God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2398: change idea

"Let's go, no one is coming now, it is estimated that no one will come," Raven said.

In the style of the warring actor, it is estimated that it will not be a good time. As for now, there is no choice but to make it difficult.

However, they will be arranged soon, and then it will be a thunderous battle, and will never give Qin Qi any chance.

"No," Qin Qi shook his head.

When the crows glimpse, I really don’t understand why Qin Qi suddenly changed, and couldn’t help but wonder, “What are you going to do?”

"Go to the war," Qin Qi straightforward.

The crow is frowning and can't help but change color. "Do you want to try the ability of the home of the warlord?"

Just watching Qin Qi like this, horror is not just about learning.

"There is not so much time to do this kind of thing, you will know the death of the temple, I will launch a general attack on the warrior," Qin Qi said lightly.

It was said that the crow's mouth could not help but pull it.

Qin Qi is starting to go crazy again.

In the days of Tianyuan, Qin Qi’s madness was notorious. He did not expect to come to the Tao, and there was no change.

It is even more important to shoot against the warriors. Even the death of the temple is also attacking, and it is still a general attack. This rhythm really makes people unable to keep up.

"What's wrong with you, you should understand that it is not wise to do this. It is possible to catch the whole story of the dead temple!" The crow's voice sank.

Now this situation can only be learned, can not really fight, Qin Qi should understand.

"The words are here, the other you think about it, I will only tell you that after two days, the undead castle will cease to exist. You are better off taking this opportunity to harvest all the resources of the warriors and then run quickly." Qin Qi Tao, just said so much.

As for whether the crow can squat down, or can not persuade the dying temple, it is not Qin Qi needs to care.

Since it is necessary to cooperate with Qin Qi, not under Qin Qi, then you should have your own decision, instead of letting Qin Qi want to pave the way for them.

To grow, choice is a must.

The crow was silent, and the fan in his hand kept shaking. The frequency was much faster than before. Obviously his heart was not calm.

He does not think that Qin Qi will lie to him, but this choice is too big, because Qin Qi’s sentence, it’s ridiculous to have a full-scale battle between the dead temple and the warrior.

If the crow wants to think about it, he will know that the sovereign of the dead temple will never agree.

These troubles are left to the crows themselves, and Qin Qi no longer stays and vacates.

Looking at the direction, it turned out to be a warrior!

"This bastard!" The crow bit his teeth and his eyes gradually firmed.

"What happened, where did he go, is it necessary to go to the war?" Liu Yuelan appeared next to the crow, watching the direction of Qin Qi's departure, could not help but frown.

Qin Qi is trying to try the best of heaven!

"But this is also good, just look at the level of the old guy," Liu Yuelan laughed.

The crow snorted and said with no expression: "He is not going to try the depths, he is going to kill the things!"

"What, he is too impulsive!" Liu Yuelan heard the words, his face changed. "What do we do now?"

Qin Qi went straight into the war, and it was unwise to challenge the heavens at the opponent's home court. If the death curse is also inserted, it is really bad.

"What do we do now?" Liu Yuelan anxiously said.

"Go back," the crow ruthless

"Is it all right?" Liu Yuelan sighed, but Qin Qi was his own sheep into the tiger's mouth, and no wonder others.

In this case, the death of the temple is already not easy to intervene, otherwise it is afraid of getting burned.

“Where to go back?” Liu Yuelan, although he understood it, still habitually asked.

"Let the dead language temple full battle!" The crow is cold and cold.

Liu Yuelan’s eyes widened, and he did not expect the crow to do so. He did not even help Qin Qi, but blocked the dead language temple and started a full-scale war.

"Are you crazy, the Sovereign will not agree!" Liu Yuelan hurriedly.

The crow paused, and a pair of eyes began to emit red awns, and the breath suddenly became cold and fierce, like the incarnation of the disaster.

Liu Yuelan sees this, can't help but feel cold in the heart, the meaning of fear can not be suppressed, sweeping the whole body, that feeling is like being in the unknown.

This kind of breath, the crow has not been revealed for a long time, Liu Yuelan's memory, I only felt this breath when I first saw the crow.

After that, the crow became more and more sullen, like a disguise. Although powerful, it could not be unobtrusive, but it has not revealed such a real atmosphere for a long time.

The crow sneered and said indifferently: "That can only kill him."

"You!" Liu Yuelan's pupils shrank fiercely, and I couldn't understand it anyway. Why did the crow choose this way?

This is not just the following crimes, it is to be weak!

"You told me this, I am not afraid of leaking news?" Liu Yuelan said.

"In my opinion, you have another choice," Raven said.

"What is it?"

"Work with me!"

Liu Yuelan lived, but the crow did not take care of her, but left.

Liu Yuelan hesitated again and again, and finally smiled and resolutely followed.

At the beginning of the meeting, she was completely shocked by the low-level crows, and she knew that she could not reverse the crow.

Qin Qi left, the crow and Liu Yuelan also left, leaving everyone to face each other.

However, the direction chosen by Qin Qi, but the warrior, is it true that Qin Qi will go to the challenge?

Everyone in the moment is leaving and rushing to the home of the war.


"Small beast, this seat did not go to you, you are the first to come to the door, and if so, leave it!"

In the warrior's house, the roar of war madness resounded through the clouds.

Inside the warrior, many large arrays are instantly opened, and one heavy one is connected, and the number is not clear.

These large arrays, various effects stacking, are extremely comprehensive for the improvement of combat power. At this moment, the war madness is stronger than the outside when it is stronger!

Home advantage, this is it.

At this moment, Qin Qi has already been covered by the big array. In fact, he just went straight into the center of the war, so he could say that he was unscrupulous and did not even think about what to cover up.

And along the way, there is nothing to stop him, along the way to open the defensive array method on weekdays, all the cracks, like a bubble broken.

Therefore, when Qin Qi stopped, the surrounding was full of the children of the warriors, and he was surrounded by three layers inside and outside.

The other is the big array that has sprung up like a mushroom. These are really powerful arrays. If the enemy does not attack the hinterland, it will not open.

And then, it was just the scene, the war madness swayed the sky, turned into the core of the tactics, arrogant, and pressed to Qin Qi. But in fact, the war madness is also somewhat aggressive in his heart.

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