The blood scabbard and the **** Supreme sword, the power of the swordsmanship, with the effect of killing innocent, go forward, a sword broke the army!

"Good!" Xiaohua exclaimed.

Qin Qi, this sword, is her, and she feels a deadly threat.

This killing is also amazing.

In the face of this sword, the broken sentence can not resist, although not blocked by the waist, but also cut by the sword.

And the explosion quits.

"Is this not cut off?" Qin Qi sighed, knowing that this is already an unbeatable existence.

And if this sword is out, if it is still impossible to escape from birth, then it is a nightmare.

It is because Qin Qi is a huge consumption. At this time, regardless of disregard, all the forces are used to speed up the speed, with everyone rushing to the Sansheng Temple.


When the decapitated sentence is screaming, the ghosts are fascinating, and although the body is retreating, it is difficult to remove the full power of Qin Qi.

But the giant axe in his hand was still cut down.

"Spring breeze ten miles!" The glory of the small flower, the key moment, once again increased the speed.

A few people were so unbearable moments that they rushed into the Sansheng Temple and fell to the ground.

However, no one is going to smash and smash, and they are all nervous and even horrified looking out, watching the giant axe cut.


The giant axe is cut on the Sansheng Temple. It is like a star hitting an ant. It is not a magnitude at all. In theory, this place will disappear instantly.

However, the result is completely the opposite. The giant axe is directly disillusioned, turned into a little bit of dust, and can't even be turned into those ghost faces.

The Sansheng Temple did not move, and even the shaking did not shake.

"I rely on it, it is too thrilling. I didn't expect the ghosts of the heavens to appear. This tomb is really against the sky!" Zhang Lang was on the ground, and he was embarrassed.

But fortunately, I still survived.

"What is going on in this temple, can you block such a powerful ominous spirit?" Xiaohua marveled that the ghost of the day was almost full of power.

But even with such power, that axe is enough to open up the sky, but it does not hurt the three-year-old temple.

"I don't know, just found this place before, I feel special, so I just want to try it." Qin Qi shook his head and began to recover the consumption.

This road has come over, but it has also used the swordsmanship of the sky. Qin Qi has a huge loss and is capable of having no second sword.

"It is difficult, this place is the core of this tomb?" Xiaohua curious, one side is also recovering.

"It is possible!" Zhang Lang's eyes were bright, and he jumped up, and various instruments were added, and they were examined everywhere.

Before Qin Qi had already probed it again, and found that Zhang Lang’s professional means was different from Qin Qi, and there was no blending at the moment.

Instead, look out.

Outside the Sansheng Temple, the whole world is cracked. Above the sky, the Buddha’s confrontation is boundless.

On the ground, countless ominous spirits are like waves, filling every corner of the world.

It is such a powerful ominous spirit as the sinister ghosts, and there are actually many heads.

However, they are not close to the Sansheng Temple.

Feeling, just like in the underwater palace, in addition to the opening of the palace, there are waters everywhere, Sansheng Temple, it is such a barrier.

“Do you feel anything?” asked Xiaohua.

Looking at the outside scene may have something to do with the secret of the tomb, but it can't be seen.

"Nothing clues," Qin Qi shook his head.

There seems to be no night in this world. At this moment, the world is chaotic, but it is always only at sunset.

I have to know that time has come over for a while.

But the night did not come.

Is there any connection?

Qin Qi did not understand.

Ghosts also don’t realize anything, just do nothing, just sit there.

As for the nephew, it seems that there is a lot of interest in the tomb, and now he is on the head of Zhang Lang, watching Zhang Lang play with various instruments.

"Grandma's, there is no reaction, this broken place, it will not really have nothing, no reason!" Zhang Lang depressed, means to do it, but no effect.

"Grandma's!" Hearing his voice, he was very happy.

"Little girl, don't swear!" Zhang Lang could not help but be depressed.

"The shovel", babies and children.

"Lanxiang Luoyang shovel?" Zhang Lang smashed his eyebrows, but this place has no prohibition, etc., Luoyang shovel does not seem to be useful.

"Is it mysterious?" Zhang Lang thought about it and thought of a possibility.

Among some of the tombs, there are ambiguities.

This kind of ambiguity, similar to the shadow in the real thing and the mirror, is two opposite worlds.

Qin Qi, the Sansheng Temple where they are now, is probably a certain ambiguity, and what they can use for them is attributed to another Sansheng Temple.

"It’s really possible to think about it, it’s worth trying!” Zhang Lang’s eyes lit up.

At the moment, he holds Luoyang shovel, and the undead emperor appears behind him, and the soul and martial arts merge to bring the power to the peak.

Immediately, a special rune appeared, attached to the blue Xiang Luoyang shovel, and the waves swayed openly, giving a sense of difference.

It seems that with this shovel, everything can be dug up.


Zhang Lang was ready, and then a shovel went forward, and the void was scattered.

The Lanxiang Luoyang shovel actually penetrated into another heavy space, which should be the mystery of Sansheng Temple, which is the location of another Sansheng Temple.

However, the strength of Zhang Lang is too limited. Although the shovel has been shoveled in a lot, it is like a cotton group in a boxing. There is nowhere to force.

"Hurry up, help me!" Zhang Lang quickly called.

"Oh oh!"

Qin Qi and Xiaohua have not yet shot, but the child is suddenly on the head of Zhang Lang, clutching the roots of the undead emperor, and the dark particles of the body are constantly coming out.

She obviously wants to help Zhang Lang.

Qin Qi sees this and can't help but lose color. After all, I don't know if this dark particle can help Zhang Lang.

Moreover, I don't know if Zhang Lang will be injured.

However, the next situation is to surprise Qin Qi.

I got the support of the deaf children, and Zhang Lang was like a **** help, Lan Xiang Luoyang shovel above, the road ring appeared, the rune one connected.

Immediately, the barrier was directly pierced and the entrance to the fascination was opened!

"Shantou, amazing!" Zhang Lang screamed in surprise.

"Oh!" The child grabbed two tentacles and danced happily.

"This girl is too wild, and she is not afraid when she encounters it." Seeing Zhang Lang's success, Xiaohua is also relieved, but looking at Zhang Lang's Wuhun, there is still some retreat.

Although she is strong, she is a woman after all. When she sees it, she still has some coping.

Never be as happy as a nephew.

"I am not a dead emperor, not awkward!" Zhang Lang complained, but his eyes were bright. This fascinating thing is rarely seen.

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