God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2515: Forcibly breaking

It is no longer able to continue flying, and the rest of the energy must be used to protect itself.

However, with a **** attack, several times, this last energy can also be easily drained.

It seems that the escape cabin is also aware of this.

The lines of expression began to flash regularly, seemingly emitting some kind of signal.

"What, Morse password?" Qin Qi wondered.

"It's not a Morse password, but it's a similar thing. If you wait, I can crack it soon." Different Kunlun Road, the computing core began to load heavily.

After a few breaths, the different Kunluns grasped the law of the other party, and translated the beating light band signal into text, which was displayed on the interface.

"There is nothing inside, please don't continue to destroy."

Qin Qi glanced at him and shook his head suddenly. He felt that the escape cabin or the guy in the escape cabin was too naive.

Isn't this the place without silver?

As a result, Qin Qi is even more unable to let it go.

Qin Qi grinned, and behind the killing of blood, Ji appeared, killing swords and feelings filled with this void.

The light belt above the escape cabin suddenly became the red color of the alarm. Obviously, this force was also detected, which would cause a devastating blow to it.

At the same time, the light band also flashed and passed on information.

"We have no enmity, why do we kill them!"

Qin Qi turned a blind eye, the idiom level of this primary school student, and then, how can I kill it?

Qin Qizhen measured the blood, so that Yi Kunlun helped to feedback his attitude in the form of a password.

"Either come out by yourself, or be embarrassed by Lao Tzu, choose yourself!"

The escape cabin was silent for a moment, and another message came out.

"You are too much, you evil guy!"

Qin Qi shrugged, some speechless, and began to doubt the guy inside, whether it was an old monster left in ancient times.

How do you feel like a person who has never experienced the world?

This world, not too much than this excessive thing, this can not accept, or go back to the mother's womb early.

Qin Qi does not intend to continue to talk nonsense with it, cut out the rules to say.

When the blood slammed, it was already under another sword, and the power was much stronger than before. The lines above the escape cabin were a violent flash.

It is already difficult to bear the power of Qin Qi.

With such an attack, the hard shell of the escape cabin was finally unable to support, and there were several cracks.

In this way, there will be a few more swords, and the escape cabin will be broken by Qin Qi.

However, at this time, the lines on the escape cabin slammed into one place, and immediately an extremely concentrated force gathered into a bundle, and the Qin Qi was lasing.

Can you counterattack?

Qin Qi did not feel the accident, and avoided it in an instant.

However, the light beam did not stop, and like the lightsaber, cut down, still go to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi snorted, **** turn, blocked in front of the beam.

At the next moment, Qin Qi only felt the sword tremble, and he could not help but tremble.

I couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

The power of this beam was concentrated to this point, and even **** feelings felt a bit of pressure.

This is because before the promotion of the main ban, the **** will be damaged.

With such power, Qin Qi always pays attention to it. He really has some carelessness. He did not expect that the other party still has such power.

The other party is going to play pigs and eat tigers?

A deep heart, I thought that the other side was not deep in the world, it seems that I want him to be paralyzed.

When Qin Qi was light and cold, Jianguang suddenly swept out like a storm, and there was no longer too much to keep in.

Numerous jingle sounds sounded, and the swaying solitary sails in the escaped sea, like the raging sea, could be overturned by huge waves at any time.

And the beam from time to time shot, still threatened, but after Qin Qi seriously, the beam can not touch his clothes.

Finally, the cracking sounds.

The escape cabin could no longer withstand the attack of Qin Qi’s madness and was completely broken.

A flash of lightning flashed through, and many unknown instruments were seen falling from the escape cabin. In the middle of these instruments, there was a transparent compartment that was half transparent.

It is as if Qin Qi participated in the game cabin of the Chaos Era.

Through the transparent "glass", you can see a woman lying inside, it seems that there is no clothes, but the body is covered by some liquid, but can not see more details.

At the moment, the woman was wide-eyed and looked at Qin Qi in horror.

"Really someone!"

Qin Qi was surprised.

He did guess that there might be creatures in it, but if he really saw it, he still felt a big surprise. After all, this was left in the ancient times.

In other words, this woman comes from the age of ancient times!

So far, in addition to the people in the description of Qing Dan who are suspected of the ancient times, Qin Qi has never seen anyone living in that era.

Not to mention the appearance of such a science fiction.

In this world of martial arts, this strangely-sounding guy suddenly appeared, and people really couldn’t help but look at each other.

Qin Qi waved his hand and collected all the strange instruments, and then stepped forward to the cabin.


The woman in the cabin looked at Qin Qi with horror, shouted and said something that Qin Qi could not understand at all, but Qin Qi was able to guess it in general.

The girl inside is very beautiful.

No, it should be said that it is very beautiful, but Qin Qi has also seen women of all ethnic groups, all kinds, and even dark heavens, but as the girl in front of her eyes, she has never seen it.

The girl’s physical form is not much different from that of human beings.

But very strange, when you see her, there will be a different feeling. At first glance, you can distinguish her from the difference.

But can't tell where the difference is.

"I saw that I am poor, trapped in such a place, so give me a girl companion?" Qin Qi smiled, God really cares about him.

Qin Qi looked at the girl, completely ignoring her yelling, but her mind was more confused.

No matter whether the first feeling is true or not, this girl does not seem to be a person in the dark world, nor is it like a group of bright circles, including the ancient times.

Above the big star before, how can there be a totem of darkness?

At that time, the strong man also noticed the existence of this escape cabin, but could not open it, so he made a mark.

Still, there are other purposes.

"No matter what, you have to be able to communicate first." Qin Qi scratched his head and waited for the different Kunlun to crack the girl's words.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is not difficult. After a while, Qin Qi gradually heard the other party's meaning.

"You bad guy, go away, don't look at me!"

The girl cried, and she was ashamed.

But it is normal, after all, no clothes, just soaked in a special liquid. Qin Qi coughed twice and spoke in the language of the other party: "What is your name, where is it from?"

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