God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2330: God's Way

When Xiaohua arrived here, he was free to act. He had to say that with the Taoist monument and no Taoist monument, the gap is really too big.

She walked on the edge of Qin Qi, obviously felt the fear in Qin Qi's heart, but she could not persuade Qin Qi.

In order to return to Zhongzhou, Qin Qi has used too much time and spent too much energy.

After he arrived in the opposite world, he wanted to rush to the border as soon as possible and reunite with the family in Zhongzhou.

After arriving at the border, he discovered that Zhongzhou had been forced into the exile. He must continue to grow stronger before he can enter the exile area and find Zhongzhou.

As a result, the difference was wrong, he came to the place of exile in advance, but what he found was actually the Central State of Solo.

At this point, Qin Qi has even lost the clues of Zhongzhou, and he does not know where Zhongzhou is now.

This road has experienced too much, holding hopes again and again, but again and again disappointment, followed by deeper concerns and self-blame.

If there are any more twists and turns, Qin Qi may not be able to bear it.

The stone forest is very large, but it is not so big that it can't reach the end. Qin Qi is full of footsteps, and after all, it is also going to the destination.

In the center of Shilin, a monument stands.

It is bigger than all the stone pillars around.

This monument is very similar to what Qin Qi saw in the past picture. The same word was also engraved on it.

However, compared to the Taoist monuments that were seen at the time, this one was obviously almost meaningless, and it was a little less than the feeling of the rhyme.

Obviously, this monument is not the one I saw at the time.

But if not, it is terrible. The power that flows above is to open the core of this stable world, and the darkness is invading!

Qin Qi stood under the road monument and looked up at the monumental towering monument. For a time, the pain in his heart was difficult to suppress, and the whole body began to tremble.


Nothing at all.

The heaven and earth sheltered by this monument can make mortals live easily enough to cover the entire state.

But nothing.

Zhongzhou is not here.

"Is it wrong?" Qin Qi is stunned and has no eyes.

He has already lost the clues of Zhongzhou, and rushed here all the way, only by his instincts and his judgment on the status quo of exile.

The result is still wrong.

Perhaps, at the intersection of the fifth grommet and the sixth grommet?

But, go get it there?

In the past, I am afraid that it is difficult for Tianzun to get close.

Even if he really walks away, but is Zhongzhou likely to be there?

The taboo female emperor is stronger and it is impossible to send Zhongzhou to the past.

Where is it?

Qin Qi's breathing gradually became heavy, and the thoughts of chaos continued to be shocked in his mind, and his breath became more and more dangerous.

"Hey, hey..." He pointed to Qin Qi and looked a little scared.

"Don't be close to him," Xiaohua sighed and took the nephew and walked back.

She originally wanted to persuade a persuasion, but now it seems that it is better not to be close. Otherwise, no one knows what Qin Qi will do at the moment.

The female worm's perception is also very sensitive, and she has already smelled a deadly threat. She quickly retreated and was afraid of being angered by Qin Qi.

At this time, instead of believing that Qin Qi can control himself, it is better to leave it far away.

"After all, it has become like this." Xiaohua looked at Qin Qi in the distance and sighed.

In the end, it was not able to survive this robbery.

But even if it is a small flower, I don’t know what it will be like. The Qin Qi in this state, this road has come, I have never seen it.

However, when Qin Qi’s power was getting out of control, a figure jumped from the top of the road and fell in front of Qin Qi.

"Someone is here!" Xiaohua was shocked and fixed his eyes.

It should not be the darkness of the genus, they can not approach the monument, but if it is a human race, it is not a good idea to be close to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi, who may be mad, directly shreds.

Qin Qi is about to lose his mind. He slowly looks up and looks at the person in front of him. The coldness in his eyes is like a beast.

But this guy in front of him is not an ordinary person.

When he stood there, there were thousands of ups and downs, and he wrapped his whole person. It seems that he has been integrated into the Wandao. No matter what the road, he can't escape his power.

"God's... Wandao?" Qin Qi's Confucius contracted, and the frenzied heart was greatly shocked and began to stabilize.

"It seems that she is right, you really will come", the **** of the road to see Qin Qi, faint.

"She?" Qin Qi stunned, then clenched his teeth, pressed the uncontrollable emotions, and took a deep breath, finally recovered calm.

The appearance of the gods of the Tao, let Qin Qi see the dawn.

"Zhongzhou?" Qin Qi hurriedly asked.

"Do not worry, Zhongzhou is innocent, and now it has been placed in the back of the stone forest." God's Wandao deeply looked at Qin Qi's eyes, and the light in his heart was as if he was ups and downs.

He has become very strong!

Innocent is the first choice of the day!

However, his heart was even more amazed and marveled at the power that Qin Qi now has.

“The intersection of the fifth grommet and the sixth grommet?” Qin Qi was shocked. He thought it was impossible. “How did you go!”

"It is the word of the past to send us the past", the gods are faint.

Qin Qi stayed, this is it.

There are always some forces that are unexpected, and the road monument is one of them, but it is no wonder that Qin Qi can not consider this layer. After all, who can think of the road to help Zhongzhou?

Then, the God of Heaven will be said roughly once.

It turned out that after entering this exile, the gods of the gods felt the call from the monument.

God's way is different, let alone in the heavenly world, it is in the heavens and the world, but also a special existence.

His way is the world!

It is with such a natural and vertical posture that God's eternal ethics can inherit the predecessors' ambitions and take over the leading point plan.

Now it seems that everything in the Tianyuan world seems to be just a small fight.

However, if all the heroes of the heavens and the world are placed in the position where the gods of the gods were at that time, who dares to say that they can do better than the gods?

What is lacking in the Word of God is nothing but the stage.

The place of exile is his stage.

He cultivated Wandao, and the power of the Taoist monument can be said to be very compatible. After entering the land of exile, he felt the power of the Taoist monument and got the guidance.

And as time went on, he was even recognized by the Tao.

This is the basis for transferring the entire state.

"However, I am not the real key," and God sighed.

If he is the key, there will be no war between the emperor and the dark genus.

"It is your wife's Fu Cai Xuan that really puts Zhongzhou through the Taoist monument into the core of the war relics." The gods are slow and the look is complicated.

Although he is so called, he has already noticed that it is not a promise.

When Qin Qi heard this, he would understand it.

The power of the taboo female emperor is "the heavens of the Tao, the all-encompassing."

Although it is different from the heavens and the earth, it has its own emphasis, but it also has many similarities.

Even the big one said that the power of the taboo female emperor included the power of the gods.

Otherwise, the gods will not be in the taboo of the female emperor "after death", leading the end point plan.

Qin Qi is in the heart of the complex.

He had a little luck, but now it seems that everything is a foregone conclusion.

The imprisoned female emperor has returned, and Fu Xuanxuan can still see it?

"Take me in the past!" Qin Qi Shen channel. "Good," the gods nodded, and the monument behind him began to bloom.

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