God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2135: Ashura

Ayna Nathro is one of Shura's, not the strongest, but it must not be underestimated.

Of course, Qin Qi did not have the slightest care. At this moment, he just smiled: "This is the monk who wants to kill?"

"The donor is too murderous, killing too much, and Xiaoyan is willing to turn the donor!" Ayna Naluo slowly said.

"Shu Luo is a good war, how can there be less killing, and it is so good to me?" Qin Qixiao laughed.

"I am compassionate, and I am murderous. I am only for the sake of the people who have lost their way. The Buddha will forgive Xiaoyan." Ayna Naluo.

"The vultures of Buddhism, no matter who they believe in, do the pies are annoying, the same thing, others are evil, but you are repairing merits, and you are all occupied by you!" Qin Qi snorted.

"The donor is stubborn, but there is a small shackle, and it will help you to detach before you can't get rid of it!" Ayi Naxilu was indifferent, and his strength began to rise.

The Buddha is mighty, but like a evil spirit.

The Buddha's way of Devadado is the best proof of the Buddha's devil.

"The donor, Xiao Yan has something to know." Ayna Naluo suddenly said.

"You said."

"How do you know that Xiao Yan has a degree of heart?"

"Hey, who made you a Shura?" Qin Qi snorted, and there was a golden light on his body.

"卍字!" Ayna's face has a sudden change in color.

This time, it was really beyond his expectations.

Qin Qi is not a Buddhist man, but he has mastered the Buddha Gate?

This is no wonder.

The darkness of his body slowly rotates and begins to call power. No one can detect it, but if Qin Qi has the word, it is still somewhat inductive.

Of course, this is also the result of his care, otherwise it should be more concealed.

"Monk, the word is the essence of Buddhism, now, you have to improve me?" Qin Qi seems to laugh and laugh.

"Golden enamel, but it is the misinterpretation of Sakyamuni to the Buddha. Now that you have a chance to meet, you should guide you to the right path, so as not to be a disaster!"

Shura print!

Shura, in the Buddhism, is also an extremely powerful existence. It can be called a war Buddha. It is similar to the Vishna Gate, and is known for its combat power.

At this moment, Ayi Naxilu took this seal, and the power is of course strong. It is like the arrival of Ashura, the Buddha is full of power and boundless.

In the face of the overwhelming Shura Yin, the golden light of Qin Qi’s body is very prosperous, and he does not use other means. There are two Buddha shadows appearing behind him, and his hands are immediately shot.

Luozha Yin.

Yaksha print!

After Qin Qi entered the foreign world, he rarely used these forces. However, today, since he met the strong Buddha, he can use it.

After all, there is the existence of the Emperor Dragon Road, even if it is the law of the Tianyuan world, it is not weak.

In addition, the power of Sakyamuni and Devadado are mutually restrained, and the effect is certainly good.

Sure enough, the two seals came out together, Ayna Naluo was also shocked in the heart, did not expect Qin Qi to hold two Buddhist handprints.

And it is still Yaksha and Rakshasa.

The double-print overlap, that is, Shura Yin, did not dare to say victory, was resisted.

"The donor is really unexpected, but unfortunately, it goes astray!" Ayna Naluo's pale golden eyes are constantly flashing, and the black and white characters almost reveal pupils!

Immediately, his ordinary monk's body began to split, and a large black body stood up from it, and looked like a evil spirit.

This is the body of Ayinthullah, which looks more burly than the Titans.

He has four eyes, four arms, and his body is fierce, like burning.

Is it the peak in the yellow?

The star that departs from that choice will be in the same realm.

Qin Qi blinked his eyes, and naturally he would not have reservations. He has already entered the state of killing the wolves, and at the same time, he has a soul-wu fusion with many martial arts.

He stepped forward and the golden light of the word shines, behind him not only Rakshasa and Yaksha, but also a statue of a dragon Buddha.

This is the power of the dragon's egg.

"Eight Dragons, you accounted for the Dragons, Yasha, and the same Rakshasa as the Yaksha, it is really surprising, is it that you are from the Buddha world?" Ayna Nathu low.

In his view, the vast universe, with such a complete inheritance of Buddhism, only the Buddha world and the Taoist world.

Qin Qi should not come from the Taoist world, then it can only be a Buddhist world.

It was only the last to defect from Buddhism and to renovate other avenues.

"I am not!" Qin Qi shook his head.

To get the answer, Ayna Naluo did not ask anything more, and shot it.

The strength of the peak in the yellow world, and the Shura people who are known for their combat power, the power of this Ayna Nathu is terrible.

Even the physical strength is only weakened by Qin Qi.

Of course, Qin Qi has already fought a battle with this level of power, and accumulated experience, but it can support it.

However, he has not recovered from the injury. Now, I am afraid that there is no possibility of winning this Ayurveda.

The reason why I have to fight is Qin Qi who wants to take the Bodhi tree.

This Ayna Nairo is good, but in the end it is so difficult. Obviously, I don’t want Qin Qi to cure the Bodhi tree.

I am afraid that what he said before is fake.

Or part of it is fake.

And he knows that after the Bodhi tree restores its mind, it will poke his lies.

This will only choose to do it.

Knowing this, Qin Qi wants to take the Bodhi tree away, because with the deep contact between the soul chain and the soul of the Bodhi tree, Qin Qi has basically been able to conclude that this is the original Bodhi tree.

It’s just that in these years, its change has been too great. Not only has the tree been transformed, but even the soul, I’m afraid it has changed once, and the past breath has only been left very little.

This is equivalent to the Nirvana of the Phoenix family, and I don’t know what the Bodhi tree has experienced in the past few years.

The other reason for taking the Bodhi tree is the dragon dance.

The dragon light dance was originally left with the trampoline and the Bodhi tree, but now the Bodhi tree is here, but there is no evil spirit and dragon dance.

They, where are they now?

Is it true that as this Ayna Nathro said, is it into the mysterious universe of the legendary universe - the eternal Buddha?

Qin Qi must figure it out.

"The donor, you are hurting, or let the little tempering speed quickly, otherwise you will suffer the pain that you should not bear!" After Ayna Naluo released the complete body, the fighting power was too strong, and there was already a crackdown. .

He also saw that Qin Qi wanted to take the Bodhi tree.

However, he rooted the bodhi tree here, and how could he not be arranged. The roots of the deep underground have already been nailed into countless Buddha nails, that is, they do not want accidents.

And staying in the Bodhi tree until now, even the dormant soul did not move, for that, is the auxiliary role of Bodhi tree for enlightenment.

Otherwise, how can he leave the soul of the Bodhi tree to the present?

When Qin Qi bit his teeth, he found it difficult to take the Bodhi tree away. It was not possible at first, but after the war, there was no chance.

Is it really necessary to flee first?

Just now I have escaped, I am afraid there will be no more opportunities.

"The donor, your Buddhist temple is still lacking. At this moment, let you see, what is the supreme power of my Buddha!" ​​Ayna Naluo whispered, and a horrible handprint re-aggregated.

Shura printed?

No, no, it is Ashura!

The strongest existence of the Shura is the Ashura, and it is also the existence of the eight dragons.

This Ashura print, the power of the world, the power of Qin Qi can not resist it.

Can only be retired!

Although Qin Qi does not want to, but it can only be so.

However, on the occasion of the suppression of Ashura, a big clock was blocked in front of Qin Qi.


Heaven and Earth Resonance! Qin Qi’s eyes widened, and the incredible look at the bell and the young man standing behind the clock.

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