreme core of the rebel group, the Great God, must have a supreme.

Otherwise, the rebel group will never be able to fall under the shadow of the parliament.

"Go to see him," Qin Qidao.

Since it has already caught up with the line of rebel groups, Qin Qi does not have to hide and use it.

"No way, you haven't asked me what?" The little girl followed the Qin Qi, strolled for a while in the sunset city, and some depressed roads.

"Before I was wrong, but I also thought that you betrayed the faith, where you know that you are the most solid partner, I am just a child, of course, I can't see the idea of ​​an incompetent adult!" The little girl was slightly wronged.

No one is a man, and the rebel members of the entire southwestern province regard it as an idol.

The incomparable popularity is much higher than the total length of the Southwestern altar.

The little girl is naturally indispensable, especially worship.

In addition, this time, Qin Qi rescued his life from the hands of death, and even more uncontrollable, so he begged to stay in Qin Qi.

Only Qin Qi did not pay much attention to her meaning, let her be exceptionally lost.

Qin Qi looked at the little girl, some helpless.

He must admit that the rebel groups in the Dark Heavens are really powerful, and that the belief in the members has been almost brainwashed.

In this regard, Qin Qi did not like it at all.

However, Qin Qi can understand.

After all, in this situation, if the indoctrinating intensification is not strengthened, this rebel group is also difficult to maintain.

At least not such a scale can be achieved.

Qin Qi is not interested in interfering with these, whether it is brainwashing or brainwashing, that is their own choice.

As for the little girl misunderstood him.

Qin Qi has no longer wanted to explain anything. Misunderstanding will misunderstand it. Anyway, there is really no way to appear anyway, and it will naturally be clear.

"What is your name?" Qin Qi asked.

He has little disgust with the little girl. She was born in such a family. The sacred feeling of the rebel organization can be said to be innately cultivated, and there is no chance of choice.

Therefore, Qin Qi did not care about her offense.

"My name is Linglinglu, 14 years old. My favorite is the incompetent adult!" Lingling's cheeks were slightly red, and the eyes were big and very excited.

Qin Qi nodded and said: "Which ethnic group do you belong to?"

"I am a mixed-race, more inclined to the Shenwei people, a small part belongs to the successor family", Lingling dew, but the words, but some embarrassed.

The names of these two ethnic groups, but one that is bigger than one, is very arrogant.

Qin Qi was somewhat curious, and let the different Kunluns call out the corresponding information, and could not help but laugh.

These two ethnic groups, listening to it is very arrogant, but in fact only the name is arrogant.

Throughout the history of the dark heavens, the veins of the blood, these two ethnic groups are the lowest level of insignificant ethnicity, and almost no strong people have ever appeared.

So all these groups have always been jokes.

I even wanted to change the name of the family!

It’s just that the blood is not determined by anyone. All the blood is from the abyss, so even if it is weak, it can only accept such a strong family name.

Even if it is a laughing stock.

This is also the reason why Linglinglu is somewhat unhappy.

However, the two bloodlines of Linglinglu, although they are all at the lowest level, have empty names, but one thing is worthy of praise, that is tenacious.

These two blood vessels have been passed down for a long time, almost dating back to the beginning of the famous blood.

This is not an easy task.

After all, even if it is a famous blood, there is a risk of severing.

I don’t see the 18th door of the ancient times. Now there are only seven left. Although not all of them die, some still have blood circulation, but they are no longer strong.

But there are indeed a few that have completely perished.

The name is still the same, not to mention other low blood.

Of course, Qin Qi only looked at the information slightly, and did not think there was anything.

"No way, do you think that I am too weak, very useless?" Zero Linglu mood is somewhat low.

"Almost," Qin Qi nodded.

He did not intend to comfort.

Linglinglu did not expect Qin Qi to be so direct, suddenly stunned, and then became more and more difficult.

Qin Qi does not care about him, just strolling from his own.

There are still many differences between the Dark Heaven and the Bright Circles. There are too many differences in customs and customs. Qin Qi also needs time to adapt.

Fortunately, this sunset city is not a long-established ancient city, but it has been built for nearly a million years.

Well, yes, in the dark world, millions of years of history abound in cities, simply can't talk about the ancient city, only those cities that have stood for tens of millions of years, can barely be called.

The temple where the Round Table Council is located is calculated at a billion years old, and it has not been said.

The new city has no foundation, but the new city also has the benefits of a new city.

That is the Heiner River, people from all walks of life, all kinds of people will come to station, where Qin Qi can see almost half of the dark ethnicity of the entire southwestern province.

Get used to it, almost know the entire southwestern province.

Qin Qi walked on the street, followed by the sloping Lingling dew. Suddenly, Qin Qi stopped and looked curiously at a tall building on the street.

Lingling Lu looked down at Qin Qi's gaze, and suddenly his mouth was higher.

"Adult, you will not be interested in this too?" Ling Ling Lulu.

Qin Qi smiled and walked straight in.

"Adult!" Ling Linglu screamed, slammed his feet, and eventually followed.

She secretly made up her mind that she must not let the innocent adult fall.

"Beauty figure, a little meaning", Qin Qi smiled twice.

This building, in fact, is located in every city, and there is a portrait of a beautiful woman.

Don't think that these beautiful people are for you to choose. This place is not a place for fireworks. On the contrary, the women above are all from the big family, and their status is not simple.

It can be said that the nobles are the upper-level figures.

As for why these beautiful pictures are to be placed here, just because these women are at the age of marriage, the big family is used for marriage, or used to recruit the strong!

This is a tradition of the dark world, and has always been keen on the major families.

Even the famous door is involved.

Especially the marriage that appeared before, it is to let all the big families in the dark world, they are eager to get more in this matter.

Previously, the Heihe swordsman was incomparably rare to let the prostitutes in the family enter the beauty map.

Although the beauty map is a tradition of darkness, in general, even if the famous door is involved, it is a woman with some branches, and the status of the family is not too high.

And the prostitute enters the beauty map, it can be said that it is the first time in history!

Such a noble woman naturally attracts countless names, and even men who are famous in the world are eagerly awaited.

Everyone wants to be the noble lady, but wants to be the only one, how can I do without a brush?

And the one who finally stood out.

Nowadays, it is already famous throughout the dark world!

He is known as the genius of the darkest heavens in the forging level.

Lie jade!

Yes, the ultimate forging method repaired by Qin Qi is perfected by this jade.

The development of the lock celestial armor of the Dark Heavens is also the responsibility of this person, and has achieved the Great Leap Forward that has not been established since the establishment of the project!

Before the war in the realm, the lock armor that the dark scorpion invested in has come to the second generation.

This is really amazing.

It can be said that the talent of the jade in this respect is enough to compare the talents of cultivation in ancient and modern times!

Heihe swordsman, using the beauty map to solicit leisure, who can not be jealous?

And it is said that the two people are very in love, it is a good story.

It was also from that beginning that the famous door became more and more enthusiastic about the beauty figure. Although there were no prostitutes appearing on the beauty map after that, some of the daughters who were born, even the daughters of the main house, appeared.

Of course, there was no second jade after that.

However, the son-in-law who recruited is also good, and it is worth training. I don't know what kind of beauty figure this year will be.

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