God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2519: Sweep all the way


After several sounds of dragons rang, and several stone dragons were forcibly broken by Qin Qi, the earth once again turned over and there was a dragon flying out.

However, compared to the previous ones, these dragons are much smaller, but the pressure on Qin Qi is greatly improved.

During the roaring, a dragon tail sweeps and smashes the void of the universe.

Qin Qi stunned, and the starlight in the body shines like a real universe.

The strength of the flesh universe, in conjunction with the body of the dragon veins, is also terrible. With a punch forward, it collides with the dragon tail, and everything around it is shattered in an instant.

And a **** flash suddenly flashed, straight into the sky, but this stone dragon was Qin Qi a sword two paragraphs!

But the remaining Shilong, but swarming, will flood Qin Qi.

"Good blood, good violence", the yarn woven with big eyes, constantly groaning, half face is buried under special liquid.

Qin Qi's kind of melee combat style is really amazed by her. After all, in the chaotic fairy world, no one will fight like this.

In the chaotic fairyland, the physical strength is only normal, and the strength of the battle is strong, but the physical strength is also very limited.

At least the yarn weaving ourselves, although I don't think it will be defeated by Qin Qi, but she does not have the terrible flesh of Qin Qi.

In the chaotic fairy world, there is also a war in nature.

Not only the hostile mother ship, but also the chaotic behemoths in the chaotic sea of ​​life, will also pose a huge threat to them.

There are too many mother ships in history, that is, destroyed in the mouth of the chaotic giant.

For the mother ship, there is no shortage of long-range attack weapons, and even the power of the main gun, can directly kill a fairy king-class chaotic behemoth.

Once the battle begins, the mother ship cannot always maintain the attack distance, and there is always a time when the fire line is broken.

In order to make a good connection, the engineers of Chaos Xianjie developed external armor to improve their physical strength, and they will not be crushed into bloodstains by a chaotic behemoth in a wave of melee.

This kind of external armor is called lock fairy armor, and the emergence of this technology has greatly improved the survival rate of the soldiers. It has been vigorously promoted in the ancient times.

In fact, the yarn weave also has a set of lock armor, and this is her last card.

However, looking at Qin Qi is so fierce, the bottom of her heart has also been worn a lot.

She is somewhat difficult to determine whether the defensive intensity of her lock armor is better than Qin Qi.

"It's a monster!"

The loud noise continued to come, and there were high-pitched dragons, but more of them were bursting sounds.

The strength of Qin Qi's body is in harmony with the kendo, and it has the ability to be immortal. The battle is fierce, almost no matter what it is, it is going forward.

This dragon lock is the hard work of grinding people. The stone dragon is endless. If you stop, then you will only face countless stone dragons.

Restore consumption?

There is no such opportunity at all.

Therefore, we can only move forward, and at the fastest speed, so that at least the stone dragons we need to face are the least.

The yarn weaves behind, and from time to time the cabin will illuminate a regular pattern of lines. Without active control, it will emit a beam of light and destroy the stones that hit her.

Even with such a breakthrough speed, Qin Qi came to the deepest area of ​​Panlong Lock and spent nearly three days.

During these three days, Qin Qi has been fighting, and there is almost no stopping.

The yarn weaving has been completely stunned. She suspects that Qin Qi is hiding a permanent energy box. How could it be that the tireless battle is now?

It is wearing a lock armor, and now, energy should be exhausted.

However, Qin Qi is still fighting.

"It’s almost the end!" Qin Qi exhaled a heavy breath, and the breath was already somewhat unstable.

His resilience is strong, and after all, it is not a permanent energy, or it will be exhausted.

Fortunately, it has already arrived here.


In the last section of the Panlong Lock, a stone dragon almost like a diamond piled up.

And it gives people a feeling that is much more horrible than any of the previous ones. This is the ultimate manifestation of the power of Panlong Lock in ancient times. It is here.

The yarn weaving can feel the terrible dragon.

The alarms in the cabin have begun to issue alarms, which is the performance of high-risk energy bodies.

This was also the case when Qin Qiqi opened the escape cabin, but this time, it seems more urgent.

Weaving is not very good at fighting. Her growth direction is an engineer, but she also understands that Qin Qi consumes a lot and her fighting power is not as good as her peak.

I am afraid that this stone dragon will not be an opponent at the moment.

Weaving hesitant, I don't know if I should lend her lock armor to Qin Qi.

Her lock armor, in terms of defensive power, may not be much stronger than Qin Qi, but this armor is not only a defensive force.

More is the blessing of combat power.

It’s just that this thing is her card. When she gave Qin Qi’s words, she was a random white rabbit.

But she also does not want to be trapped in this cosmic corridor.

Since she woke up, she certainly wanted to find an opportunity to return to the chaotic fairy world.

"You can't do it, do you want me to lend you the lock armor?" The yarn weaving finally couldn't help it.

The smell of the stone dragon is getting stronger and stronger, and the yarn weaving does not want Qin Qi to die in the hands of Shilong.

However, when she had not finished speaking, Qin Qi had already rushed out.

Actually take the lead in taking the initiative?

The yarn weaving is terrible, this is too reckless. Anyway, if you can recover more, you should recover more. If you rush up, you will only get yourself into a bigger disadvantage.

Yarn weaving bite, consider whether to give up life packaging, put on the lock fairy armor to help Qin Qi.

But the next moment, she was stunned.

Before Qin Qi jumped to Shilong, he stood on the head of Shilong, and the **** hand in his hand did not shoot, but instead sent the sword to the sheath.

What is this?


But the stone dragon looked at it and didn't talk very well.

No, this stone dragon has no intelligence at all.

Sure enough, the stone dragon roared, and the whole body shone, the powerful and powerful power shook out, and Qin Qi flew out, and the more terrible power had already formed in its mouth.


A sword is like blood, dripping from the sword.

Bloody moments came out of the sheath, and then the sword was closed, so that the eyes could not keep up.

It’s like, I have never had a sword.

However, the next moment, the powerful stone dragon collapsed and did not turn into pieces, but the two halves.


The yarn woven mouth was big, and even accidentally drank a lot of liquid, so she got a straight cough.

But she couldn't believe how such a powerful stone dragon could be strangled so easily.

To know the previous ones, you have been struggling for a while. "Let's go, before it re-aggregates," Qin Qi said faintly, when he first went forward.

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