God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2314: evolution

A dark lair can't stop the time when Qin Qi and the mother insects join hands for a quarter of an hour. The efficiency is indeed amazing enough to escape in advance and will not be caught by the dark scorpion.

Qin Qi took blood from the other female worm and harvested the life. The second star was lit again.

The female worm is in the vicinity of Qin Qi, and the compound eye is staring at the dead female worm, without half-volatility.

"Oh, oh yeah!" The screaming voice of the child's milk.

This little girl seems to have been full recently, and the dark particles in this area are not interested in it and have not absorbed it.

Qin Qi is also worried that she is ill or has problems with her body.

Unfortunately, the prophecy really does not work.

When Qin Qi looked at the female worm, let it translate.

The mother's eyes changed and looked quite surprised. Hesitated for a moment: "The grown-up said, let me eat this female insect!"

"Eat?" Qin Qi frowned, some doubts.

It is not a strange thing to eat the same kind of supplementary energy. Don't say that the darkness is subordinate, that is, in the heterogeneous, there are many.

But is it necessary to do this?

"The adult means that you can give me a drop of her blood. After getting this drop of blood, I can strengthen myself by swallowing the same kind!" The mother insect was a little excited.

Even the compound eyes, let Qin Qi see the excitement.

"Can it still be like this?" Qin Qi was surprised and looked at her.

My nephew nodded and was very proud.

"She gave up these forces and gave them to you?" Qin Qi said.

This is not enough. Although Qin Qi does not know how to swallow these dark particles to help the deaf children, it must have benefits.

That is naturally the first to be a child.

This female worm is not qualified enough for the deaf to give up resources for it.

However, the female worm is hurriedly saying: "The adult has completed the initial accumulation of dark particles. For her young body, it is meaningless to continue to absorb the dark particles of these qualities."

"If you want to go further, you can wait for the grown up to grow up, or absorb the dark particles of the dark genus!"

The nephew heard the words and nodded. It seems that the mother did not lie.

In this case, Qin Qi does not mind to make the mother become stronger. After all, it is also one of the help.

"Hey, lose a drop of blood, will not have any adverse effect on you?" Qin Qi finally asked.

After all, he still doesn't want what his nephew pays for this mother.

He flattened his mouth and then shouted: "Oh, oh yeah!"

"Adults say there will be some influence, but it is worth it!" The mother's own voice was a little trembling.

It understands how powerful the blood of the deaf child is, and I am afraid that the dark genus that was created from the dark pool cannot be compared with the deaf child.

But even the person who created it, just use it as a tool of war, and casually put it into the land of exile, no matter what.

It is impossible to give special care at all, only if they are consumables, they can be added at any time when they die.

But my nephew, I am willing to give it a drop of blood, and after doing so, it will have a certain impact on the deaf children themselves.

More importantly, my nephew actually felt that it was worth doing!

It is just a war consumable!

This is incredible.

As a war weapon, the female worm does not need any feelings. Although it is wise, it is only assisted by war. After all, war is its mission.

But now, the female worm feels that some emotions she has never felt are brewing in her heart.

It is not because of the fear of the high blood, nor the fear of the tyrannical power, but from the bottom of my heart, I want to surrender.

This is the weapon, the emotion that should not be owned.

"Well, I hope you won't let your nephew disappoint." Qin Qi said indifferently.

Since the deaf child decided, Qin Qi is also willing to believe her, as for what changes will occur, Qin Qi should take a good look.

"Yes!" The female worm squatted on the ground, waiting for the scorpion to give blood.

And my nephew, the little face is entangled, she is not remorse, but afraid of pain.

I saw her small hand that stretched out the fat to cover her eyes, then the whole head turned back, and the other hand forced forward.

It seems like this, the pain of the fingertips pushing out the blood will not be passed back.

The reaction of this child, I can see Qin Qi want to laugh.

Soon, a drop of blood will drip from the fingertips of the child.

It is not the same dark blood as the dark subordinates.

It is bright red like humans.

The blood drops, leaving a red light and shadow in the air, and then dripping on the forehead of the mother.


The hard excavation of the mother's forehead on the forehead, the appearance of the melt loss, and the mother insect also showed a painful look.

Until the blood enters the body of the mother, the mother's forehead has a small hole.

The exoskeleton was completely melted through.

However, after that, the female worm no longer felt pain, but instead ignited the dark particles and had a thin blush covering the periphery.

Qin Qi carefully perceives that the smell of this female worm has not been enhanced, but it gives a feeling of a new look.

It has become different from before.

"Oh, oh!" The mouth of the scorpion was flat and his mouth was wide, his eyes were screaming, and tears were spinning.

This is painful...

"珺儿乖", Qin Qi licked the head of the child, but also noticed that the child's breath is weak, but it should not hurt the source, and will naturally recover after a while.

However, at this cost, the new power of the female worm is given. If the female worm does not give a corresponding return, then Qin Qi will not make it better!

"Thank you an adult!" The mother insect squatted on the ground.

"Do not talk nonsense, let me see the results as soon as possible!" Qin Qi impatient.

The mother worm stood up respectfully, stepped back, and immediately came to the dead mother.

Then, start to swallow!

Dark subordinates can replenish energy by swallowing the same kind.

After all, there is no treatment for them. As long as they lose their fighting ability, or even become damaged, they will be swallowed and become the same kind of nourishment.

But this time, the swallowing is obviously different.

The motherbug herself is more aware of this.

After getting the blood of the nephew, it understood that he had a new ability, that is evolution!

They come out of the dark pool and have been set all the time, and it is impossible to become stronger.

That is the ability to have only the darkness.

And now, the female worm can also!

It devours the same kind of female worms and seizes their power for their own evolution!

For it, it is equivalent to having a future!

The scene of the same kind of swallowing Qin Qi is not interested in watching, nor let the children look at it, she is still a small baby, not suitable for such a ferocious picture.

When it was finished, Qin Qi did not delay and took away the female worm directly.

His time spent here has been a bit long, and staying here may be risky.

What changes have been made, and it is no longer late to hide. And Qin Qi shot once, but also need to restore consumption.

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