God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2332: Reunion

This is incredible.

After all, this kind of space treasure is more fragile than other similar treasures, and the ancient wars, the horror, and the ability to leave a complete space ring, can be called a miracle. .

The collection of such a strong person is too rich enough to change the entire state.

So don't look at Zhongzhou's current desolateness. The overall combat power is nothing compared to the Taoist world. The bottom-level warrior is not even touched by the system of the Taoist world. It is weak like an ant.

However, the essence of the argument is enough to compare with the giants of the Taoist world.

When Qin Qi listened, he couldn't help but sigh. I didn't expect this to be called the place of exile. The world without hope has such a creation.

Nowadays, Zhongzhou, not only has not been destroyed, but has stabilized and is getting stronger!

I believe that it will take a long time for Zhongzhou to really grow up.

After all, Zhongzhou never lacks genius. What is lacking is more time and a wider world.

"What about the ancients?" Qin Qi understood the situation in Zhongzhou, and he no longer worried about anything.

It is no wonder that God's Wandao is so leisurely and cultivated on another Taoist monument. It turns out that Zhongzhou is not in danger like Qin Qi imagined.

"They were all taken away by the ... taboo, saying that they specially opened up a cultivation place for them," the emperor hesitated.

Qin Qi looked slightly, and then returned to normal, laughing: "It seems not only the ancients?"

"The old guys who were with you in the same year and who opened up the great world were taken away." The emperor smiled, but he also frowned slightly. "Maybe, she thinks that the current Zhongzhou is far from stable." Let's go."

"Also..." The emperor stopped talking.

“What do seniors want to say?” Qin Qi asked.

"Hey," the emperor sighed. "She has been in the layout of Zhongzhou in the past few years, and she has been bold, and everything is like a miracle. There is no such thing as a title."

"But I can feel her urgency. Obviously she doesn't think that Zhongzhou can stay calm and she is worried about something."

"Unfortunately, we don't know anything. She won't tell us, and we don't need to tell us, because all of us, except for the gods, no one can help her and share for her." The emperor sighs, there is a kind Feeling powerless.

"But now that you are back, you are different from us, no matter how you think about it, or go back to a beach as soon as possible." The emperor said that there is some helplessness.

These should not be for her.

"I understand," Qin Qi nodded.

Even if you don't want to face it, it will be faced after all.

"Go, your family is waiting for you," the emperor smiled.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and took the little flowers and they walked into the portal. The other end of the portal was the city of the era.

"Hey, hasn't this place been here before?" The child blinked.

"Don't bother him, let's go shopping elsewhere." Xiaohua knocked on her son's head and took her away from here.

The female worm is following the left and right, and does not leave.

Qin Qi did not manage these, he just stood there.

The opening of the portal is undoubtedly a big deal for today's Zhongzhou. After all, the people who can use the portal are now important.

So after the portal was opened, the top of the epoch city rushed over.

Qin Qi clearly felt that the familiar atmosphere was approaching, the familiar figure, the familiar taste, and the dream.


With a pleasant cry, Qin Qi was awakened as a dream, and Situ Jing first came over and looked at him incredulously, tears continued to roll down.

It’s like the last time I met again.

And this time, it is true.

"Xiao Jing, I am back", Qin Qi stepped forward and took Situ Jing into his arms, holding it very tight, for fear of losing again.

This time, it is no longer a false, but a real Situ Jing.

Crossing the heavens and the world, after the ups and downs of the Bohai Sea, they finally meet again!

"It's really you, great, great!" Situ Jing kept tears in her eyes, and she knew that Qin Qi would definitely come back.

Their men must not leave their wives and children. Even if they don’t arrive now, they must be in one place in the world, and they are working hard to return.

Situ Jing has never doubted this.

And now, prove that she is not wrong, Qin Qi is back, finally reunited!

After Situ Jing, there were still many people who came over, such as Lin Yiqi, Bai Mu, Lan Zhanwu, Ye Yiling and other former Yuanyuan sects, who occupied important positions in the Chaos Era Alliance.

See you now, the appearance is not much different from the past, but they are all mature and powerful.

With the influence of the Chaos Era Alliance in Zhongzhou, the surging resources are undoubtedly the first, so although they are not top geniuses, the realm has already touched the yellow environment.

In addition to them, there are also the tops of the family of Situ, Mo, and Fujia. Qin Qi knows that there are three people in Laozhang.

Goodbye today, everyone is surprised and ecstatic, and there is a sense of relief.

As long as Qin Qi is back, then everything will not have to worry, because Qin Qi has always been a miracle.

Soon, more people heard the news.

Su dialect, sorghum, they are somewhere in the city of the era, or in the city of chaos, at this moment are rushing to come, fearing that Qin Qi will leave again.

Su is still like that, quiet, like a heart.

There is not much change in Gaochun, but at the moment it is her temperament, and she can’t help but be excited.

Seeing each other again, it is inevitable that tears will fall, but more is joy, it is stability.

After the initial excitement, gradually everyone calmed down and said many experiences of these years, but did not ask in detail.

After all, everyone is very interested, knowing that this time to leave time to Qin Qi and his family.

After sending away everyone, there are only Su dialect, sorghum and Situ Jing in this courtyard.

Gao Hao is okay, it seems to have returned to normal, and Situ Jing and Su Shi, is one person holding Qin Qi, not talking about it, but worried that Qin Qi will leave again.

They firmly believe that Qin Qi will come back, but the pain of lovesickness is so good?

"Zi Qi?" Qin Qi asked.

"Zi Qi..." Situ Jing said and stopped, tears in his eyes were spinning.

Qin Qi knows what she thinks again.

"Is she taken away?" Qin Qi bitterly said.

Between husband and wife, although there are more and more, but still tacit understanding, each other knows what the other side wants to say, what to care about.

Situ Jing did not want to say that she was afraid that Qin Qi would be difficult to accept.

In fact, if she had not passed these years, she could not accept it, and Fu Caixuan suddenly became another person.

She once asked, but did not get any answers.

From the latter situation, as well as the judgment of the strongest of the Emperor's city owners, the most ordinary Fudan Xuan, the most extraordinary person. Taboo female emperor!

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