God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2213: Identity

"You are a group, do you want to have fun with this kind of thing?" The six sisters sighed coldly, and Qin Qi inquired about this matter, which was definitely bad.

"Of course not," Qin Qi shook his head.

Six sisters bite the red lips, and immediately said: "This thief, thin my sister!"

"Light and thin? How is a light and thin method?" Qin Qi eyes bright, it seems that it is time to kill Yi Chengcai.

"No shame, thief, you want to know the details, insult my sister innocent!" Six sisters face ugly, cold voice.

Qin Qi turned his eyes, it seems that the misunderstanding is very deep, he is obviously a kidnapper, only seeking money, how do you think he is a thief?

It seems that the title of "a thief" in the past has far-reaching influence, and the temperament has been buried in the bones.

"You say it," Qin Qi looked at Yi Chengcai.

Yi Chengcai suddenly felt a tight heart. Qin Qi seemed to be very casual, but he felt cold. In his opinion, Qin Qi is not a metamorphosis that wants to take pleasure. Instead, it is more like finding another kill. His reason.

"I, I just touched her sister..." Yi Chengcai outlined the action on his chest, and then hurriedly added: "Besides, nothing has been done, you must believe me." !"

"Just like this?" Qin Qi could not help but be disappointed.

"Otherwise, what do you want, if we don't arrive in time, my sister may have been stunned by this thief..." Six sisters shouted.

"Hey, don't talk about it, I am right about this... Cough, you know, it's interested in this, I really don't plan to do anything further, I am also a good one!" Yi Chengcai called.

However, compared to Qin Qi’s righteous words, it is obviously almost meaning.

The realm of Qin Qi is not so easy to achieve.


"You must be condemned by sinister thieves!"

Several female disciples shouted.

"You are really a pervert, too shameless!" Qin Qi nodded.

Yi Chengcai smiles, others will forget, you, don't say it?

Yes, just like this, you can't kill this metamorphosis. You can only ask: "Where are you coming from?"

Yi Chengcai naturally answered quickly.

They are all coming from outside the battlefield, and they are also from the middle domain. This is the largest and strongest domain in the whole world.

Of course, their origins cannot be compared with the Mo Yi, who is a candidate for the Emperor of Heaven. However, it is quite unusual for the Zong Nei to have a strong and powerful person in the realm of the land.

Such forces can generally be called superior forces, and above them are the top forces in the strong position of the heavens.

As for the top forces, it is the giant power, the giants of the entire road, with Tianzun sitting, dominate the road ups and downs!

Yi Jia, where Yi Chengcai is located, and the goddess palace where these women are located, can be included in the superior forces. Among them, the Goddess Palace is relatively stronger. It is said that there are many links with the top forces Tiannv Palace.

"So, these few, should be very valuable?" Qin Qi nodded, which is quite satisfactory.

"It's worth it, but this time the big disciple of the Goddess Palace didn't come. She is a powerful person. Although she is from the superior forces, she has the realm and talents that rivals Jin Qinsheng and others. If it is caught, the stone is definitely calculated in billions! "Yi Chengcai quickly said.

"Sexual thief, what are you talking about!"

"You are too much, really, when my goddess is not finished?"

"Hey, with you also with the master sister, you will lose!"

Several women were very angry and emotional. Of course, Qin Qi did not care, and did not feel pity.

After all, there are already a lot of such objects in front of you. There is not much more. The important thing is how to catch them.

"According to the convention, you guys provide some ideas to see if you can help me catch a better guy." Qin Qi smiled and looked at the six sisters and others, and proposed.

Yi Chengcai couldn't help but marvel. In this case, I still have to talk about cooperation, how big is my heart!

"Shameless, you want us to help you harm people, delusion!" Six sisters shouted, never give in.

Qin Qi now knows that her name is Lin Ying, and she is outstanding in the generation of disciples of the Goddess Palace.

However, the age is not too small, although it is also within the scope of the younger generation, but it is much older than the third king, and nature can not be compared with the third king.

"Lin Lin, don't say that, I am a person, never mind who is tied, good people can do it, bad people are better, since you are not willing to swear, help me get a wicked person, not for the heavens? Qin Qihe laughed.

It is said that all the girls are staying, this idea is indeed novel, let them fall into meditation.

"Six teachers..." A woman couldn't help but open her mouth. Obviously, she was somewhat motivated, but she did not say it directly. Obviously she wanted Lin Ying to make a decision.

Lin Ying understood her meaning and could not help but hesitate.

"It looks like someone is choosing?" Qin Qi smiled slightly.

Lin Ying bites her teeth. There is such a person in her heart. It is a full-fledged thief. It is not a small fight for Yi Chengcai.

In the past, there have been many women, including disciples of the Goddess Palace. They have suffered unexpected events, and their reputation has been humiliated. Some women even succumb to this.

It is indeed a heinous person!

They heard that this person also came to this city of no fall, so after the investigation, there are also ancestral elders to follow, but I do not know why, the elders did not lend a helping hand.

As for Yi Chengcai, it’s just a matter of taking it by hand.

If you can, let Qin Qi deal with the thief, it is a good choice, after all, are wicked, it is best to lose both!

But can this shameless person really trust?

"There is a man!" Lin Ying hesitated again and again, still open.


"A sinister thief is more evil than him!" Lin Ying pointed to Yi Chengcai.

Yi Chengcai turned a blind eye, but then his face changed, saying: "You will not say, jade face Lang Jun?"

Yijia and Shennong Palace belong to the middle domain, and the location is adjacent. The information that there is naturally overlaps with the existing information. It is difficult to look at the face of Yi Chengcai. The whispered: "That is the guy with high morality, even if it is attracted, How to fight against the enemy?"

If the jade face Lang Jun wins Qin Qi, he seems to be able to escape, but the jade face Lang Jun is famous for his heart and soul, and there are many women who are insulted by him, but more men are killed by him.

Yi Chengcai believes that if Jade Face Lang Jun arrives, he will definitely kill him first!

"Why, are you afraid?" Lin Ying looked at Qin Qi, and admitted that he had said what Yi Chengcai said.

"Xuanjing is high, for the time being, it is a little beyond the scope of business, and this kind of person, even if it is seized, there is no place to ransom." Qin Qi shook his head. "My Goddess Palace unites many forces and has already issued a bounty mission. If you seize him, you will get 100 million stones!" Lin Yingdao.

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