God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2176: Self-cultivation of meat tickets

After a long time, the nine princes woke up, and his mouth sneered a sneer.

His memory has long been changed by Qin Qi, and the old man got it, but it is just what Qin Qi wants them to see.

The wrong thing in the yin and intuition comes from this.

"However, will she really take risks at this time?" Nine Prince thought, but this is Qin Qi's decision, he can only obey.

After that, it depends on whether Qin Qi can succeed.

Nine Princes found that he had fallen in love with this job. It was just a new life. He stopped thinking about the third king girl, but started planning, who should be looking for the next one!

At this moment, Qin Qi is in the world of Huang Quan.

With the continuous strength of Qin Qi, this Huangquan world has naturally become a reality, especially in the Taoist world. The cultivation system is an enhanced version of the Tianyuan World, and the potential of the Huangquan world is still very large.

"Who are you!" Lu Boxin stared at Qin Qi, his eyes were gloomy.

This person, even in a moment to plunder him into a small world, is indeed beyond imagination, but the realm of this person is not high, and even has not yet reached the Huang Zun.

And he, the son of Zhenbei Hou, the talent is high, the resources are huge, the younger is already Huang Zunqiang, the entire Yanyan Empire, there are few young people who can match him.

Not to mention a person whose realm is not as good as his.

"I don't care who I am, but I have sent a message to your family, a million stones, it depends on your value!" Qin Qi smiled slightly.

Huang Zun only, for Qin Qi, who is already a high-definition, can no longer pose any threat.

Not to mention Qin Qi’s instant shot, but with all his strength, no hand, one hit, Lu Boxin did not even have time to react.

"Abduction?" Lu Boxin stunned and immediately became angry: "You dare to kidnap me, do you know who I am?"

"Is this not nonsense?" Qin Qi shook his head.

"you wanna die!"

"It seems that you are going to let me tear the ticket?" Qin Qi looked at him, killing does not make any cover.

Lu Boxin suddenly felt stiff and felt this kind of killing. He was like an ice cave. Even the town of Beibei, a **** battlefield, did not seem to have such a pure killing.

Who is this!

Lu Boxin did not realize that he was already in the cold and sweat.

"Are you a royal family?"

After a while, Lu Boxin forced himself to calm down. He remembered the Nine Princes, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and he was actually counted by the nine princes.

When he goes out, he must let the nine princes die.

"Wrong, I will go to kidnap the third king girl later," Qin Qi shook his head.

"What?" Lu Boxin was shocked.

"Nine princes, you are yours!"

Lu Boxin responded.

"Okay, I was going to use him to change the stone. As a result, he helped me kidnap you. For the time being, he can let him be free." Qin Qi smiled slightly.

Lu Boxin's eyes are shaking, this is a madman, and now many of the top nobles in the battlefield are coming, wanting to salvage.

This is undoubtedly a crazy move.

But it is very tragic that he has been kidnapped now.

Lu Boxin was furious and only wanted to kill Qin Qi. However, there was no such qualification in the prison, and there was no such ability.

"You said that you want to kidnap the third king girl, the nine princes will help you to start your own king sister?" Lu Bo new eyes flashed, and finally asked.

He has been kidnapped and lost his face, so he certainly hopes that Qin Qi will kidnap more people.

Only in this way, he is not the only object that has been ridiculed.


Is the Nine Prince the first kidnapped?

However, in the same breath, it is the greatest shame.

The third king.

Yes, this proud and cold woman always presses him. If he can, Lu Boxin is even willing to help Qin Qi to kidnap.

In any case, he could not stand with the nine princes and became one of the two people kidnapped by Qin Qi.

"He wants to tell you the information, isn't it related to the third king girl? When you get there, you will also shoot." Qin Qi said lightly.

Lu Bo's new look changed.

It seems that Jiu Wang really relied on Qin Qi, even this kind of machine to secretly told Qin Qi.

"You want to take this opportunity to start?" Lu Boxin blinked. "But how do you know that she will be promoted at this time?"

"It may not be before, but now, it should be!" Qin Qi smiled.

The information that Jiu Wang had mastered was related to the third king. He knew the secret of the third woman, and that was her promotion condition.

The strength of the third king girl is extremely terrible. The talented champion is the great Yan Empire. Although Lu Boxin is strong, it is still a bit worse.

It can be said that the third king can be promoted at any time, but for some reason, she has not made up her mind to take that step.

But this state is also very dangerous.

Once it is disturbed, it may no longer be able to control and start to advance, and such a result is tantamount to weakening itself because it does not achieve the best results.

What Lu Boxin wanted to know from the Nine Princes was this and the way the third king was out of control.

Promotion is a great event for others, but it is a huge loss for the third king who has not yet reached the heart.

Lu Boxin certainly hopes so.

Moreover, this is only the most shallow cause and effect. If the third king is out of control and promoted, once something happens, it is not the imperfect state.

It is possible to become a waste person directly.

For the most powerful person of the younger generation of the royal family, as long as it is ruined, it is undoubtedly a happy event for the town of Houbei.

"The third king has already guessed that some people may know her weakness, and that the gods appear soon, she must be promoted immediately!" Lu Boxin figured out the key.

But he still doesn't understand why Qin Qi wants to do this.

Once the third king is alert, how can she be kidnapped?

"You don't need to know this," Qin Qidao, seeing Lu Boxin's doubts.

Lu Boxin blinked and knew that it must be the secret that Jiu Wang had not told him. There must be an opportunity for Qin Qi to take advantage of the loophole.

"The third king girl has two strong people, the yin and yang two old, is the royal family's offering, and the cultivation has reached the realm of Xuan Zun, you can find the loopholes, it is difficult to succeed!" Lu Boxin said.

Qin Qi looked at Lu Boxin with a funny smile and said: "You don't worry about yourself."

"One million stones, only the father will not be embarrassed, I only hope that you keep your promises, and then let go back." Lu Bo Xindao, "In addition, I think we can cooperate."

"You want to help me kidnap the third king girl?" Qin Qidao, the meat ticket of this year, is really a calmer than a.

"Yes, I can increase the success rate of your kidnapping of the third king. In addition, I can also provide you with another kidnapping object. If this ticket is successful, you should open five million stones directly!" Lu Boxin The light is flashing.

Since he is unlucky, it is natural that more people will be unlucky.

Especially his opponents, enemies, even more can not let go!

I have to say that the self-cultivation of Lu Boxin and Jiu Wang, the meat ticket, is by no means covered. Qin Qi can't help but be moved.

"A little bit, who do you want to tie?" Qin Qi laughed. "My brother!" Lu Bo Xin Shen channel.

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