God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2249: Auction starts

Mu Zhou seems to be specially sent to send Yu Linglong, after handing it over to Qin Qi, that is to say, Qin Qi must be careful and leave.

Qin Qi naturally will not retain, he does not want to pull the group Fang Museum.

Although, the group of Fangfang has already entered the scene, involved in it, only Qin Qi did not know about it.

When Qin Qi did not delay, he handed Yu Ling to the different Kunlun.

"I didn't expect it to be so massive, it took a certain amount of time." Different Kunlun Road, after that, there was no sound. Obviously, through Yuling, it was copying the information mastered by the group.


The time of the auction has been set, and many people who want to bid, or simply come to join in the fun, have rushed to the battlefield and descended to the auction site prepared by Qin Qi.

Qin Qi used the power of the earth to build a huge building in the wilderness outside the city, which was the venue of the auction.

The time has not yet arrived, the forces of all parties have gathered, and there is no lack of strong atmosphere, constantly turbulent, and the ordinary warriors simply do not dare to approach.

"These are obviously not the Terran, the strong ones of the different kind, have come?" In the venue, some people whispered and expressed fear.

"It's not because Qin Qi doesn't limit the object at all, and the impact of this auction is beyond imagination. It will be reasonable to pay attention to it."

"You have to be photographed by the strangers, where are the faces of the Terran?"

"This is not something we should care about, naturally there are big people to shoot!"

At the auction venue, the atmosphere was warm, but it was not good. The Terran was naturally hostile to the aliens, and the strong ones would not give the Terran a good look.

Only because the Terran forces are representative here, the heterogeneous strong people do not dare to casually, but the faint scent of the faint, still makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Many people are guilty in their hearts and don't know what this auction will look like.

Soon, time will come. Before Qin Qi went to the stage, even if he faced so many powerful people, there would be no shortage of aliens. These people can be responsible and say that the hostility to Qin Qi is very obvious.

After all, for a kidnapper, there will be a good attitude, not come up directly to kill Qin Qi, it is already good.

But even in the face of such heavy pressure, Qin Qi is still self-conscious, this point makes many people can not help but nod, the dark road Qin Qi heart.

After all, change them, I am afraid that I am already soft on the ground.

"Thank you for taking the time to come and join in the busy schedule. The younger brother came to see you, but it has attracted so much help from all of you. The humanity of the Taoist world is really grateful to the younger brother!"

"The hearts of all of you, the younger brother will remember, there will be any good goods in the future, will also inform you the first time!"

Qin Qi played, first of all thanking everyone for the presence, it seems sincere and incomparable, but the people below, but all of them are hateful.

Who wants to come, if the family is not auctioned here, the ghost is willing to come here.

And Qin Qi, the deputy of everyone to take care of his business, is really furious, just want to cramp his skin!

In the face of this killing, Qin Qi is still in a state of self-deprecating, talking and laughing freely, as if this is a cheer for him.

As a result, everyone is not tempered.

"So good, start the auction below, let us see, who is the first one!" Qin Qi sighed, Huang Quan World opened a hole around him, came out one person.

"Let's see, this is a bad thing, from the genius of the cold king family, Wang Sanzhong!"

"Everyone may not know. Here, I will give you some knowledge about science. In the cold domain, Zhangjia is certainly the first, but Wang Jiake is also very powerful. Recently, it has developed rapidly, and it has surpassed the trend of Zhangjia!"

"And this Wang Sanzhong is the invincible genius of the younger generation of the Wang family. According to my professional judgment, Wang Xiong can be said to be limitless in the future. What kind of realm can be passed, what is the situation, and can not block Wang Xiong. pace!"

"So people, the price of five million, for me, is simply a blood loss, and for you, buy is to earn!"

"So, start bidding now!"

Qin Qi was on the stage, and the passion was extremely great. Wang Sanzhong stood beside him, and he did not even know what face to face.

Looking at Qin Qi so arrogant, Wang Sanzhong is a bit embarrassed, is it really so powerful?

The representative from the cold family Wang family is also very beautiful.

This Qin Qi, in order to promote the king triple, is really blowing to death, what kind of natural qualifications have come out, Wang Sanzhong is what goods, they will not know?

There is also the Wang family who will surpass Zhang Jia. This Qin Qi is really coming from Zhangkou, and dare to say anything.

The strength of the Wang family is worse than Zhangjia’s ten thousand and eight thousand miles.

"It's a bit of a meaning, five million stones!" A different kind of thing is open, and the price is directly called.

The face of the Wang family was suddenly ugly. This kind of strong brain is not sick. Do you really believe what Qin Qi said just now?

But what to do, now this is the auction house, no money, no qualifications to speak!

"Six million!" The Wang family can only bite their teeth and shout. A king is triple, worth not more than six million. It is really necessary to consider it.

Six million.

Wang Sanzhong was crying. He didn't expect that he was worth so much money. The family was willing to pay so much for him, and his heart was very touched.

He has made up his mind that he will work hard in the future and repay the family's kindness!

Six million, buy a king triple?

Alien is not an idiot, but the price is fun, it will not go up.

After all, the property of the Wang family, and then it is estimated that it will be abandoned. When you are in your own hands, there will be some tragedy, and it will be completely wasted.

Selling six million, Qin Qi is also satisfied, after all, it is really necessary to spend ransom, that three levels of Wang Sanzhong, three million will be the top.

It seems that it is good to blow a wave.

"Wang Xiong, family culture is not easy, now you should feel the family's kindness, work hard, and serve the family in the future!" Qin Qi patted the shoulders of Wang Sanzhong, and he said that he was very vocal.

Wang Sanzhong almost shed tears and nodded hard.

He is the family who used it for six million. He will not let the family down. He wants everyone to know that he is three kings, worth six million!

The heart is full of lofty ambitions, and Wang Sanzhong is also following the routine of Qin Qi. He even held a fist against Qin Qi, and he will have a period of bluntness, and then he will go down the stage.

Everyone is twitching at the corner of the mouth. I don’t know if the big singer Qin Qi is shameless, or the Tucao Wang triple IQ owes money.

However, it seems that Wang Sanzhong did not seem to be hit, but rather strengthened his beliefs. Suddenly, many people did not know that this was good or bad for Wang Sanzhong.

"It is obviously helping people to be invisible, but they are willing to bear the nickname, noble as me, how many people in the world?" Qin Qi could not help but sigh. The people below, almost turned away, just want to catch Qin Qi to kill.

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