God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2295: Huge rift

"We should come from this position," Xiaohua pointed to a position on the map.

That is the second half of the world of the first "ring", which should be based on past information.

This is clear.

"So Zhongzhou, where is the state that was forced into the exile?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

"It's another channel world," Xiaohua pointed to the world that opposed them.

"Then we have to rush over as soon as possible!" Qin Qidao.

When I came to Shilin, I determined the position and finally I didn’t need to headless flies. Although they may be far apart, as long as I know the location, I can always catch up.

"Although the shape is like a grommet, but it is a huge ring of rims. It is not so easy to find the past." Xiaohua said slowly. "In addition, according to past information, we should have no place before. Dark subordinate activities are right."

In the past, it was the stone forest. The second "ring" had dark subordinate activities, but now, even the first "ring" has dark-dependent nests.

It seems that although it is slow, the darkness is indeed infiltrating into the Tao.

"That can't wait!" Qin Qi Shen channel.

In any case, you must rush to it as soon as possible.

The little flower frowned, but there was no better way, and this time, it was the direction of the road, and the danger would only slowly decrease.

"First determine the direction, and, don't be too anxious", Xiaohuadao.

Qin Qi nodded, and at the same time let Yi Kunlun reconstruct the model of the exile land according to the map drawn by Xiaohua, and incorporate all the details into the deduction, and find out the specific direction of the other road as soon as possible.

The general direction is to know, but on which side, but further confirmation is needed.

After all, the "sand ring" is too big, let alone the intersection of huge worlds in four directions. If you want to find the right direction, you can't go in the opposite direction.

The world is too big, outside the body, looking at the overall situation, it is easy to distinguish the position, but in it, it is small, if it is dusty, it is a black eye.

In addition, you can't relax because you enter the stone forest. This exile is obviously more dangerous than in the past. You must always be careful.

Qin Qi and Xiaohua walked inside the stone forest. A stone pillar stands in the sky, and each direction is similar. There is no reference object such as the sun in this world, so people can find the right position.

Fortunately, the predecessors left a lot of experience, and made some easy-to-identify direction marks in Shilin, but it accelerated the efficiency of the two.

The main time-consuming, perhaps looking for those marks.

After all, it is said that the stone forest is not big, it is compared to the whole channel world. In fact, this stone forest is far more huge than the flower world, and it takes a lot of time to find it.

So, five days later, Qin Qi finally found the right direction, and the world model built by the different Kunlun has already had a rough idea.

After finding the right direction, the world model is marked with the coordinate axis. Qin Qi can easily see where he is in the system interface and has already moved forward.

In this way, since nothing is lost, no longer have to worry about losing direction.

"Let's go, hope that the results will not let you down," Xiaohuadao.

She has also seen the style of the old emperor. It is indeed a peerless arrogance. As long as we give some time, it is inevitable to achieve heavenly respect.

Such a character, even if it enters the exile, should not die if it does not break into the second "ring".

But the problem is that he has to guard the entire state.

Zhongzhou, what is it, one-fifth of the world of Tianyuan.

Compared with the Tao, how weak and how small is it. If there is no emperor, Zhongzhou will collapse when it enters the land of exile, and it will become nothing.

It is very difficult for the Emperor to guard the entire Zhongzhou and the hundreds of millions of weak people.

These people are too weak and too weak, and as long as the power of the exile land penetrates a little, they may die.

And the distance that Zhongzhou was forced into exile has passed for so many years, can the emperor hold it?

Must be fast!

Qin Qi could not help but speed up.

Along the way, it was not that no dark subordinates were encountered. Sure enough, the darkness also infiltrated into this side, but Qin Qi did not want to make extra-budgets and did not choose to shoot.

If you lead to darkness, then it is bad.

At that time, it may be that Zhongzhou can still support it. On the contrary, it is possible to directly destroy the dark scorpion that Qin Qi has brought out.

Just somehow, the number of dark subordinates here is obviously less than that of the other channel world. Qin Qi and Xiaohua are flying all the way, and they only meet two nests.

This density is not even one-fifth of the other side.

"what is that?"

A month later, Qin Qi and Xiaohua came to a place.

According to the world model of the exile land, Qin Qi has come to the middle part of the passage world.

As for Zhongzhou, I am afraid that the location that borders the land and the place of exile does not move. After all, only where it is the safest.

But now, Qin Qi and Xiaohua have to stop.

In front of us, there was a huge rift, and the end of the line of sight was the scope of the rift, as if the entire passage world had been smashed.

"The smell of dark particles", the small flower perceived a lot, and found that among the huge rift, there is still the smell of dark particles.

However, it can be affirmed that a rift of this scale can cross the entire channel world horizontally. Such power is by no means a high level of reality.

Unless it is Tianzun.

Only the heavenly environment can have the power of this series.

Has Tian Zun been fighting here?

Xiaohua was shocked, but the known ones were guaranteed, and there is no such record.

Although there is a long history in the long river, there have indeed been heavens and dangers, and personally entered the exile area to explore, but there has not been such a fierce battle.

At least it is impossible to appear in the first "ring".

Those who later entered the land of exile were enough to confirm this.

Then, it may only be new.

In the past ten years, there has been a fierce battle at the Tianzun level, which left behind such a terrible battle.

From the perspective of the remaining dark particles, one of them is a dark genus, then who is the other?



If the Emperor has the strength of Tianzun, he can directly break the barrier of the exile and return to the border.

At that time, no one would dare to mention the exile of Zhongzhou.

Xiaohua frown, I really can't think of who it will be.

No one in the past has ever had such a battle in recent years.

"It won't be, both sides are dark and savage!" Xiaohua thought, this may be the most reasonable explanation.

Just like this, Xiaohua’s heart is actually extremely cold.

The two dark ancestors of the Tianzun class fought here, and there was no information from the Taoist circles.

This is almost a big fight at home! I feel that as long as I am willing, the darkness will be able to break into the realm.

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