God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2369: Buddha relic

The coffin went forward and wanted to grab the sly hand, but it was worn directly.

The excitement on the face of the elm was suddenly dead there.

"The monk of the beech wood..." The look of the scorpion is slightly changed. Like the ordinary woman, she still has long hair, but behind her, she is full of Buddha and has already entered the Buddha.

"I didn't expect it, I left a little bit of power, and the last thing I saw would be you." He opened his mouth and his tone was elusive.

The imitation of Sanshengshi, I am afraid it is from the hands of the net Buddha and Bodhisattva, which left her a force.

Qin Qi was only guessing, thinking that it might be useful, but did not expect it seems to be waiting for the elm.

From this point of view, it is actually a matter of general, the tomb of this place, originally opened for Qin Qi.

"You... are you okay?" The coffin face was white, knowing that he was afraid that he was no longer alive.

"You have left this obsession, and I have this power left, all dead people. Is it good or bad?"

You can see a lot before the Sansheng Stone.

You can let the coffin know who he is, know his past, and the future.

He is dead.

And the embarrassment in front of me is just a force left in the imitation of the three stone.

And she has also gone.

No one can match the sword of the years.

When Fenghua Zhengmao joined hands, when they left, they were farewell, and now they are all dead, leaving only one strength and obsession.

See you again.

Is it a bit of relief given by fate?

Seeing this scene, Qin Qi and others consciously stepped back and did not want to disturb.

"Are you not there anymore?" Elm sighed, his eyes showing pain.

It seems to be moving, but I still shake my head and said: "Your body is made up of obstinacy, and you can't rest."

"Tell me, what is your obsession, I will help you," he said.

Elm smiled bitterly, looked around, and said: "Do you remember this place?"

"Remember," nodded, pointing to a place in the temple, saying: "When you were here, in front of Sansheng Stone, you broke your life, but you and I have everything!"

"Yes, only then, I can become a Buddha, you can be free."

"So far, now, let me know what to do, you and I know that it is the choice of destiny, whether it is willing or not, after all, it can not escape."

"But I ended up in the magic!" The coffin shouted.

"But you are finally, it is still a Buddha!"

Elm stunned and finally nodded.

"So, your obsession is to go back to the original re-choice, if so, I can't help you," the net Buddha and Bodhisattva faint.

The choice of fate, let alone not be able to come back, even if it is, it is how many times, it is the same.

But this time, Zhangmu smiled and shook his head, saying: "Life should be like this, I don't blame anyone, I just don't want to, I want to see you again!"

"And now, my obsession is gone."

The obsession of the coffin is to see each other again. Now that the net Buddha and Bodhisattva have arrived, this obstinacy has disappeared.

It is said that the expression of the Buddha and the Buddha has finally become a moving color.

"Goodbye, how can you?" Net Buddha Bodhisattva whispers.

"I just want to talk to you...sorry", Yumu Road, full of apologies.

The net Buddha and Bodhisattva were silent for a moment, and immediately said: "I took the three stones on the same day, so that you are not good?"


"That's two clear," and smiled.

"Thank you," the coffin was finally released, and his body turned into a light grain, which gradually disappeared.

Very dull.

This dissipated between heaven and earth.

However, this is enough.

"I should go too," and the look is calm. This result is the best result for them.

And she also has to disappear.

But before that, she looked at Qin Qi and sighed: "The poor children who are fooled by fate, hope, you are different from us."

After all, the net Buddha and Bodhisattva also dispersed.

A residual force, a remaining obsession, is the last trace of the two in the world, and now it has dissipated.

Across the thousands of worlds, stepping through the heavens, I have achieved such a reunion, I am afraid, it is the compensation that fate gives them.

Otherwise it is impossible to explain.

"Unbelievable, through the key of this tomb, even in the hands of your boss early in the morning," Zhang Lang could not help but sigh.

This kind of thing is really unclear and can only be attributed to fate.

But if the fate has already been set.

Then, they are the same with them.

Qin Qi shook his head, did not expect to witness such a reunion and parting, but in my heart, but some rabbits die fox feelings.

But no matter what, Qin Qi will not escape the second time.

"Look outside, the night is over!" But the little flower suddenly said.

Everyone is looking out.

Sure enough, the East gradually revealed the white belly, the night was over, and the day was coming.

The two Sansheng Temples, the outside world and the ecstasy, are now combined into one and become one.

The time of the rising and falling of the moon is no longer sustained, and the night and the day have finally achieved a rotation.

"There is an exit," Zhang Lang noticed that the compass had changed and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Can leave this world.

Everyone was relieved. When they left, they should be able to get the Buddha’s devil.

Nowadays, Qin Qi is almost certain that the Buddha is buried here, and he is naturally looking forward to the creation of his legacy.

"Let's go," Qin Qidao.

"Well, look at my Lanxiang Luoyang shovel!" Zhang Lang haha ​​smiled, a shovel directly shovel into the void, and the space rippling, directly opened up the way to leave.

Leave the world.

Qin Qi they returned to the tomb style of the class.

In front of me, it is also a tomb, but it is bigger, but there is nothing extra, it is still very simple.

Here, there is a sputum, simply placed in the center of the tomb.

This stone sarcophagus is not covered, you can see it directly. Surprisingly, there is no Buddha's body inside.

There is only one piece of clothing.

This is the crown plaque.

"It seems that the Buddha's demon in the battle, afraid that even the body did not stay," Qin Qi sighed.

"It seems that there is something left here!" It was Qin Qi, and noticed that there was a little light in the stone.

"This is, relic?" Zhang Lang’s eyes lit up and his head extended.

"Buddha relic!" Qin Qi took the relic, and at the moment of touching, he understood what it was.

Buddha relic.

The power carrier of Buddhism and Taoism.

"Buddha relic?" Xiaohua naturally knows how precious this thing is, that is, the two Buddhas of today's Buddhism and Taoism may not be able to condense a Buddha relic.

With it, it is a road to Buddha!

Qin Qi silently. "How, what's wrong?" asked Xiaohua.

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