God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2382: Actor's self-cultivation

"I know that I must die, so what is the profit of the tongue, the loser is the loser, so stupid, so no to the table!"

He will shoot directly and pinch Qin Qi.

"Hey, can't you recognize the situation, or do you understand what I just said?" Qin Qi did not fear, but instead gestured more peacefully.

"I said, let you kneel down, like your ancestors, here to redeem sin!" Qin Qi drank, like a sound of heaven, straight into the soul.

"I said it is done, don't want to suffer, just do it!" Qin Qi 嚣 Zhang Zhiji!

At this moment, Qin Qi, the momentum is too strong, more arrogant than the comet, all the empty space, puts the momentum that dominates the heavens and the earth.

In the meantime, the comet thought that he had encountered the great power of the family, or the invincible master in the craftsman's house.

Only such people are qualified to pose in front of him!

But this is just a personal class.

What is it!

It is impossible for the comet to be shocked like this. There are a few words of arrogance. If it is scared off, then his comet cannot become a craftsman.

And he did not believe that Qin Qi had enough power to threaten him.

However, Qin Qi is still full of confidence, seeing that the comet wants to do it, but it is still not slow.

It seems that in his eyes, the comet is nothing but an ant.

"It’s stubborn, it seems to be a good knock on you, but personally suppressing you, it is really dirty my hand, or use your own power to destroy you!" Qin Qi faint.

Immediately, a black scepter appeared in Qin Qi's hand.

As soon as this scepter appeared, the surrounding atmosphere changed directly, and a heavy pressure fell on the comet.

This pressure, Qin Qi naturally knows that it is completely illusory, but unless it is really hands-on, it is difficult to distinguish, it will never be found to be false.

Therefore, even if the scepter is only used forcing, it is extremely powerful, and no one can forge it.

As soon as the scepter appeared, the face of the comet changed, and the pupil was contracted.

"Deep aria, how is it possible!" The comet could not believe it.

He knows better than Qin Qi what deep aria is.

It was the scepter used by the ancestors of the famous black lotus singer, but it was later lost. It is said that a ancestor once wanted to follow the ancestor and re-forge a deep aria, but the final result is unknown.

Because the ancestor is dead.

And he is now here.

Has he succeeded and successfully forged a deep aria?

This is impossible.

This ancestor is indeed very powerful. It is a famous figure in the history of the famous black lotus singer, but it is definitely not the first ancestor.

This deep aria should not be completely morphological.

But it is also scary enough.

The breath that comes out of it alone makes the comet almost faint, the limbs are weak, and there is no possibility of resistance.

Deep aria, not only has the power of infinite horror, but also poses a great threat to any famous door.

However, as the sacred object of the famous black lotus singer, the symbol of the domination, the deep aria is more intense for the suppression of the blood within the family.

Therefore, in the history of the famous black lotus singer, anyone who has been recognized by the deep sigh can become the master of the entire ethnic group.

On the one hand, those who can be recognized will certainly be strong, and on the other hand, after mastering the deep aria, they will have absolute repression for any ethnic group.

Therefore, in the face of deep aria, any descendant from the black lotus singer will be at a disadvantage, to choose to surrender.

Similar sacred objects have their own names. After all, for the famous door, the strength has expanded to the limit, and it is difficult to ensure internal stability.

If you are not careful, you may fall apart and become a different group.

Therefore, in the dark world, the biggest issue of the famous gates will be to guarantee the rule of the inside. This demand is far more than the foreign aggression.

This is a manifestation of strength to the limit.

"Despicable bed bugs, by you, also dyed the holy things of my family? Give me over!" The star was furious, but at the same time, could not help but light his eyes.

This deep aria in front of the eyes is not the one in the hands of the ancestors, but it is also powerful and unmatched. If he is obtained by him, he may even become a family!

How can a potential human being, a descendant of a loser, use a deep aria?

It’s naive to want to save this life, but it’s just a wedding dress for him.

Deep aria!

I have thought about the comet, and I can get it one day.

"The obstacles are not yet squatting!" Qin Qi was a big drink, and the deep sigh was in his hands and directly recovered.

This is the nephew who is helping him, but at the same time, the different Kunlun is also about to calculate the dark particle column, and adjust accordingly.

At this moment, Qin Qi did not have the ability to drive this deep aria.

It just revived the small half of the force. The "bang" sound, like the entire tomb, was destroyed. An extremely terrible breath was lowered, and the whole star was frozen.

It is not that the comet does not want to move, but that the body instinct has a fear, and does not dare to defy the power of deep aria.

"You actually..." The comet gnawed his teeth and smashed.

He knows that this is the helper Qin Qi, but then how, this deep aria has indeed recovered, and in a flash, his heart can hardly beat.

This suppression force is too terrible and pure, and the comet has already smelled the threat of death.

Moreover, it is a deep sigh, these visions are really scary, and with his abyss blessing, they are completely unable to have such movements.

Feeling, like a big man in the family, or a big master is born.


The comet is afraid.

This kind of power is so beautiful that he can't breathe.

will die.

Comet knows that once this deep sigh falls, he will die here.

How can this be accepted?

The arrogant son of Xing Xing Tian, ​​from a young age, can get out of the master craftsmanship, get the honor of the craftsman, and even one day, can also become a master craftsman.

That is the existence of the true top of the dark heaven.

Such a promising future, how to be willing to sever, and still in the hands of a human.

These worms that can hide in the dark corners can survive.

Being killed by them is unbearable.

The comet is extremely embarrassing, and everything is empty, but under the threat of death, it can only bow.

But to let him kneel down, it is also an unbearable shame.

"Isn't it still? It seems that you want to die right away!" Qin Qi sneered, and he was not able to look at the stars. "Well, after killing you, you will be on your side!"

"I think you should be willing to do this. After all, your ancestor, do you want someone to accompany him?" Qin Qi laughed.

Comet face is red, so humiliating, how can I bear it? But still bear it.

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