God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2346: Give martial arts

"There was a sudden idea recently, but it depends on your situation." Qin Qidao.

"What?" The bones of the bones are puzzled.

"Let me see your entry first," Qin Qidao.

The drill of the bones nodded, and the breath rushed out. It was much stronger than before. The realm was already close to the high-level, and it was indeed very fast.

It seems that the Nether Ghosts are indeed suitable for the bones of the bones. Of course, the depths of Huangquan also provide her with an excellent cultivation environment.

"Yes, the ghosts are handed over to you, and it is correct." Qin Qi laughed.

"This martial art has enormous potential. What I did was to dig it out."

Qin Qi shook his head. Of course, this is not so simple. At least half of it is the embodiment of the ability of the white bone drill.

"You just want to see this?"

With Qin Qi’s current strength, she should be able to see through her virtual reality at a glance, why bother to do so.

"I intend to entrust my martial arts to you!" Qin Qi fixed his mind and immediately said.


Nether Ghost?

The look of the bones of the bones changed, I don’t understand why Qin Qi did this.

The importance of Wuhun for a warrior is self-evident, not to mention that Qin Qi’s Wuhun is powerful and has great potential.

Even though Qin Qi’s martial arts are quite numerous, the lack of one represents a reduction in strength.

The Bone Diamond does not think that Qin Qi will be willing to weaken himself and come to fulfill her.

Not to mention, Wu Wuzhen is to give it to give?

"You can rest assured that my martial arts can indeed be inherited by others. Of course, the premise is that you can get his approval!" Qin Qidao.

From the current situation, the bone-drill has already inherited the path of the Nether Ghost Emperor, and it will not be recognized by the Ghost Emperor.

"Why?" The bone drill did not understand.

If it was before, she might not be so shocked, but when she touched the system of the Tao, she would not know the importance of the Wuhun.

And her own martial arts, white bone relic, is not too weak.

Qin Qi has no reason to do this right.

Qin Qi was silent. Although he did not want to take it out, he was not too vague, but said: "In fact, these martial arts are not originally mine."

The bones of the bones are silent.

She also heard about this.

Qin Qi’s Wu Hun was the patriot of the days when Tian Yuan’s world counterattacked the outside world, and all of them had already died.

As for why they will become the soul of Qin Qi, they are always fans.

"They really helped me a lot. I walked all the way. If they were not, I would have died." Qin Qi slowly said, "But now, I may need a whole new force."

"What do you mean?" The bone drill still doesn't understand.

"I need a martial art that belongs to me!" Qin Qi Shen said.

"Can you still condense the martial arts?" The bones of the bones were astonished.

However, after thinking about it, Qin Qi does not have a martial art that is truly his own.

No matter who they are, all the cultivation methods can condense a martial soul of their own, just like the bones of the bones condense the bones.

But Qin Qi, all martial arts are others.

The Nether Ghost Emperor, etc., is indeed very strong and has great potential. Qin Qi is also able to continue to ascend and become stronger and stronger.

With them, Qin Qi will never be weak at least!

However, if this continues, I am afraid I will not be able to become a strong!

If you want to reach the top of the world and want to reach the peak of this bright group, it is impossible to rely on these martial arts.

He needs one, can match him completely, a stronger Wuhun!

The other is.

The problem of the dragon ring vortex has not been completely solved, and the realm has never been able to enter the heavens.

Although Qin Qi can already kill the existence of high heavens.

But this is not the way.

And now, especially after the battle with Gino, Qin Qi has faintly felt that Wuhun may be a breakthrough.

The brand new, own martial arts will become the key to Qin Qi’s breakthrough!

Qin Qi has come to this day and relies on the power of too many systems, but the system itself is made by a certain giant in the Guangming community.

Relying on its power, Qin Qi is unlikely to go to the extreme.

Just like, the taboo female emperor can't see the way behind the person who chose someone else's way.

That way, it will only limit yourself.

In fact, Qin Qi step by step to today, has been constantly digging his own strength.

For example, the dragon **** tears, and finally, became his own blood.

For example, many Taoist methods, in the end, chose their own killing kendo.

Another example is Kunlun Heart and Dantian. In the end, it became a unique dragon ring vortex, and it really belongs to itself.

Now, it is time to complete the last one.

Qin Qi intends to give up the martial arts that comes with the system, and then, relying on his own strength, condenses a martial art of his own.

He believes that the martial art will be even stronger!

"To tell the truth, you are indeed different from us. Although I can't understand your decision, I know that even those days of arrogance can't compare with you."

"Maybe one day, they will slow down your pace, and now it is a wise move to choose to give up."

"As for me, I don't have to worry about this problem," the white bone drill laughed at himself.

"Too modest," Qin Qi smiled.

The bone drill is not wrong, although it has not yet reached that point, but maybe one day, it will really meet.

But this is not the most important thing.

In addition, the martial arts are handed over to those who can inherit their ethics, and believe that they can exert their stronger strength.

It can be said that let their lives continue.

After all, Qin Qi is impossible to inherit their way.

"What should I do now?" The bone drill is not welcome.

For Qin Qi, perhaps these martial arts will become weak points one day, but for her, she does not have to consider this at all, but it is a huge reinforcement.

Since Qin Qi is willing, she certainly will not refuse.

She is very much looking forward to the creation of the generation of Tianjiao of the Nether Ghosts, what kind of power can be.

Presumably, it will never let her down.

Qin Qi smiled and it was not difficult to do this.

To put it bluntly, the Wuhun belongs to Qin Qi, but it also belongs to the system. Even to some extent, the different Kunlun has more sovereignty.

If you want to remove it, it is much easier than the orthodox warrior. You only need to open the permissions.

When Qin Qi did not delay, directly let the different Kunlun open the authority, and immediately, the ghost of the ghosts emerged from Qin Qi.

This time, he is no longer living in Qin Qi, but a step out, like a real existence.

"Thank you for this time," Qin Qi held a fist, sincerely. Immediately, reaching out, the Nether Ghost Emperor stepped out and entered the body of the bone.

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