God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1835: Strange mountain

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-five chapters

Among these patrols, there are many masters, and the existence of Platinum is stronger than Qin Qi after the promotion.

But the sea of ​​flowers they encounter, and the flower monsters that grow in them, are even more dangerous and terrifying.

In addition to the flame power of Don Sinno, it is extremely difficult to kill the ghost vines that can be regenerated.

So in the end, nothing happened.

But what is strange is that after killing all the patrol players, the flower sea, including those powerful flower monsters, even the ghost vines, all began to wither and eventually turned into dead leaves.

Of course, along with the patrols of the patrols.

After all this is over, except for the dead leaves and the weathered bones, there is only a growing murderousness.

Even in the air, you can hear a low-pitched whisper, it is cold, full of killing, evil spirits!

These changes, Qin Qi they do not know.

They stayed in the reddish area for a whole day until everyone's state recovered, and it began to re-plan the next step.

The inexplicable flower seas have disrupted their patrol plans, and now it is almost impossible to get back on track and follow the original path.

They have already deviated far, and if they return, they will face the horrible flower sea again.

Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo have an intuition, that is, some terrible things are happening.

When I rushed back to the area of ​​Huahai, the ghost knew what would be attracted. Qin Qi did not believe that the ghost vine that had just reached the stage of Platinum was the killer of this strange flower sea.

"I have a suggestion to go here." But it was a suggestion to kill the accident.

Qin Qi glanced at the position he pointed to. According to the map, it was not the green area.

“What's there?” Qin Qi asked.

From the beginning to kill the love to seek cooperation, he felt that the purpose of killing love is not simple, but now it seems that killing love is preparing for the showdown.

This is also the reason why Qin Qi entered the platinum, otherwise it would not be so easy to reveal this matter.

"I said before that we have a brother in the bipolar sect in the town of Haotian, and his initial job area is this long snake work, and this kills blood."

"Because of this convenience, my brother knows more about killing blood and blood, and once, he accidentally found a creation in the **** battle!" Killing love slowly.

"What do you mean, let us help you find this fortune?" Qin Qi smiled.

Killing his heart and shaking his head, said: "I naturally do not dare to ask for help from Qin Gongzi, but according to my brother, he only got a small part of the creation."

"But even so, the income still allowed him to grow into a platinum existence. Therefore, if you can find a complete creation, then it should be a risky thing for Qin Gongzi."

Qin Qi just listened. He said nothing about killing his heart. When he finished killing his heart, he asked: "Why don't you say this kind of thing, why are you coming to me? Just say your brother, how can you put it? Don't give this to you, give it to your sister?"

"Because he can't get it!"


"The kind of creation, the most test is killing, killing, killing, killing, but my brother is in the way of killing, the talent is not as good as me, the limit he can get is the part that was originally obtained."

"And what I can get is no doubt more than him. This is of great significance to the bipolar."

"In addition, in the accomplishment of killing, I obviously can't compare with Qin Gongzi, so the Qin Gongzi should get more than me at that time." Killing the heart and saying.

"You know how to win."

"I want to make it clear that if I don't rely on Qin Gongzi, maybe I have no chance to connect with the creation."

"The last question, why don't you rely on your brother to find this fortune?"

Killing the heart of the brother, the strength is still above Qin Qi, and it is still the same door, how to see is more reliable than Qin Qi.

And there is no need to divide it.

Killing the heart and hearing the words, the dawn flashed, and Qin Qi whispered: "This news was revealed to me after the brothers learned of the existence of Qin Gongzi."

Qin Qi’s eyes picked up slightly and said: “What do you mean?”

"I think that the creation should be true. As for the others, what does Qin Gongzi think?"

Qin Qi smiled and said: "Let's go see it."

Although the killing of love did not say clearly, but has already revealed a message to Qin Qi.

And just in time, this inexplicable flower sea appears, which makes it harder to kill any place in the blood.

In this case, why not choose to believe in killing love, to find this so-called creation!

As for what kind of minds there are in the heart of the brothers, this relationship is not big. After all, if the other party really has any plans in it, it can only show that this creation does have something, and it may be a bit bigger than imagined. !

In this way, Qin Qi chose the path to move forward.

According to the direction of killing love, that area is not considered deep red, but it is also right, otherwise it is difficult to get close to the brother who is killing the heart.

However, the red area is also much more dangerous than the safe path, and it is more rugged, and all kinds of powerful strange flowers are endless.

Even if Qin Qi is in front, it is a little difficult to resist.

However, there was no big problem at all. After three days, Qin Qi successfully reached the position marked by the killing of love.

"It seems to be here." Qin Qi said.

This area in front of you is obviously different from other places.

Here, it is covered with grass blades like steel guns. The blades of grass are huge and look almost like a jungle.

And exceptionally, there is a steep mountain in the grassy jungle. .

Not too high, not to mention any grandeur, but in this bloody, it is already a unique existence.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation. This place is indeed suspicious, and such a special area should not be marked on the map.

Did it only become like this recently?

A gust of wind blew, and the sound of screaming sounded, it was blown by the wind in the grassy leaves.

However, this grass leaf is like a steel gun, how can it be blown by the wind?

Is it that the grass leaves are moving!

Thinking of this, when I look again, this red swaying blade of grass is like a wide open mouth, as if preparing to devour the outsider.

At the same time, Qin Qi’s heart was awkward, and the feeling before it was even stronger.

"Look, is there a woman standing in a red dress on the mountain?" Tang Sinuo suddenly said, pointing at the ghost-like mountain.

Qin Qi quickly looked at the past, and then the pupil couldn't help but shrink!

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