God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2438: Heavenly level of wild animals

Hunting King naturally understands.

He, Qin Taizi, Yan Yan, Zhang Junlin, the source of the four of them is the main branch, indispensable, as for other fine branches, is the last section, as long as there are too many, can accept.

"That can only wait for the opportunity, but you have to be clear, we don't have much time," Hunter.

"Let them both help," Qin Taizi said indifferently.

In the back of the King of Hunting, the two heavy light gates shone slightly, and then nodded: "We are all proud, they understand what to do."

"I hope you understand too," Qin Taizi said faintly.

A sky behind him appeared and took him away.

The hunting king stood for a long time, the purple color in his eyes became thicker, his face appeared painful, but in the end, the purple meaning actually faded a lot!

"I understand, very understand!"

The Hunting King took a deep breath and disappeared into the Tianmen.


"This is the third wave. Isn't there really no end?" Qin Qi and others retreated to the world tree.

Constantly fighting with the wild and the wild, even if they are, some can not afford.

"It should not, how powerful and mysterious this land of creation can not have endless floods and wild animals, there will be a limit!" Raven Road.

The wilderness and the beast are getting stronger and stronger. He has already retired to the second line and cannot face a big battle.

However, his ominous power can still give one or two influences, can spread the plague, and reduce the fighting power of the wild animals.

"At most, there will be a god, and strong, how can it?" Mephis is cold.

“Is there really a wild animal of the Tianzun level?” Qing Litian frowned.

She and Qin Qi, to a certain extent, can play against Tianzun, but it is really a matter of life and death, it is still a lot worse, it can not be the opponent of Tianzun.

"There was a good appearance," Qin Qi smiled.


Mephis is cold.

Qin Qi is trying to get her to block Tian Zun and force her last means. At the same time, she may even kill the Tian Zun’s wild animals.

The abacus is good.

But if true deity comes.

Can Qin Qi still hold her?

I don’t care for myself!

"Before the next wave comes, take a rest." Qin Qidao.

It is killing so many wild animals, for him now, the meaning is not too big, even the bodies of the wild animals, the materials, Qin Qi are too lazy to swallow.

It is better to keep it, and later it can be used to develop the state or the emperor.

After all, these are not enough for the star of Tianzun.

If you want to light it, it will be killing and swallowing for at least ten years, or killing a god!

This is full of challenges.

But it seems that it is imperative in this land of creation.

Therefore, it is good to come to a sacred animal of the Tianzun level.

Kill it, or kill Memphis, there are at least two options.

Of course, they are all extremely dangerous.

But if you want to kill Tianzun and want no risk, the benefits don't exist.

However, when I saw these wild animals, Qin Qi couldn't help but think of the old people of the past.

He is the emperor of the wilderness of the heavenly world.

After the end of the plan, it disappeared into the universe, and I don’t know where it is now.

There are so many wild animals and beasts here, I am afraid that there will be the top powerhouses of this family, and the will of the land of creation will even be presented in the form of wild animals.

If he is here, he should be able to get great benefits.

Time soon passed, and did not let Qin Qi wait for too long, the fourth wave of wild animals appeared.

This wave of wild animals is stronger than the previous wave, and after them, there is a terrible smell that erupts like a volcano.

The ruthlessness of the wild has almost taken over the world, and it can be seen from afar.

Although it was weaker than the original Memphis, but for a few of them, it is still strong.

"Sure enough, it is a heavenly level!" Qin Qi’s heart suddenly broke out, but the faintness was also a little excited. The war and the killings were all flowing in my heart.

"More than one!" But Mephis exclaimed.

After the momentum of the sky, there is actually another momentum rising, compared to the previous one, only strong or not weak!

"It seems that the land of creation is malicious to us, it is very deep!" Qing Litian smiled bitterly.

A Tianzun is already very reluctant to them. If it is two, it is almost impossible to win.

"It seems that no one can hold the third wave of wild animals, so this is a reward for us!" Mephis sneered.

"Ready to meet the enemy," Qin Qi said lightly.

The wild animals have come over.

The war is on the verge.

Before Tianzun’s arrival, a large number of wild animals and animals are not negligible and need to be dealt with cautiously.

Qin Qi **** in his hand, killing blood and dying on his body, such as **** battle.

The killing of the sword is constantly raging, crushing the rushing wild animals, even if the heavens are high, but with the help of bloody, they are often killed.

"Mephis, join hands to kill one!" Qin Qi shouted, **** under the sword, and even kill a few wild animals.

And his bloody, has locked the rear of the Tianzun.

But he alone, it is impossible to deal with it, need Mephis to join hands.

"Be killed, don't expect me to save you!" Mephis was cold, and the light flashed in his eyes, and the ability to trace the source has been exerted.

When the next two people jumped up, the seeds of the immortality were ups and downs, and the force was directly pushed to the top.

Soul fusion.

Blessing in the abyss!

Two swords light, hit the flying wild animals along the way, the most intense point in the middle of the wild.

Immediately, a roar roared like a thunder, and the space was distorted, turning into a layer of wave waves.

The two attacks by Qin Qi and Memphis did not hurt him at all.

On the contrary, it was a huge shadow. From far and near, it was already rushed to the Qin Qi in front of them. One hoof was like a mountain, and it fell.

Huge force, space is instantly stacked and twisted.

This wild animal, brute force is also extremely terrible.

Qin Qi and Memphis avoided it in an instant, and after seeing this strange animal, the heart was a sinking.


This is a kind of awkwardness. It is also considered to be extremely cruel and fierce. His appearance is like a cow. He has four horns on his head and a white bone mask on his face.

In the eyes of two black holes, the scarlet ray is shining, it is fierce and fierce.

And its fur is heavy, like a coat, and any attack is difficult to penetrate.

It is a wild animal with both strength and defense.

Moreover, it is still a heavenly level.

"Don't you have that sword?" Mephis said indifferently.

"You must kill a sword, it is not used like this. It is better for you to play the cards first. You can rest assured that I will not be in danger!" Qin Qidao.

Mephis is cold.

Will not be in danger? If not, why is she so miserable now?

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