God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2362: Deeper

Ghosts looked cold and stared at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi was stared at himself and couldn’t help himself. He could only laugh with laughter: "This is not a big deal. If you have a small injury, you will be fine soon."

Ghosts snorted.

These injuries can not be said to be a big injury. The ability of the ghost to be the fifth undead body will soon be able to recover.

However, grievances are definitely indispensable.

"When did you come back?" asked the ghost, who was up and down and began to repair the injury.

Ghosts and ghosts are special, Qin Qi will not help her to recover, just laughed and said: "I have been back for a while, but they are dealing with other things."

"How, if you haven't seen it for a long time, can you miss me?" Qin Qi laughed.

"Yes," the ghost nodded.

She is cold and cold, she is not good at words, and she naturally does not lie. What is it?

This answer, on the contrary, is to make Qin Qi feel warm.

"The teeth are restored, the arms are coming over," the ghost said.

Qin Qi's eyes suddenly trembled.

Is this all about him, or is he thinking about his blood?

Qin Qi shook his head helplessly, naturally will not refuse, let the ghosts drink blood.

In fact, the ghosts have long since did not need the blood of Qin Qi, and everything is just a habit.

But I have to say that Qin Qi's current strength, his blood is definitely a big tonic, after the ghosts drink, there are many benefits, which is good for growth.

After a long period of time, I once again drink the blood of Qin Qi. This long-lost taste stimulates the taste of ghosts.

Where she would be polite, swallowing a big mouth, and soon entered the state of drunken blood, the whole person, there is a **** fog.

Qin Qi's blood power is extremely powerful, and even if the ghosts enter the land, they can't drink much.

Thanks to the power contained in these blood, after the ghosts are absorbed, the realm is quickly stabilized. After that, just worry about sprinting to the ground.

At this moment, Zhang Lang and Xiao Hua also came back.

It’s obvious that both of them are smiling.

"Hey, boss, is this what you have?" Zhang Lang saw Qin Qi and ghosts, and his eyes quickly moved to the wall.

At the moment, the pattern has converged, but the road marks have revealed the walls and formed a portal.

Space portal.

This is the door to the deeper tomb!

"This is still used to say!" Qin Qi proudly said.

"Boss!" Zhang Lang repeatedly flattered, eyes thief bright.

For the tomb thief, how can there be more exciting things than this?

Xiaohua’s heart is also amazed. It must be acknowledged that Qin Qi is really powerful. At this moment, apart from the gap in the realm, she is afraid that she has fallen behind Qin Qi.

It’s a enchanting.

However, compared to this, Xiaohua is more curious about ghosts. She went to Qin Qi and looked at the ghosts. She said: "She is sucking your blood?"

"Well," Qin Qi nodded.

"Why?" The flower is puzzled.

"A bad habit!" Qin Qi bite his teeth.

Don't look at his current strength, but this way people are drinking blood, I feel that it will not be good.

This is also a ghost, for someone to come, Qin Qi does not kill him.

Xiaohua shook his head, I really couldn't understand what kind of habit it was, but I saw the ghosts enjoying it, and the strength of the body was obviously strengthened, and the eyes could not help but brighten up.


"Don't say it, no!"

"What is your attitude, how many people do you owe me?"

"...you are not a vampire!"

"It's just curious. If you want to try it, just take a sip of it?" The little flower was stunned and put on a flattering gesture.

"No!" Qin Qi categorically refused.

Seeing the two men on the bar, Zhang Lang quickly centered in mediation, sneered: "Boss, you are not curious about what we got?"

"What is it?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

Zhang Lang’s mouth was pulled, and the Nyima reaction was too big. It’s obviously anxious to move the topic.

"Cut, don't drink if you don't drink," Xiaohua pouted.

In the end, it’s just like seeing ghosts, some curiosity.

"Boss, don't look at the place is small, there are a lot of good things, Xiaohua girl, show it to the boss," Zhang Lang said.

Xiaohua smiled, and the white arms swayed in front of Qin Qi.

"A bracelet?" Qin Qi noticed that there was a bracelet on the wrist of Xiaohua.

"This is a kind of implement, called the death bracelet, in theory, can solve a deadly game, but absolutely good things!" The small eyes of the flowers are bright.

To replace the death bracelet, as the name suggests, is to replace death.

However, it is a consumable, only one chance.

But even if it is only once, it is invaluable, but it is a life-saving thing.

"It is indeed a baby!" Qin Qi nodded.

With this replacement bracelet, Xiaohua’s life-saving ability suddenly rose a lot.

"Only this, you will be so modest?" Qin Qi looked at Zhang Lang.

This kind of goods, can not let the baby hand in hand.

"Or the boss knows me, this time we are very lucky, there is still one thing in it, the most suitable for me!" Zhang Lang fluttered.

Immediately, not waiting for Qin Qi to ask, Zhang Lang will take things out.

"Luoyang shovel?"

"No, no, this is not the general Luoyang shovel, this thing, called Lanxiang Luoyang shovel, open the earth to dig the ground, even if it is the tomb of the heavens, you can also dig open!" Zhang Lang excitedly shouted.

Looking at the appearance of Zhang Lang, Qin Qi also knows the power of this baby.

For others, it may not be useful, it is not as good as a Hong-level treasure, but for the professional person of Zhang Lang, this Lan Xiang Luoyang shovel can be a waste grade treasure.

"With it, the road ahead, I am full of confidence!" Zhang Lang haha ​​laughed.

"Just this place, how can there be this thing?" Qin Qi is really curious.

Among the tombs, there are hidden artifacts of the tomb, which makes people feel a bit ridiculous.

In addition, this is a tool for the tomb thief in a certain sense, and the Lanxiang Luoyang shovel can undoubtedly greatly improve the success rate of the tomb.

"Who knows, perhaps the owner of the tomb, does not want this tomb to never see the sky, want someone to break it, get his inheritance!" Zhang Langdao.

For this reason, it sounds like a nonsense, but let alone, it is really possible.

"Forget it, you can't manage that much, it's important to strengthen our strength first!" Qin Qi no longer thinks.

"It should be like this!" Zhang Lang holding the baby's Lan Xiang Luoyang shovel, eyes glaring: "Boss, recovery is almost, or continue to move forward?"

"Let's go, go in and see!" Qin Qi couldn't help but look forward to it.

Going here, the harvest is not small, and the temptation deeper is naturally exciting.

It is not too late.

Regardless of the ghosts still enjoying the delicious blood, Qin Qi picked it up with one hand and crossed the portal to enter the deeper tomb.


Several people have passed through the portal, but they just came in, they are stunned, and even suspect that they have reached another world.

"Boss, are you sure that the portal is generated by that pattern? How do I feel that we are not in the grave?" Zhang Lang asked with some suspicion.

Xiaohua has experienced a long period of time and is well-informed, but at the moment, I can’t help but be surprised.

Where it looks like a grave, it is more like a pure land.

There are days, rivers and sunshine.

In the meantime, Qin Qi felt that he was not doing the right thing, and the coordinates of the transmission were biased.

"There should be no mistakes, just because the people who have been buried are not allowed, so the world is born!"

In the history of the Taoist world, many tombs have been opened. It is said that among the top cemeteries, there have been such scenes.

However, it is not so realistic. Because this is not a small world, but a big world!

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